Noisli soothing noise generator

When you're trying to work without distraction but need a little background noise, or you're struggling to relax and fall asleep, you might like Noisli. It's a website and app that lets you pick different sounds to play, including rain, a fan, white noise, crickets, and more. Play multiple sounds at the same time if you want to get crazy. The coffee shop is the best— freelancers feeling lonely at their desks can just turn on a background hum of people talking and dishes clattering. Instant fake human contact. Try it out.
Well, that was fun. Tried 'em all, but couldn't decide which one I liked best. Guess it'd depend on the day.....
Thanks so much for the tip! I have a new baby who totally konks out when I play white noise, but the app I had wouldn't play in the background - I couldn't use my phone while baby used it! This one is so nice to look at, the sounds are great, AND it plays in the background. The one negative is it's kind of huge. 250mb, more than my mail!
Thanks again!
Neat! I'll have to share this with a friend who works from home. He occasionally uses this site, which only has cafe sounds:
thank you! been looking for something like this :)
Can't hear a thing, even though my pc speakers are on... Perhaps this only works on phones or something?
I'm using a desktop and it works for me. Make sure the little speaker icon in the upper right corner of the page is clicked to show the sound waves coming out from it, and not muted with the X.
That was fun! thanks!
I had this going in my headphones all day at work yesterday (on my PC). It was wonderful! Thank you for sharing. :)
Having the same problem on my PC: no sound! Everything else on the site works (the color-changing background, etc), but no noisli!
Tried it both on IE and Firefox (and yes, my speakers are un-muted and so is the site). Bummer.
Curiosity got the best of me, so I tried both IE11 and Chrome, and both worked just fine. I wonder what makes it run... JAVA perhaps? Some computers might not have that installed anymore, since it's supposedly a risk to use. Quicktime maybe? That can be downloaded. There's a contact button on the Noisli site... email them and ask! (And of course turn up your volume if you haven't tried that already.)
It has #s in the links. That's non-standard html, and probably why it doesn't work for some people, like me. I did get it to work with chrome.
Another one, with video:
I used to use this at work all the time, then it stopped working, all other sound works just not this site, the speaker in the top right corner is on. I have no idea what's wrong.
If it is muted it could be because they use SoundCloud which might be blocked where you are. This is the problem with mine.
I can't get it to make a sound.
sorrry if this is a double post but I looged in and now my post isn't showing. If anyone can tell me how to get this working, I would like to know. I have zero sound. Everything else has sound and when I moved the sound up or down on my laptop, it dings but no sound at all from the site.
Here is free alternative for Android
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