Build your own paper globe

I just came across Joachim Robert's Le Paper Globe, a free papercraft model you can build. Download and print the pieces in English or French, A4 or letter size. Click through the step-by-step assembly instructions on the website for how to construct this terrestrial ball.
The PDF is editable in Adobe Illustrator, so feel free to make any customizations you like. See globes made by others on Le Paper Globe's Facebook page. Globes shown here are by An-Magritt Moen, Georgia Polo, and A Merry Mishap.
I've been looking up vintage globes on Etsy, but this seems like a nice and cheap alternative.
Love it!
I love maps, and this globe looks wonderful. Thank you for sharing it!
It gives me ideas... ;-)
terrifically fun project; thanks for sharing!
Ooh these are pretty!! I've been wanting a globe but they're expensive and I like that they're customizable!!
This is great! I've been wanting to buy a globe for a long time now. Glad you shared this! :)
Hi, I'm Marjorie from the Netherlands. Yesterday, April 30, was the ultimate orange day. It was our last Queensdag overheren and everything was orange. As yo may or may not know is that our royal family is from the House of Orange. So, with every festivity everthing overhere is orange and everybody wears orange. You may have noticed that sometimes with sportsgames like the Olympics. As from yesterday we have a new king and we had a very big orange celebration. Perhaps you should google this (Holland, king, queensdag). Have fun.
I think thats a great idea for a gift, can mark a special place, for example...
Thanks for sharing!
Have a nice day, Susann
Marjorie, I think I live in the wrong country!
I was thinking this was going to be a good Courtney project... till I downloaded it and looked at the directions this morning. 14 pages to print! It's much more intricate (and sturdy) than I thought. Good thing I didn't mention it to her yesterday. ;) But I want to make one for myself someday. :)
Your links are the best! I have used the box template you alerted your readers to several times. Thanks for scanning the web for us.
This just made my day. No lie.
I love it!!! I´m going to customize one with my kids this weekend!!
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