Say it in llama font

It's so silly. Go to this website, type a phrase, and your text will be displayed in a typeface made from llamas. "Need to send a harsh message to a loved one? Helvetica is cold. Say it in llama." Why? Because llamas make everything better. (Thank you, Patty.)
Update: Clicking "save" for your text results in offers to download a file that I didn't understand--if you want to save your llama words, my suggestion is to take a screen shot of your text and then share that image however you like.
*Snort*! Oohh... I think that was the llama. ;) Silly, indeed. :)
Hehehe...really, genuinely giggling out loud here.
Bahaha. I am saving this font for future job applications - how could I not get a job based on llama fonts?!
No kidding. Just type "HIRE ME" on a piece of paper and you're in.
Dumb and so much fun. Thanks.
Big Problem - you click links to save your llama and you get a weird "super" download tool -- NOT what I wanted - please- maybe a warning first?
Thanks Pamela--I hadn't clicked the save button when I posted this; I just took screenshots of what I typed. I've updated the post to mention this.
haha, that's so ridiculous it made me laugh literally out loud. thanks for sharing!
just brilliant, made me laugh!
This is so much fun! haha. this made my day!
This makes me happier than it really should but oh well. Fun is good.
where was this when i was teaching spanish?
hehehehe so funny :)
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