Quiz: What's your design aesthetic?

This fun visual quiz at BuzzFeed will label your design aesthetic for you. Click your favorite image in response to questions such as "Where would you put that tattoo" and "You have 10 minutes at IKEA. What do you buy?" The quiz determined I have the aesthetic of a "Scandinavian Design Blog." What's your style? Take the quiz here.
I got: the interior of a Restoration Hardware. Ooookay? Ha! Still trying to figure out what color my soul is... and where to put that tatoo!!
Which, BTW, means:
"You are an old soul, wrapped up in an enigma, wrapped up in the trappings of the modern world. Like a leather trunk filled with worn maps and tea-stained letters from the Captain, you only get better with age. You prefer the charm of a bygone era, and you’ve never given up the dream of one day living inside of a grandiose library."
Do you have a dream of eating dinner in a grand hotel dining room?
Oh Iesh, I got a "Marimekko pattern meets an Andy Warhol Painting!" the image is crazy extreme color and design as you can imagine. Off-putting actually.
It does say "I'm usually having too much fun to notice what other people say though," so that's good?
Wow, Laurie. In my mind's eye, that looks exciting and also insane. Not that your'e reading this, because you are probably off having too much fun.
worst.quiz.ever. it told me that i was pottery barn meets pinterest search for rustic. not at all.
try this one: sproost.com
Sproost is fun; I took it a few years ago and got 71% Vintage Modern, 14% Contemporary, and 15% French Eclectic. (I just looked at my old blog post; I don't memorize my quiz results. :)
I got Scandinavian DIY Blog. I guess I'm a bit cheaper than you :)
I'm like Grandma G ... Restoration Hardware. Works for me!
I got "a Wes Anderson movie". :) I love Moonrise Kingdom!
Lol. I got Martha Stewart and Gap hoodie hybid. "You have very refined and classic taste. Others think of you as iconic in your simplicity and comforting in your dependability. You know what you like, and that rarely includes frivolous details or garish colors." It actually fits.
I have been telling my girls that orange is the new pink only cooler.
Like Laurie, I got Marimekko meets Andy Warhol, and I agree, the image is off-putting and not something I'd care to look at for long. It did note that I prefer illustration to photography, which is true, and I do love Marimekko, and I at least appreciate Warhol, but the description is not me. Fun quiz, though.
This quiz nailed it! i got a Wes Anderson movie and they are so right. I love that aesthetic.
Yep, I got Wes Anderson movie too. I've never been more delighted with the result of an online quiz. That's a good description!
I got a hybrid of Martha Stewart and an old Gap Sweatshirt...hmmm...
Also Martha + Gap sweatshirt. Description kinda fits.
I got "a Marimekko pattern meets an Andy Warhol painting". That was a pretty good answer for me, I guess... I love Marimekko and like pop art so what can I say.
:) Kate
I got the 'rustic Potty Barn' answer too. Soooo very far off. I hate that stuff!
I got Scandinavian DIY blog. True dat. Except with bright, bright colors.
I'm a Scandinavian Design Blog girl too... must be why I like your blog! ;)
This was great! It came out that I am a hybrid of Martha Stewart and a basic Gap sweatshirt.
I got part ID magazine, part Kanye West and something else rolled into one- definitely not me!! Apparently I may appear pretentious but I am probably the coolest person around. Lol! That is so not me!
I only recognised a couple of the heroines, so that probably didn't help...
Am I the only one who got "the aesthetic void of a college dorm room"? Lol.
I got the same thing as Pigtown*Design. AND had the same thought. So I immediately tried to retake the quiz (what good is an online quiz if you can't make it return the result you want???). It doesn't let you!
And Grandma G, I don't know what color my soul is either. Maybe that's why it didn't answer me *properly*
Blue, try reloading the page. I took it a few times in a row to see what some of the other answers might be.
Too funny! I got "The Interior of a Restoration Hardware"
Not the exterior, just to be clear. Ha.
That was fun. Thanks.
I got Pottery Barn searching for rustic interiors...um, no. I'm very modern!
Those Buzzfeed quizzes always get me. At the bottom, when you're done, you always see: "you may like..." ugh. I usually do.
Then I get angry when I don't agree with the results when I answered as honest as I possibly could! lol
Oh well.
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