To do: paint a dresser

I don't think I've mentioned this project on my growing to-do list: painting a mid-century Drexel Touraine french provincial dresser I got on Craigslist. It's in wonderful condition and just needs a coat of paint to freshen it up. Then it will hold things that belong in a dining room, like tablecloths and screwdrivers and batteries.
If you'd told me a year ago that I was going to put something of this style in my house, I'd have laughed at you. But I didn't bank on having a fireplace in my dining room that looks like this. We fell in love with the house and it has been bossing us around ever since.

I think I'm going to paint it all white to downplay the dresserliness of it and make it more modern. Only the accent wall has fuschia wallpaper; the other walls are white, so adding some white over here seems like a good idea to tie things together. See some examples of similar dressers painted white that I collected on Pinterest.

This is sort of where we're headed— a Photoshop collage of ideas I made several weeks ago. (Visualize that fireplace with faux tin tile instead of the gray stuff I pasted on. This mockup was before I hatched the plan of a removable skin for the antique tile.)
You should try chalky paint. Best part; NO SANDING! My friend Mark Montano has a great tutorial for chairs using the same paint! Love it! Here's the link if you'd like to check it out!
Good luck with your project and tweet me if you try it! @ChristyXandrick
I was wondering how you were coming with that project. And where you were going to do the painting, considering the weather you (and most of the rest of us) have been having.
(We're under another blizzard warning for tonight, just in case you wondered. Ugh.)
I had one just like this in my daughter's room. She insisted on teal and purple for the colors though. I use dressers everywhere for storage, so useful. This will be great in your dining room.
I think it's more Louis XIV style than provincial ;)
Love the choice of the color too!
A French Gal
Dear French Gal, thank you for the correction! I have to confess I don't know the difference; I've just seen this Drexel model listed frequently on the internet as French Provincial. Now I will research and see what Louis XIV looks like!
Christy, thanks for the video link. I'll check it out.
Great dresser! You now have me thinking that maybe what my dining room needs is a dresser. That way I could get my screwdrivers and batteries out of the kitchen, where they're currently stored. I'm glad I checked your blog today. I was about to make major headway with my project at work, but now I think I'll go browse craigslist...
Love the dresser! I'm a sucker for juxtaposed antiques and modern.. and lots of storage space. You're nailing it! Can't wait to see the finished room
I have the same dresser, but mine has a laminate top. I was going to use white chalk paint, but my husband said it will scrape off. Do you or any of your readers have an answer? It would be much appreciated.
I love the mood board and the ideas you had pinned - I can definitely see how this room is starting to shape up (and I like it!) It's good that you aren't too set in your ways for your style to change and evolve - think about the clothes we wore 10 or 15 years ago - funny, right? Plus you're working with great architectural bones so it makes sense to tie it all together with the furniture. Keep up the good work - can't wait to see more. Cheers - CT
What a great piece! I picked up a very similar dresser a couple months ago at a thrift store and have been thinking about what color to paint it. Thanks for the "pinspiration"! Can't wait to see what you do with it.
We also have a bossy 1908 house and a dresser in the dining room. Yours is beautiful! Please show us your kitchen soon-- I've been dying to see what you do with it (so I can copy you...we are flummoxed about what to do with ours).
I have two painted dressers at my house. I use one for craft supply storage. It was dirt cheap at a garage sale and came with beautiful wooden dividers in every drawer. With a coat of grey paint it is exactly what I wanted.
I saw this and thought you should see it too..
Woooo! Thanks for the burst of orange happiness!
I got a desk in the same exact style on craigslist a couple years back. I spray painted it bright blue and loved the result. Here's the link if you care to check it out.
There is a tutorial on how to paint a dresser exactly like this one over at
Awesome! Thanks for the link!
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