Various projects on my list

I've got an unending list of small projects for the house. So fun! It's like my own personal playground in there. Here's a sampling.
See that clear acrylic table in front of the couch in my office area? It's part of a set of 3 cheap nesting tables I got on eBay. I picked them because I liked how they didn't look bulky and I can rearrange them all the time. The problem: I keep running into them because they're clear and I'm a klutz. So I plan to draw some sort of design on them with a white Sharpie paint pen.

It could look cool, right? Here's an example of something related: the Timber Table from Gus Modern. (Photo from Gus.)

Next. A confession: I created an art forgery. I had a Rifle Paper calendar sitting around and decided that something flowery and patterned just like that would be precisely the thing to add to our patterned dining room. Except no Rifle prints come in 2 ft by 3 ft, so I painted one. Er, as artists like to say, "it's an homage to" Anna Bond? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?
I don't know what came over me since I don't even LIKE really flowery things that much. The room made me do it. I'm having second thoughts and maybe I'll put something else there. Not flowery. More modern. Either that, or this canvas needs a frame. On the to-do list: solve this problem.

And then I have this parrot fabric. I'm thinking it could go on the folding chairs we'll pull up to the table when we have extra guests. I could spray paint the frames and reupholster the seats; people can sit on the parrots. OR I could decoupage them onto a tray and set a vase of greenery on those birds.
Those are three projects from my list of 500.
Where did you get the parrot fabric - so cute!
Etsy. It's an African wax print fabric.
only 3??? i want more from your busy clever mind! you're adding to the list in tomorrow's post, right?
btw i just love the sharpie/acrylic idea! (i forgot about drawing on our ikea lack tables, so thanks!)
your painting would also look adorable under your "clear" coffee table (or just paint the table with your new floral inspiration.
I love the idea you have for the end table!
I think the painting looks great there, but I agree that a frame might be the way to go.
Good luck with all your projects! Can't wait to see how they turn out.
Oh my gosh, I love this decor! Thanks for sharing - you should post the rest of your list!
The idea you had with your nesting tables is awesome! I hope you will show us the final result, I really am curious to see what you will create. And your homage to Anna Bond is so beautiful!
Please feel free to post about your home projects! I love reading them and they are always a great source of inspiration! :)
I am moving in a new home next month and I also feel like it's a big playground... or maybe the adult version of a dollhouse haha
For what it's worth, I think a frame will add immensely to your painting. Now just to decide what kind!
I think this is my first time commenting, but just had to say: That dining room is VERY graphic! Love it!
Oh, I love your flowers artwork, it's really lovely, and actually, for me, it doesn't even need a frame, I think it looks great as is! Congrats!! :-)
Nice interior designing!
Fantastic design and art! We would love to feature this on our Small House Plans Page on our website. ^_^ Thanks so much for sharing.
LOVE THIS BLOG - moochstyle
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