Free font: Manteka | How About Orange

November 13, 2012

Free font: Manteka

Manteka is a squarish, all-caps typeface by Eduardo Araya. You can download the TrueType font here for free. (Find the link under the t-shirt image.)


Tiffany @ BabyList said...

Nice! I always love discovering a new font!

Anonymous said...

Anyone have any success downloading this? It downloads as a .rar file?

Jessica Jones said...

I have downloaded and used it. Double-clicking the .rar file de-compresses it. At least for me, that's all I had to do. Inside is the .ttf file.

Ana - Barcelona (España) said...

Love that quote.

The Needle Shop said...

This is unrelated I guess, but I always talk about this idea that they have quoted here. I really do think a design mind can design anything.