Devrah's wall art project | How About Orange

December 01, 2008

Devrah's wall art project

HAO reader Devrah emailed me a picture of the fabric wall art she made. I love it! She wanted a 6' x 2' piece of art, so to save money, she bought two 2' x 3' frames and screwed them together, then stretched black and white IKEA fabric over the whole thing. And the best part: she used orange fabric paint to fill in some of the shapes in the print to coordinate with her bookshelves, shown below. Genius!

It looks like IKEA is no longer selling the exact print Devrah used, but you could add your own color to one of these black and white prints. For instructions for stretching fabric over frames, see here.


Grandma G said...

That's so great! Especially filling in the orange! Way to go, Devrah!

Anonymous said...

I never would have thought to add color to a fabric that way! What a great idea!

ellencrimitrent said...

great idea when you need to fill up some space. I am in need to clean out my space!

Crystal said...

aak! That shelf! yum.

High On Craft said...

That is totally brill. Love it. I'm definitely storing that in my mental file!

Anonymous said...

Cool!!! That's cool! really. you have a great sense of art.

Anonymous said...

I totally want to do this right now!

jen duncan said...


Live a Colorful Life said...

Devrah, that shelf color is the best!

Anonymous said...

That's such a great idea! Thanks!

yawningdog said...

I can't find fabric to match my mango colored breakfast nook. Whenever we get the bench built, I plan on getting one of IKEA's black and white print and painting in the exact shades I need.

Unknown said...

how clever, love that fabric

Unknown said...

and did I mention this would be perfect for my new house

Learning Spanish at 41 said...

Gotta love stuff all around and great design!

Anonymous said...

I have a little tip to share re: painting on fabric. Before you bust open your paints, iron freezer paper (yes, the stuff you can buy at the grocery store!) to the "wrong side" (aka back) of your fabric. Use a dry iron on a hot setting (make sure it's not too hot for fabric though!) and iron the paper shiny side down to the "wrong side" of the fabric. The fabric will be easier to paint AND will absorb more of the paint! Let the paint dry, peel paper off & your fabric is now ready for your crafty project! :)

Jessica Jones said...

Thanks very much, Kate!

Anonymous said...

Check out this cheap and easy frame from IKEA just for displaying fabric as art.

Jessica Jones said...

Good tip! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the orange behind the bookshelves! Brilliant idea!

*emilie* said...

thats a great idea !

Jack Kinley said...

I bought a leaf pattern print at IKEA to add some privacy to my art studio (one wall is full of interior-facing windows — it's an odd old space). I color in a little every day to kickstart the creative juices. And I ask guests to color it in whenever they visit as a way of leaving their mark in the space.

Jessica Jones said...

Jack: that sounds fantastic!