Free fonts from Font Fabric | How About Orange

April 17, 2012

Free fonts from Font Fabric

Fellow designers, have you investigated the fantastic free fonts at Font Fabric? There are lots of useful typefaces in the giveaway section. Thank you, generous typographers!


Miki said...

Awe, they're amazing! Thank you so much for sharing! ;D


Live a Colorful Life said...

Thanks. *sigh* How I LOVE fonts!

sheri said...

awesome tip, thank you for sharing! i love me a new font

The Mel B said...

Awesome, thanks!

Christy クリスティ said...

So lovely, thank you!

Evelisa (NY) said...

very nice.

Kellyanne Revenaugh said...

Thank you! I love all of these.

Casey said...

Ooh, nice. My font folder is getting nice and fat. :)

Simply AJ said...

Awesome... Thanks for sharing. AJ@queenofmynest

PamH said...

Thank you!! Love a day that ends with some new fonts! :)

Marianne said...

These are great! Thank you!