What color are you? | How About Orange

September 11, 2008

What color are you?

I can't say I put much stock in astrology, but I was curious to know what color matches up with my birthday on Pantone's Colorstrology website. Turns out I'm "Fiery Red," which equals "Enterprising, Visionary, Leader." "You have come into this world to be a leader. You are active and lively and want to stand out and express your unique point of view. It is important for you to develop independence and to try new things. You are innovative and enterprising and have the ability to manifest your will if you stay centered." Hmm, I'm not sure I'm as ambitious as all that, but it's something to strive for. Do your day's description and color fit you?


s a n s k u :) said...

Not one bit. :P

Jessica Jones said...

Bummer. :)

Nicole said...

It had me as "Apricot". It said I was musical. Um. I'm not, but I do like to sing in the car and shower, if that counts.

It did say one of my sons was Kind, Intellegent, and Socially something. Which I would agree with. (What mom doesn't think her child is intellegent??)

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Nope. But I'm not surprised since I don't put much stock in the actual DAY I was born. Too many variables based on this very specific point of view.

Grandma G said...

I'd say "stable and practical" fits me... but I'm supposed to "resist the tendency to be stubborn". Hmmmm..... ;-)))


Amanda said...

I'm spicy orange - and the description sounded A LOT like me!

Tisas Creations said...

I'm coral blush...gentle and soothing...yeah, right when I'm sleeping! ha! Just kidding!!! this is interesting I added it to my blog

Anonymous said...

Nope - not me.

maritessb said...

eloquent, funny, and agile... i don't know. especially eloquent.
= \. Nice thought though.

gina said...

yes, mine (10/07) hit the nail on the head so to speak. I loved how that sight worked- so pretty.

Anonymous said...

Nope, not me. Not at all. But it's always fun to click these things :)

Rowena said...

mine was fairly accurate, but I think it would be more interesting if they picked a version of that color for each DAY of the astrological sign.

November was Claret red, but how many shades of deep red are there? I think Pantone could have taken farther.

Jessica Jones said...

They did; if you click on your month, you'll see a little calendar of dots at the top. Click on your day, and you'll get a unique shade of red with its own description.

Alex Louisa said...

Heh - well I'm going to hope that mine's right. It says that I have the ability to create financial wealth and prosperity!!

And following my soul's purpose sounds nice....

But I'm supposed to surround myself in "Ash Rose".


Michelle said...

Mine was actually pretty accurate. That was fun.

Anonymous said...

I like what my color had to say about my month. That is very interesting.

oliver rain said...

Mine was pretty accurate, even though the colour itself was as bit boring, Juniper Green?

charleneanderson said...

Mine was right on the money. I'm High Risk Red.

debbiec said...

don't be jealous. i'm java orange! and that makes me HAPPY, and the description fits to a tee, so i guess it's a match! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I was born in March and it was right on, but I do not get into the astrology...

Bela said...

Totally, totally wrong. LOL!

Alison said...

Aspen yellow. I like the color. I'm not so sure about the description.

Alfred T. Mahan said...

Oh, you're going to LOVE this, Jess.

*ahem* I am "passionate, a leader and romantic" (three adjectives that pop into everyone's head when they think of me, I am certain); akin to "a racecar driver" I need to harness and focus my dynamic energies. I need to wear, meditate or surround myself with something called Smoky Grape to balance my wisdom wth purpose and direction.

Yes, I've always thought of myself as a light purple person. Especially in the wardrobe department... :P

Julia said...

Mine is spot on! And I love the colour it chose for me - one of my favourites. I'm sceptical though so assuming its a coincidence!

Anonymous said...

Magenta wash is nothing like me; and its not a color I like, but my partner's is spot on - including his two favorite shades!

June said...

..."creative and dynamic and meant to do great things..."smoky grape Hmmm, I'd better get busy. Funny thing is, just as you are attracted to all that is orange, I am attracted to all that is purple.

Rebecca said...

That was a fun website.

The Nicholsons said...

Dang. So I just figured out why, despite never being an "orange" person, I'm addicted to a blog called "How about Orange."

Turns out, I was orange all along.

ellencrimitrent said...

hello fello aries!! I am fiery red too!! Well suffice to say yesterday I was totally feeling red and not in a good way, I think I need to work out to get it all out!!

Have a great day fellow Red!

Rebekah said...

mine did. i was a lilac, and the weird thing is that for years i swore i hated purple, but then whenever i bought stuff for my room i would end up getting everything in shades of purple. nothing else ever felt right, so i finally embraced it. weird.

doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo

Olivia Craig said...

How fun! I did it for myself as well as my husband and two kids. All of them were right on! I mean my husband isn't into wearing any kind of lavender, but the descriptions were very accurate...even for my daughter who is only 5 months old.

Jessica Jones said...

Ah, Rebekah, now it all makes sense! Ha.

Mahan, you crack me up. Uh, yeah. A RACE CAR DRIVER!?! Smoky grape! I'm giggling out loud. Guys, I know him. This is the most unfitting description I've ever heard. Well, actually I do think he might be a closet romantic, though he would deny it.

Nevis said...

I thought it sorta fit my fiance and I.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm a smoky grape racecar driver too!
I don't think anyone I know would recognise that description of me.

Anonymous said...

Lavendar Mist - Writer, Creative, Emotional. RIGHT on target. I've always thought the description of Pisces was dead set, but to see it be so true on my exact day is bizarre.

Liz in Kansas said...

Jess, I'm amazed that your color was NOT orange! Mine was right on - my favorite color and even the name of the color was my favorite flower! Description was OK and the description for DH was very good, but Ash Rose? He'd rather wear thorns!

lsaspacey said...

The description was good, sounded like me but the color was so off.a rich purple alright, lavender or any other pastel is just not me. So I don't know what to think.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That could not have been further from my personality.

Alfred T. Mahan said...

Darn right I'd deny it! Most vociferously, too! Romantic bilge! Codswallop, say I!

By thunder, that description was at odds and sods with everything I am! I'm going to retire to me club for a cigar and a book, and I'm NOT coming out until my sulk is over...

Jessica Jones said...

So, what, you're going to be in there for like 1 second?

dee said...

Interesting concept.

Ros said...

Apparently I'm 'Virtual Pink'. I don't even know what that means!!

NyteRayn said...

The descriptions for both my color & my boyfriend's color fit our personalities perfectly... AND described how we fit together. Charming! :)

Anonymous said...

Im always interested in things that might help me discover me- little tid bits along the way. Its always fascinating to read what people put out there. There were a few things that were similar but not pin pointed. there are too many variables in everyones life to generalize it all. :) but thanks for putting it out there.

Leanne said...

Yes. Surprising no one more than me. :)

Anonymous said...

It didn't fit, but the graphics were fun

Anonymous said...

I found this today.
It is just like me and it is my favourite colour too!! Green Glow. I like it.