Free Nelson clock desktop by Leanda Xavian

Hello! Today I'm sharing a desktop wallpaper from designer Leanda Xavian of One Little Bird Studio. I stumbled upon her Etsy shop and liked her illustration style. I asked if she'd make her mid-century sunflower clock available as a desktop wallpaper, and Leanda agreed.
Download the clock wallpaper here — 2880x1800 px, for personal use only. Adjust your settings to fit it to your particular monitor.
[Update to the post: this clock is a static image, not a screen saver. I know you wish it would keep time, because then your computer would turn into a giant clock and look so cool you'd have to forgive it for every time it crashed before you could save. But we have to settle for a cool picture, unless one of you knows how to make this happen.]
Leanda lives in Surrey, England and loves typography, color, chocolate, crocheting, and everything mid century. She seems like somebody we should be friends with, right? See more of her work at Minted or in her online portfolio.

What a great desktop image! Thanks for sharing this, can't wait to add it to my screen.
So pretty! Thanks!
Oh my gosh, that is so chic! My computer is about to look pretty dang classy :)
So I'm hopefully not the only dingbat that thought this, but I got super excited about not only how chic this wallpaper is, but I thought it would ACTUALLY TELL TIME. Wow, I must be crazy, lol! Still love it, thanks for sharing :)
Gosh, I thought the same thing! Dangg. Glad I read your comment
I love that clock! Thank you :)
Yep, I agree with you guys. It would look really cool as a screen saver that moves! How to make that happen, I have NO IDEA. If anybody knows a screen saver programmer, let me know. :)
wow i love this and her work too. thank you for sharing this and her amazing work with us.
Thanks for sharing this. But what I really wanted to say is, I have been blithely reading along on your blog and suddenly realized you just moved to Cincinnati! Duh, my hometown. Also your new house is in Newport, where I work. How do I miss these details? Any way, welcome. Cincinnati is an great city and I hope you love it!
Thank you, thank you!!
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