Heart-shaped page marker origami | How About Orange

January 17, 2013

Heart-shaped page marker origami

Here's a quick little origami project that's fun to do with patterned paper: heart-shaped bookmarks that slip onto page corners. You could mail somebody a couple for Valentine's Day.

Each heart requires a half sheet of square origami paper. (My paper was 5" square, so my starting piece after cutting in half was a 5" x 2.5" rectangle.)

With the patterned side to the outside, fold the rectangle in half lengthwise.

Then fold it in half width-wise to mark the center line, and open again.

Fold one side up at a 45 degree angle, so the edge aligns with the center.

Repeat with the other side.

Turn the paper over. Fold the top downward. You can eyeball this; about 1/3 of the top section gets folded down.

Fold in the corners to form a heart shape. The little pocket at the bottom can fit over page corners if you use this as a bookmark.


Grandma G said...

They're cute! I bet I know a little almost-6-yr-old who could have fun making these. ;)


Giselle said...

Thanks for the idea, they are beautiful, I've done my tiny heart: http://fortedoce.blogspot.com.br/2013/01/marcador-de-pagina-de-coracao-em-origami.html

Jessica Jones said...

Wow, so speedy! Looks great!

Thia said...

Perfect valentine gift for gifting book club buddies!

Kaja Tomalik said...

:) thanks, my children will be happy

Unknown said...

Genius!! I'm going to include this in a home decor/usefulness roundup I'm posting later tonight.

Debie Grace said...

Looks great! Will try this haha thanks :P

this is lemonade said...

Thanks for this tutorial and the Valentines idea. I've seen this before but never thought to use it as a bookmark so didn't think to make it. Would make a lovely token to give with a book gift too!
I mean to write to people more this year, thirds would make a charming little gift to slip into a greetings card- thanks for the inspiration! :)

Olivia said...

Thank-you for the tutorial!! After reading I ended up making 12 myself :)I made a blogpost on them if you'd like to see them http://theluckyflower.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/origami-hearts.html

Unknown said...

Um, I am making these asap. I was just thinking today how much I need a new bookmark.

Unknown said...

I used to make these when I was in grade school, but never thought of making half of one as a bookmark. Such a wonderful idea!

Sarah from µ.*Tadaam ! said...

Good idea and lovely papers !

julia I mintlametta said...

thats fantastic! I always use old bus tickets or paper stripes I just found next to me, but this is a great solution to pimp the book and for sure I will read much more the next time, so I can use this wonderful tiny hearts frequently!

Unknown said...

These are adorable - can't wait to start making some!
Jodie xx | Future Freaks Me

Lizabeth said...

Is there a way to stiffen fabric to use it for this? Lovely idea!

Preeti Dubey said...

So easy n beautiful! Thanks for sharing !

Unknown said...

So cute! I usually lose my page markers, so this comes in handy! Thanks for sharing! :)

Jessica Jones said...

Lizabeth, here's how I've stiffened fabric in the past. That should work for this project. Press the folds flat with an iron.

julia I mintlametta said...

could not stop creating them - now every book on my desk got its own tiny heart - thank you so much for sharing!

my hearts @


Jenna said...

What a fun idea! I think this will be our Valentine's Day craft with the boys.

Thank you!

Natalie said...

Great idea for valentines for kids classes. Fabulous!

Unknown said...

Oh that is a cool little idea!!! So cute!
I'm taking part in some blogger awards and because I too love orange(!!)I've nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award and the Versatile Blogger Award. I really enjoy reading your blog and it's a great way of sharing some "blog love". Get more info and the rules at http://houseofnicnax.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/blogger-awards.html

hope you'll take part
nicole xx

Laura said...

I think I am going to make these for Valentine's Day, I think a lot of my friends and family would love these. Thanks for sharing.

Hanna said...

They are awesome!

A little hint: if they are a bit to thick just iron over and press them flat and they will be perfectly flat and fitting =)


Jessica Jones said...

Nice tip, Hanna!

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Caca said...

very beautiful origami papers you have

Unknown said...

It is a amazing usage!
I write a message to friends and families inside a heart<3

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling really dumb...I must be skipping a step? My hearts have a crease down the middle where they open up. Is that they way they are supposed to be?

Jessica Jones said...

Do you mean there are two flaps of paper that meet in the center on the front side? If so, that's right. If they're not laying flat, you can try Hanna's good suggestion of ironing the heart for a bit to make it flatter. Make sure you fold very precisely, which will help, too.

If you're talking about a fold somewhere, I'm quite sure without seeing it.

Dlyn A. said...

Those hearts are so cute! Now I know how to use my leftover papers in my drawer. ;)

Thanks to you, I've found a way to become more creative! I've been following your blog for quite some time, and suddenly, I completely became a regular reader of yours.

Thank you again for sharing this wonderful idea!
More power to you!

Grandma G said...

I think we'll make these today. In looking at yours again, I'm impressed with how your patterns came together on your pink and blue hearts! Cool!


Jessica Jones said...

Total accident. And a tip: use thin paper; it works better. If you don't have origami paper, try wrapping paper.

Victoria said...

Cute hearts, such a sweet idea. I think I'll give it a go tomorrow....

Black Sheep said...

I needed a bookmark and found your blog, the tiny heart is so cute, since I'm an anime fan I glued a picture of my favorite character and it's perfect (for me), thanks a lot for the tutorial; and by the way, I love your blog.

Therese said...

So cute! Thanks for sharing :)

Graphic Arts Studio said...

Your directions were so very clear and easy, and these little hearts make a great Valentine's project! I've linked to your tutorial in my blog at SympatheticThreads.com. Thanks!

Sarah said...

I need your help. I love your pictures and very simple, clear directions and yet I'm still messing it up.

My hearts are turning out with a long slit down the middle and nothing holding it together. I have no idea what step I've messed up or skipped but would love your insight!

I'm medically homebound at the moment and would love to spend the day working on these!

A said...

i pinned it on my pintrest
and tried of course
but the problem is that it doesn't stay on the paper :(

Anonymous said...

Hi!! I tried . . . it came out beautiful, but I must be doing something wrong since the final result is a heart with a slit in the middle . . . I'm thinking of gluing a little circle to join both flaps; if not, it does not remain on the page. Thanks for sharing.

Abuelita said...

I purchased 3 books for my twin granddaughters and one for their mom so that they can start a tradition of reading the same book and then together and talking about the book so I made these cute little heart bookmarks for them ,and printed a baby picture of them and glued it on the heart bookmarks and mod podged ....soso cute!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I made it out of scratch paper that I had and covered in washi tape! v cute!