Last-minute Halloween paper crafts | How About Orange

October 30, 2013

Last-minute Halloween paper crafts

It's not too late to make a last-minute Halloween paper toy! Get the fam printing and folding these free DIY projects tonight.
Retro pumpkin treat basket at My Paper Crane
Little desk dracula by Samantha Eynon (scroll down on the page to find him)
Cute Halloween menagerie from Happy Thought


Grandma G said...

Can't. No printer ink. A word to the wise... don't order ink from Amazon... they may send you a used cartridge. Grrr.


Jessica Jones said...


Christy クリスティ said...

eeek so cute! i love the halloween paper animals. Thanks for the heads up. Happy Halloween!

pengobatan penyakit jantung said...

hellowen ?

Rocky said...

These are nice design for Halloween. You really are artistic.

ann said...

love these! that retro pumpkin is the best!

Ellen said...

Many thanks for including us in this fab round up! Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!
Ellen at Happythought