A farewell to orange

Dear friends, the time has come. This blog is going into retirement. I'm packing it a suitcase stuffed with coral golf shirts, pumpkin plaid shorts, and tangerine tube socks and sending it off to hit golf balls in the sunny land of old blogs that had a good run.
If you know me in real life, you know I've been talking about finishing up this project for... oh, a couple of years now. Blogging has always been just a hobby for me, and I've avoided turning it into a full-time business with big collaborations, brand partnerships, and sponsored everythings. I never even bought a real domain name. I love graphic design, my bread and butter, and it has become too demanding to run this blog and get my client work done, which is always my first priority.
But I'm not disappearing. All the old posts will remain, plus we will stay internet friends. Here's where to find me:
How About Orange Facebook page (because I can't quit cold turkey, and will likely post more frequently there. Click "Get Notifications" under the Like tab.)Thank you, everyone, for your friendship, comments, and company for the last 7 1/2 years. God bless you and keep you, and make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
Me on Instagram
Me on Twitter
Me on Pinterest
My graphic design site blog
My graphic design Facebook page
The Oscar bingo mailing list (yes, I am still making Oscar bingo every year!)
Um, leaving now. Okay. Right. Done. The end.