A Friday high five

You should applaud yourself for making it to Friday. Why not give yourself an award, compliments of designer Jessica Hische? Fill in your name and occupation to generate a fancy certificate adorned with cats wearing paper bags. Make your "Officially Awesome" award right here. (Via Swiss Miss.) Have a great weekend, all!
Did you make one for yourself?
You're worth it, y'know!
I sure did. It was very satisfying.
nice blog
Thank's. It was fun and helped to forget the week. Students can be so <***> ;-)
Weekend, yeah, Karin
i love Ms Hische - such a talented lady! thanks fo the link!
Bummer - I tried this - several times, but no luck. GREAT idea, though!
Caseye, do you mean the site didn't generate a certificate for you? I just tried it and it still works.
Your blog is so useful! I love the DIYs. The design behind it is super cute. This is one of my favorite blogs I've come across. I love this! :)
What a great idea! I just did awards for myself, my colleagues, my boss, my family ... Thanks so, so much for sharing this - and for designing it!
This rocked my world today. Thanks for the link!
Hahaha I just made a certificate of being an awesome stargazer! :P
So much fun! I just made 3 for my daughters, thanks!
Ahhhhh I'm so bummed! Went to make this for a friend and its no longer there! Something different now. Cant find it! :( bummer!
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