A farewell to orange | How About Orange

May 16, 2014

A farewell to orange

Dear friends, the time has come. This blog is going into retirement. I'm packing it a suitcase stuffed with coral golf shirts, pumpkin plaid shorts, and tangerine tube socks and sending it off to hit golf balls in the sunny land of old blogs that had a good run.

If you know me in real life, you know I've been talking about finishing up this project for... oh, a couple of years now. Blogging has always been just a hobby for me, and I've avoided turning it into a full-time business with big collaborations, brand partnerships, and sponsored everythings. I never even bought a real domain name. I love graphic design, my bread and butter, and it has become too demanding to run this blog and get my client work done, which is always my first priority.

But I'm not disappearing. All the old posts will remain, plus we will stay internet friends. Here's where to find me:
How About Orange Facebook page (because I can't quit cold turkey, and will likely post more frequently there. Click "Get Notifications" under the Like tab.)
Me on Instagram
Me on Twitter
Me on Pinterest
My graphic design site blog
My graphic design Facebook page
The Oscar bingo mailing list (yes, I am still making Oscar bingo every year!)
Thank you, everyone, for your friendship, comments, and company for the last 7 1/2 years. God bless you and keep you, and make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.



Um, leaving now. Okay. Right. Done. The end.


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ty said...

Oh, no! I have really enjoyed your blog. Thanks for writing it so far. I'm starting to follow you on Pinterest right now.
From my orange living room (the walls are really orange, as is the hallway ceiling), take care, and goodbye :)

Anonymous said...

Loved your blog. Seven years is an incredible run. Best of luck in all your endeavors. Thank you for creating a world of orange.

Cammee said...

I will miss all of the original things you showed/taught us in a world of cookie cutter ideas. Best of luck!

Wanda W said...

Oh no... I have thoroughly enjoyed your posts and you will be missed...

I-Shüan said...

Well THIS isn't the post I was looking for today! This is indeed sad news. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity over the years! It's been a big orange inspiration!

-Colleen said...

Farewell, you will be missed!

kickpleat said...

You'll be missed, but hooray that your work is keeping you busy and you are doing what you love best!! Hooray!

Anonymous said...

I really loved to read your blog. Thanks for all the nice posts.
Greetings from Vienna.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
I know my comment is only one among hundreds...but, just wanted to let you know how much I have really loved and appreciated your blog. I first stumbled on it when I was searching for paper decoration ideas -- your tutorials for paper flowers and balls and all sorts of things were SO great when I've hosted baby showers & other events. Working in a more technical field (hello, alex!), it was always such a nice breath of fresh air & creativity to check out your blog during lunch time. I will truly miss it, but wish you the best as you make your new home something really fabulous. Your recent posts have really inspired me to be more bold in our decor at home, too, because...why not? :)

Thanks again!

Milene Nelson said...

this is so sad.

Jessica Jones said...

Everyone, thank you so much for each of your comments. It means so much to me! When you leave a job or move away, sometimes people throw you a party. Ending the blog feels sort of like moving away, so thank you for the virtual "goodbye party! You're the best.

jimena said...

Best Wishes. Thank You I will miss you.

shelley said...

No!! You need to stay!! Can we be once a month blog post friends ?? :) I love your blog!

Jen_nifer said...

I understand the need to move on, but I'm going to miss the blog. I've added your Facebook page and wish you all the best with what you'll be focusing on.

Kaz said...

So sad to hear this Jessica! You were my first ever adventure into blogging and an inspiration to me.

Sending you the best of luck with your future projects and thank you for sharing your wonderful, wonderful blog over the last few years..



Ruby Jewls said...

Although I am very sad to see you go, I wish you the best. This site will remain in my library of fantastic craft reference materials. Thank you so much for leaving the content up.

Isabella (12) said...

Hi, i have loved you posts for sooooo long i would check it everyday about three or four times, and i got annoyed with the teachers at school because they banned blogs. I told all of my friends about your blog and i really love it. Im so sad to hear this. Your blog will be missed, good luck with your projects and you have really cut down my daily internet procrastinating! :P Thank you

Needle little Balance said...

Oh no! Will miss your blog!

Anonymous said...

Sad! I'm going to miss your blog. It's always been such a highlight. Best wishes to you!!!


JackieNj said...

Hi Jess,

I will miss your blog.

Sarah said...

I let out an audible gasp when I read you were stopping your blog! Your's has been the only one I have consistently read over the last few years. You have so many creative ideas and I have been inspired to try many of your craft projects myself. I love your fabric designs so much I had some (Fireworks) sent here to England to make cushions - they are so bright and cheerful and many people comment on them. And I've really enjoyed your writing style, with your witty comments and observations. I just wanted you to know how much I've enjoyed your blog - and to wish you well for the future.

Unknown said...

I've never commented here either but have been reading your site for years. I love your sense of style and the creative projects you've shared and wish you all the best in your future commercial endeavors!

Debbie said...

Oh I wish you the best! Thanks for featuring my Triple-Zips from your mom now and then AND especially for all the other great content. I've enjoyed....

Lizzie said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I mean, I wish you the very best, but I cannot tell you how much I will miss your posts. You are my absolute favorite blog. I love everything you do. That sounds kinda stalky, but it just is what it is. I can't begin to state how much you'll be missed. :(

ELK said...

Oh no! Where will I get my time wasters from now? Totally understand but will sorely miss this site. I got a great original Helen Dardik piece through your reccomend of her site so for that thank you and maybe just throw us all a bone (post) once in awhile? hmmmmm? Maybe please???

Rachael D. said...

I am also a long time reader and have occasionally left comments. You are a great designer and I love your clever, resourceful mind!!! I will sincerely miss my daily orange!

What blog (s) do you recommend I switch to/start following?

Letterpress said...

Add my voice to the chorus of goodbyes. I'll miss you, but am glad you're not taking down the content, as I still refer to a lot (I keep of list of Most Useful/Inspirational Posts, and the majority of them are yours).

Thanks for the lovely time here. Wish I had the courage to pull the plug on a couple of my blogs!


Unknown said...

Thank you for the many years of crafting fun. Your blog was always one of the first I'll look at when I get on my computer. I wish you all the best and I'm glad that you said goodbye the way you did. It's kinda disconcerting when a favourite blog just stop with no explanation...not that they owe anyone an explanation but I always wondered if they're ok.

Anyway, on to less morbid stuff...all the best and thanks again! :)

Unknown said...

Nooooooooo! But I totally understand and get it. All the very best for the future. You've been an enormous inspiration. xx

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. I have enjoyed your blog for years and have made many things with your site as inspiration. Good luck. I will be following you in the spots you mentioned. All the best. Laura

marisa said...

I've loved reading your blog, and trying out many of your fantastic origami tutorials.

Best wishes for life post-blog!

Keri said...

I will miss reading your blog. It was always interesting and inspiring. I'll be sure to follow you elsewhere.

Jennifer said...

Both sad and excited for you at the same time! It was great working with you and good luck with all your future endeavors!

Anonymous said...

I have loved your blog and am really sad to see it end. I understand and support you mentally but me heart doesn't. I wish you the best!! I have enjoyed your blog - very much so! -Darcy

Christy said...

WHAT!?!?!?! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! *sigh* There will never be another blog I love more. I feel like a friend is moving far far away. Best wishes in the future.

Anonymous said...

Bummer for us, good luck to you. I have always enjoyed your blog-you have been awesome - thank you.

Leslie said...

Another lurker here. Thanks so much for all the years of great ideas, free stuff, and recreational time wasters. Best of luck to you, Jessica!

OH… and please make more fabric.

Anonymous said...

Unlurking to say thank you. You will be missed indeed! Thank you for leaving all your old content up--your tutorials comprise my to-do list for many years to come! Best wishes in all you do. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Kathryn said...

Thanks for the lovely blog posts, good luck in your new and current ventures!!!

jo said...

Have been following for a few years now, and kept doing so because your blog has just radiated style, niceness and good humour. An inspiring mix. Many good wishes for your future. Thank you, and to Grandma G too.

Genevieve said...

Thanks for all of your amazing posts over the years!

K is for Calligraphy said...

You are amazing! The End
xo, Katy

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jessica. I've really enjoyed your blog. Best wishes for the future.

Lisa E said...

I enjoyed your blog so much. Thanks for sharing for so long!

BetsyE said...

Happy retirement! I've LOVED your blog!! Thanks so much for sharing with us for so long!

Carrie said...

I am so sad! This was a fantastic blog and I will miss it greatly!

Good luck to you!

lovv jonas said...

Hey, Jessica! I'm very sad to know this is the end of this awesome project of yours, but I want to thank you for every minute you spent showing to us all of that wonderful stuff that you make. Thank you for inspiring and teaching and helping find the artist inside of each one of us. My best wishes for you X.

yvonne said...

Congrats to moving on! I've been following you since I saw your blog featured in a newspaper since 2008. I'm going to miss all your original posts.

Good luck to the future.

LeahW said...

Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing via this blog! I have used your ideas many times and appreciate all the work it took to post and maintain the blog. I'll follow you on Facebook and meantime, best wishes in new endeavors that you undertake.

Constanza said...

so sad news!!!

I just cannot think for how long I've been following howaboutorange... maybe after my marriage, while I was looking for orange lovely ideas for home? God it's been a long time, almost 7 years.

thank you, for sharing your time and work with us.

lots of love & best of luck!
& may God keep blessing you & your dearest ones.

mrsrobinson said...

A sweet goodbye... Enjoyed your happy orange posts. And good luck!

Stephanie said...

liked you on Fb, will miss all your creative, fun posts

celeste said...

Oh my gosh. I never commented either and I'm really bummed out. But good for you girl! You're very talented and have amazing taste. Now I have to look for another blog to inspire me :-/

silk said...

I will miss your updates! Best of luck!

Soley said...

Farewell! I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past few years and will miss it!

Jessica Jones said...

Thank you!

kathy said...

Thank you for sharing! I admire your work and your attitude!

Anonymous said...

Like many I've never posted a comment, but I've always enjoyed your blog and looked forward to your craft projects. You've given me much inspiration. Best wishes on your future endeavours. Thanks!

youngmi said...

Thank you for years of fun content! I'll miss your posts. How About Orange was always the first place I turned to when I need a fun new desktop wallpaper.

jen said...

Clearly, I don't check in daily, but this blog has been high on my favorites list for many years! Thank you for all the design goodies you have shared in that time. Glad there will still be other ways to stalk your brain :)

Chandu said...

Sad to hear this, This is one of my bookmarked pages and will really be missed. So long!

Anonymous said...

As a freelance graphic designer, chicago native, DIYer, and lover of similar interests I am so sad to see you go, but because I am all of those things I also fully understand your decision . . . thank you so much for so much inspiration these past many years! You will be missed! Enjoy the much deserved free time! :)

Belle said...

Sad to see you leave the blogosphere but understandable that you want to concentrate on your work. Your blogging will be dearly missed. Thanks so much for the excellent content over the years, Jessica! It's been a delight x

Lisa J said...

So sorry to see you go...your site was surely one of my escapes from the work grind. Such great inspirations! Best of luck to you in your tangerine retirement! :) You'll be missed!

Editor said...

Thanks for all inspiration!

Ana said...

Been a reader for a long time. Congrats on finishing this project & best of luck for future endeavors. :)

Grrambo said...

No! :(
Oh well. Orange you glad it's all colours from here on out. Best of luck!

Unknown said...

I just liked you on Facebook. I can't imagine a world without a little bit of Orange. Thanks

Claudia/Ompompali said...

I hate Good-byes but I guess that's the way things go. Sigh! Let me tell you that I have loved reading your blog, it was always a joy to visit and read what you wrote. Loved it! I wish you all the best for your future, lots of fun and happiness. Greetings from Germany

★Wan Jing said...

I loved your blog. The posts were entertaining and the contents were very useful. Sometimes when I can't think of a good font to use, I go to this site too. Will continue to watch your FB, Twitter, etc.

P.S. I loved your blog. :')

M. said...

Thank you for everything! I've been following for i can't remember how many years now, lurking of course, because I liked your sense of style - so different than my own - but at the same time you opened me up to those differences! I dug that. I wish you happiness & success at everything else you do! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Every time I see an orange "something-or-another" I'll continue to think of you and your lovely blog :) thanks again for all your sewing machine knowledge!

Kristin said...

Best wishes! I've been a big fan for years! thanks for all the inspiration and nice things to look at! Kristin

Vanny said...

sad to see you go.. =(

Erin Finnegan said...

I am so sad.... Thank you so muchfor all your hard work sharing your creative ideas. I will miss your posts for sure. Enjoy blog retirement!

Mindy Lou Hagan said...

I'm so sad to hear this! I've been enjoying your home renovation so much! But I completely understand your reasoning for the blog retirement. I will definitely be following your other blog and facebook pages, etc. and I hope you enjoy the new freedom! Every time I see orange I will always think about this blog. ;) Thank you for sharing so many awesome things with us over the years and making the days a little brighter and a little more orange. <3

itisbobbi said...

Thank you for all the inspiration.

marhaeink said...

huh?? :'(

Dee said...

aw... thanks for the amazing blog content you've given us over the years. :)

Kerstin said...

Your Blog will be still a plce for me to get tons of inpirations.
One of your trusty readers fron Germany,
yours Kerstin

Shah said...

Strange title :)

Jessica Jones said...

"A Farewell to Arms" popped into my head and I went with it. A Hemingway tribute.

Valerie said...

Ah... so sad to hear this. I have loved your blog and your ideas. Thanks for sharing with us!

Alisa : Ink Caravan said...

A sad day indeed! Thank you Jessica!! All the best, we will miss you. x Alisa

Karthik M said...

It's a little sad. I love your site and I've learned a great deal, found new way of thinking and doing things. Thanks a ton. All the best!

Grandma Mary said...

I can't remember when I started reading your blog and how I even found it except that orange is the favorite color of 2 of my family members.
Change is always good and I understand. Thank you for all the great posts. I wish you well.

Penny @BonnieBlackbird said...

NOOOOOOO! I always come and pop by as a loose follower. I mean, a loose follower of the past 2 years at least. I'm gutted, but can see why and I wish you all the luck in the world! VERY relieved to see the FB pages are still continuing at least (selfish side coming through there ;) Thanks for a brilliant blog xx

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm sad! But I'm also happy for you. I'll miss checking in on your blog, but applaud you on your decision! Enjoy and best wishes!

Amy said...

Thanks for the 7 1/2 years! I've always appreciated your posts, resources and style.

Bunnyslady said...

Is it weird that even though I know you have wrapped up your blog, I keep visiting it in hopes that you were just playing some sort of strange Mid-May fools type of joke? Wishing you all the best.

Jessica Jones said...

Ha! You get points for tenacity. Thank you!

KG said...

You will be missed, Jessica!! Good luck!

Pennsylvania Crafter said...

Noooooooooo, i Just Started Reading This Blog! It's A Very Good Blog!

Snappled! said...

We'll miss you.

Unknown said...

I've been in my own world learning to code. Today I needed a nice break and came here. I'm sad you closed up the blog. I completely understand why. Thank you Jessica for all the great blog posts through the years, You will be missed! (another reason I guess to join facebook)

Jessica Jones said...

Thanks for the kind words!

Revita Cura said...

I wish you best of luck with your life & your project. :)

Tatiana said...

So sad but I totally understand it. I'd like to say I've always seen (and learnt!) great stuff through your blog. Best wishes from Rio :)

Anonymous said...

I too check back now and then thinking maybe you've changed your mind...ah well...I understand. But thank you so so much...I have loved coming here to see all your wonderful ideas, your beautiful house, and etc. I learned a lot of interesting things. I'll always be grateful that you taught me about colored staplers and tape dispensers. Best wishes!

Celia said...

Noooo! First blog I loved and followed <3 Thank you Jessica for sharing so much orange love. You will be missed!

Jessica Jones said...

Thank you!!!

Robin said...

Interesting blog. best of luck.

Charissa said...

I'm only seeing this now but just wanted to say thank you for sharing your creativity with us for so long!

Jessica verir said...

I feel very sad about this. But completely understand about the time commitment behind blogging.

shobha said...

you had a great site! a colourful & interesting spot when so many other blogs were just so samey. you were one of the first blogs I really followed. Good luck!

James Everhart said...

Thank you so much for all the wonderful posts! You will be very much missed!

Alamanda said...

I'm sorry to hear that sist, nice info anyway ^^

jown said...

Too bad I have only read this now huhu. Just wanna say thank you Jessica for the creativity and inspiration you've brought through this blog. I vividly remember the time many years back when I first found your blog. I bookmarked the great links and tutorials and downloaded the free fonts, templates etc. I also follow you on twitter but it was only now that I've finally decided to check the blog again after a year(i finished college!) and I am just sad. I know you are focusing more on your clients now. Just wanna thank you for being a great design inspiration.

Brian Bullock said...

Best wishes

Togsy said...

Just want you to know that I am still missing your blog :(

Thank you for leaving the archives; I've found some of my favorite-ever crafts here.

jennai said...

I always looked forward to your blog updates and I.m sad to see it come to a close

Angela Mitchell said...

I’ve been going through your blog and I’m so sad I didn’t know about it when it was on, I wish I did. Thank you for all your posts!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to drop a note and say your blog is still my all time favorite. Hope that you are well!

God bless,

Artisanal Creations said...

thank you Jessica. I will continue to follow you on FB. All the best to you!

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