Helpful typography websites

Here are a couple of useful websites for those interested in type. The first is Fonts in Use. It's a gallery of, you guessed it. Search for typefaces used by a particular industry, a particular design format, or look up particular fonts. Let's say you're considering using Cooper Black on the flyer for your new high-end hair salon, and you're wondering if it could ever look anything but dated and kitschy. Check out the designs users have shared and form your own conclusions (The answer is no.)

If you want to impress your friends because you know what the little doohickey is called that hangs off certain lowercase "g's," Aaron Bloom's Typography site will help. Read about type anatomy and classifications, consult the glossary, or take a short quiz to see if you learned anything.
That's an "ear"? I guess I learned something new today! And all my friends will be sooo impressed! (If I can remember long enough to tell them.)
Hmmm... I tried going to that Typography site, and I got a blank page. Does that mean it requires Flash to view it?
These websites are terribly useful! Thanks for sharing! :)
Mum, I'm not sure how the Typography site is built. Stuff does slide around on the page, so maybe.
It worked on my PC, so apparently it does use Flash, which is why it wouldn't work on the iPad.
Guess I should stop using Cooper Black every now and then on my handouts etc. in my elementary classroom...I like it's kitschiness, but retro is acceptable, dated is not.
How awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Love your blog and work.
oh my... another trap for me to spend the days... your website contains everything I am interested in: design, sewing, (paper) crafts... it won't be easy for me to stop reading :D
Thanks for all the work you put into this website! And I love the idea to add pens to the photos in order to show a kind of "perspective" (hm, wrong wording....?)
greetings from Germany,
Cooper in latest CB2 catalog...
Wow! You're right; there it is all over the CB2 website in slides, too. Pairing it with gorgeous modern furnishings certainly helps it out!
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