Waste time with Draw a Stickman | How About Orange

November 09, 2012

Waste time with Draw a Stickman

Folks trying to kill time before the weekend kicks off might like to Draw a Stickman. Follow the instructions in this little animated game and make your very bad drawings come to life. It's cute.


Tharvey said...

You should check out the DS game "Drawn to Life". You draw the main character (and can change it later if you want), draw the weapons and even the platforms that you jump on. I had a lot of fun making absurd things, like a taco gun that shot beans.

beanie g said...

It is cute. Thanks for the laugh.

Sara said...

Haha. That's great. Thanks for the time-waster!

Grandma G said...

That looks cute! Maybe even Miss C would like?


Grandma G said...

I just tried it... it's hilarious! Even works on the iPad. Gotta show it to C next week!

Watch your email! ;)


LiEr said...

I tried it! So much fun!!!! Jess, you find (and share) the best things. BEST. Thank you so much!

Rachael Jess said...

Brilliant and slightly addictive :)

Jessica Jones said...

Hey, you're supposed to be altering a pile of clothes. Quit wasting time.

Jessica Jones said...

Oops, that comment was for LiEr, not you, Rachael. Or maybe you're supposed to be altering clothes, too, never know.

Grandma G said...

Altering clothes?! Eeuww... I wouldn't wish that on anybody!!

gregory urbano said...

very cool and fun for sure!

Leyla Torres said...

Fun, fun!

LiEr said...

OK, I did zero alterations today. Failed. But I made my own stick figure movie! And we all know which is infinitely more enjoyable!

Naturally Carol said...

That was so much fun! I laughed {and coughed} myself silly!

lamina@do a bit said...

ha ha ha Sooo cool... Love it!

Suzanne said...

Wow! That was fun!

Plum Cox said...

Excellent! I was compelled to waste time on this and then share it with my family too!

Marta said...

I had a great time drawing with my 4 (almost 5) year old daughter.

Jules said...

This is so fun! Thanks for pointing it out :) And, your blog, ideas, and creativity is wonderful. I wish you could come decorate my house!

Karin said...

It makes fun for hours :D
I need to share it on my blog. Do you mind?

Jessica Jones said...


Christy クリスティ said...

Cutest thing ever!

Marloes said...

Haha me and my boyfriend had so much fun doing this for about three hours, thank you!

Bubble said...

thank you!!! soooo much fun! :)