DIY papercut greeting cards with template

I wanted to make some cards that would be simple to cut with an X-acto knife, and straight lines are the fastest. So I made a template for an outer frame to cut from card stock, and then set up some interchangeable messages that can be printed on colored paper and inserted for various occasions.

To make your own, download the PDF with the cover template and messages, then print out the pages you need. If you prefer to use a digital cutting machine, the .dxf file (cover only) might work for you.
Download the full PDF here.
Download the .dxf cover here.
Cards are 5" x 7" and fit on an 8.5" x 11" sheet.

To cut the cover for the cards by hand, print the cover template on regular computer paper. Tape it to a piece of sturdy card stock around the edges to hold it in place. Using an X-acto knife and a straight edge, cut along the lines through both sheets of paper. I cut all the long lines first, then went back and cut the short lines.

Remove the computer paper and pop out the pieces, freeing any stuck bits with your knife. Then score the card along the center and fold in half.

Cut a printed insert to size, fold it in half, and stick it inside the cover with a line of glue or strip of double stick tape along the top inside back.
Happy Valentine's Day, and have a lovely weekend, all!
Those are NICE!!
Ha... the word verification is special for Valentine's Day... "true love". How sweet. ;)
Aw. Happy Valentine's Day, Mum.
Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! I love you!!
This is amazing. It's too late to do for Valentine's but doing it for mother's day for sure! Thanks so much I love youuuu, Happy Valentine's Day!!
Wow, I just declared my love for a stranger... dun judge me. :3
I would never judge someone who said they love me. :)
Love these cards!! Masculine enough for a man, but can be pinked up too :)
What a great card!
Thanks so much for the File. It opened perfectly in my Silhouette Cutting Machine Software.
This are so wonderful! Thanks.
They are so cool !!! ... :D
Wow - what fantastic hand cutting - I could never do this (hence the reason for my Silhouette and dies). Thank you for the wonderful idea and PDFs :)
This is a beautiful idea for a card. We always print out silly cards for each other with just simple printer paper so this would be stepping it up 100 notches!
Love it! Thank you for sharing
Very nice ! But I know this to late
Maybe useful for next year
This is really cool! Shame I didn't see it before valentines day but maybe next year..
Quel joli travail de patience, bravo, je trouve cela très chic.
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