Cute alphabet bunting printable | How About Orange

July 22, 2010

Cute alphabet bunting printable

Have you seen the printable alphabet-letter bunting available at Ruffled? Download all 26 letters to spell out any message you could possibly think up. Instant party! (Via 74 Lime Lane.)


Oh, My Darling said...

Wow, thanks for sharing! This is so perfect for birthday parties.

Grandma G said...

Ooohh... I could use those for my beer party! H-A-V-E A B-E-E-R O-N M-E !!!

Oh, dear... for those who didn't see those particular comments 'way back when', it might make me sound pretty bad, huh? ;)


Jessica Jones said...

Yes, you sound HORRIBLE!

I'm still waiting for my invitation to your party.

Grandma G said...

But you were gonna be gone! Are you still gonna be gone?

Maxabella said...

Thanks for sharing this. What a great idea!

Jessica Jones said...

Well... yes.

Ruth said...

These are so cute! I think that I'm going to print some out on a very small scale (1 or 2 inches), hang them on some embroidery floss or thread and make a mini banner. Thanks for sharing!

Danielle said...

this is adorable!

Bek said...

Oh man! Could have totally used those back in May for a friend's baby shower. Had to make my own instead. It's always so much easier just using other people's hard-earned work... ;)

Christy クリスティ said...

Too cute! I love it!

emily said...

I LOVED this link. Thank you so much!

Red Charlotte said...

Thank you for sharing this with us. Very thoughtful!

silly eagle books said...

this is gorgeous! thanks for sharing!!

KeTreKo said...

I love bunting-garlands!!! Thank you.

Brooke said...


rsp2538 said...

wow! very lovely!! thanks for sharing!!

Alicia said...

These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? said...

How timely! My kids are loving buntings right am I, of course! :)

Erin @ Slipcover Your Life said...

OOOOOOH! Fun! Can't wait!

Naheeda said...

wow! Thank you for sharing!
Can use them for my 2nd wedd anniv this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh no the link doesn't seem to be working anymore. Is anyone else having this problem?

Anonymous said...

My friend made this for her boyfriends going away party, she ironed on pictures of him making funny faces on every 8th one. It added a cute and personal touch to the banner.