A Pantone eyelash curler? | How About Orange

March 08, 2012

A Pantone eyelash curler?

Pantone, the color matching system used by the printing, textile and plastics industries, has teamed up with Sephora to put out a line of products in this year's official color, Tangerine Tango. (Thanks for the tip, Kayla.) I'm all for orange! I wouldn't be caught dead in orange lipstick, but my toes wouldn't mind some tangerine polish.

I'm amazed by the relentless supply of licensed merchandise Pantone has been cranking out in recent years. Socks, chairs, contact lens cases, cuff links, toothbrushes, eye glasses, Christmas ornaments, Visa cards, and more. Does the world really need official Pantone false eyelashes? Sure, why not.

An interesting note: after I posted this Pantone chip craft project, I quickly received an email from Pantone’s Licensing and Trademark Department stating that they need to protect their licensees and intellectual property, and if I desire to extend the use of their intellectual property for commercial purposes, I should contact them to learn about current licensing terms. Apparently the licensing folks at Pantone keep very busy making deals with manufacturers and combing the internet for home crafters using old Pantone chips. I'm tempted to put a set of magnets up for sale and see if I get a cease and desist letter.


The Guilty Crafter said...

Aw, let them have some fun... do it! And for the record, I kind of love the eyelash curler.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,
did you see this today? I found it via Apt.Therapy.
All the best,

Jessica Jones said...

I did see that! Janine at Salvage Love sent over her photos and a link. So fun!

Jessica Jones said...

Also. I kind of love the eyelash curler, too. No plans to ever use one, but still. If you're going to own one, it may as well be orange and awesome.

Deb said...

Licensing rights is all those Pantone folks got! Can't live with em, can't live without em...

Centsational Girl said...

You're cracking me up today with that last line! Love the tangerine on my toes too, and wouldn't mind an eyelash curler in the same shade. :)

Monique said...

I am an orange lover too. I was so happy when tangerine tango was the color of the year! I MUST have that eyelash curler even though they are obviously jerks.

Jessica Jones said...

They're just doing their job. Still, it made me chuckle a bit.

Grandma G said...

Hi Jen,

I NEED some of those eyelashes... with the little feathers to tickle my cheeks... or to tempt my cats! Fun!!!


Jessica Jones said...

Hi Mam,

Your kitties would love them. Great idea.

pak said...

Wow, do you think all those crafters that sell Scrabble tile trinkets have to give Hasbro a cut of the action? Since you have to buy the chip books, I can't see how making something out of what you purchased already is such a big deal. I guess you needed to call them DIY "insert any description other than Pantone" chip magnets. *sigh*

heodeza said...

I've recently found out there's even a Pantone hotel in Bruxelles (Belgium)!

Kris @ everywhereorange.com said...

yes please to all this orange!!!

Tan said...

lol wow. Those magnets are so cute, they SHOULD be on etsy ;)

Casa e Cose said...

as mrs Coco Chanel said about copies: only makes me proud - shows that i have reached success in what i do. I dont remember the exact words but anyhow, im sure you get my point.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure recycling for personal home craft use is not a licensing infringement. How strange! Maybe if you were selling them, they would have a leg to stand on, although a very shaky leg.

V. said...

And let's not forget Barbie Pink Pantone!

Anonymous said...

Kind of lame of good old Pantone, but I guess with so much design and communication moving web-ward, they have to find a way to stay relevant, and alive? Lousy of them tho...

Unknown said...

I've just been drooling over the Pantone display of merchandise at my local bookstore, but some of the bloom is off after reading your story. Really, Pantone?

Nancy said...

This is stunning! An amazing selection and a great idea. Thanks for sharing!


Mrs Juzzie Green said...

I don't really understand the deal with all their merch. If I want a red mug I will buy one. I don't need it to advertise pantone. And the colour of the year thing seems to be just a marketing exercise. Maybe I'm just being old and crabby

Chase Clark said...

Have you seen that amazing Pantone Sweets art that is floating around the web? So pretty!

Anonymous said...

I love love orange lipstick.

knicnax said...

I'm crazy about orange. I'm glad that there are a lot of orange stuff out right now (It's usually hard find an orange-colored thing that I want). Pantone's so grouchy though!

I want the eyelash curler so baaaaaaad.

Love your blog too! Keep it up! I kept you in my blogger blog feeds because you have the grandest ideas! Backlinked you several times already I think.

Do drop by my blog if you have the time (Haven't updated in a while though.. http://earth-friendly.blogspot.com)

suz said...

Apparently at some point Pantone figured out that non-artists didn't know they existed and now they are doing anything for a buck. However, one would think they would back off when there is free advertising. Obviously whomever they hired to track this stuff down wasn't required to use common sense. I have NEVER felt the need to buy any of their stuff. Frankly, I think most of it is tacky.

gift card holders said...

Orange sure is in this season. I've been seeing orange-toned red lipsticks too.