Triple-zip pouches you can sew | How About Orange

September 27, 2012

Triple-zip pouches you can sew

My mom (known as Grandma G in the comments around here) sent over photos of pouches she made using the Triple-Zip Pouch tutorial from A Quilter's Table. Has anyone else tried it out? Looks like fun! I asked Mum if she had any comments or notes on the tutorial.

She said:
"I don't have a lot to say about this tutorial. Simply put, these pouches were FUN to make! I loved how each layer was added on, step by step, and suddenly you turn it right side out, and it becomes the pouch! With THREE (easily installed) zippers! I think the design was brilliant, and the tutorial was clear-cut and easy to follow. You have to pay close attention to the details and follow them exactly, but once you get the hang of it, it goes together quickly!

I eliminated the fusible fleece, since the fabric was home dec weight, and it worked out just fine, except that it made the upper corners a bit more bulky and harder to turn out, but IMO that's no big deal.

I also love that the tutorial is available in a PDF file, so I could download it to my iPad and work from there!

Thanks, Debbie, for a great tutorial! I'm off to make another pouch!"

Mum used a lot of exclamation points there, so that means she liked it. I'm embarrassed to say I had to think long and hard what "IMO" might mean. She's cool. IMO.


Grandma G said...

You don't get around much, do ya? On the internet, that is. Ha!


Anonymous said...

So fun wish I had this tutorial wwhen I first started sewing zippers!

Jessica Jones said...

Mum, apparently I don't! And I'm terrible at texting, too.

Grandma G said...

Yeah, I've noticed no texts ever come from you, even though you and Alex were the ones who got me to get this text app "so we could keep in touch better". Uh huh!


jeanne e. said...

i am a bad texter, in that i spell EVERYTHING out...hehehe...

good work on the pouches! they look great. :)

Grandma G said...

Thanks, Jeanne! Spelling everything out is GOOD! Now you just need to work on your capitalizations..... ;)

Grandma G said...

Just IMO, of course. :)

Anonymous said...

You're awesome, Grandma G! You are a huge part of what I love about this blog. Hope Jessica pays you well ;)

Debbie said...

Well you & Grandma G pretty much made my day! SO glad she likes my pouch tutorial - love her versions!! Off to go tell her myself! ;-) Thanks for the shout-out and kind words!

Grandma G said...

Thanks, AVIVA! Um... would you tell her it's time for my annual raise?

able mabel said...

Thanks Grandma G! I get a kick out of the comments you leave for Jessica!

FA Neophyte said...

Gosh, those are cute! It's a good thing I don't enjoy sewing, otherwise I'd be drowning in cute pouches like these. I tend to pick them up when I find them. ;)

Ali said...

Teehee- family issues aside, I love those! Going onto my to do list!

Anonymous said...

can Grandma G open up an etsy store where we can buy her sewing creations?

Nina said...

Grandma G, you're a one-woman sweatshop! Very nice little purses. Could be just the tutorial I need to use up all the very short zips I seem to have collected.

HelenS said...

Now this Grandma G isn't the same as the one who tries out Ikat Bags tutorials is she??!

Tracy King said...

IMO she is a cool Mom and the coolest thing about her is how she shows the world her love for you. She is always sewing little things and the majority of the time they are sewn with fabric you designed. You are both very lucky to have each other.

Jessica Jones said...

Okay, Mum. I'll give you your standard annual raise. :)

HelenS, she is indeed the same Grandma G!

Anonymous, for awhile we had an Etsy shop where GG's sewn things were sold. It's closed now, but you can see her awesome things here:

Grandma G said...

Aww... THANKS, everyone, for your kind words! And thank you, Jess, for the raise!! It's 15%, right?

(Nina... you might be right about the sweatshop, but that's only due to the hot flashes. Argh)

(HelenS... wanna know a little secret? Jess and I actually got to meet the fabulous LiEr and her lovely family in person this summer!)

Tracy K... you're right, I AM very lucky to have Jess (and all her fabrics)! And I do love her more than I can say!

Jessica Jones said...

Aw, thanks, Mum. Back atcha.

Poppyprint said...

You two are so adorable. As are the pouches!

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Ooh, I love these. There are such gorgeous colourful zippers out there it's endless fun deciding on a colour combination. Thanks for the tips, Grandma G!

Caca said...

I can't wait to make a few.

Mickey said...

The pouches look nice, but what I like more is your family dynamics :)

HelenS said...

Grandma G - meeting LiEr - how cool - she is one talented lady (and you obviously are too). I am too much of a procrastinator to make much and spend far to long drooling at blogs...

CoolioChristy3 said...

Oh-I'm late but I made one of these last month to carry my embroidery supplies. I love it! I also want to make more. And I kinda love when multiple blogs I read reference one another. It's like cool craftiness colliding!