Meet my Two Zip Hipster | How About Orange

January 30, 2012

Meet my Two Zip Hipster

My Mum sewed up another of Erin Erickson's Hipster bags, this time in the Dusk colorway of my Sticks fabric. It features orange zippers requested by moi. The strap on the bag is adjustable so you can carry it over your shoulder or across your torso.

See? All my orange stuff fits in it. Notebook, calendar (yep, I'm old school like that), and my iPad. (P.S. If you need this orange iPad wallpaper, grab it here.)

This baby is going everywhere with me. Thank you, Mum!


tinajo said...

Looks great! :-)

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! And pretty much the perfect size! *want*

Grandma G said...

You're very welcome, Jess! I love that pattern and would happily make another, so if you get tired of that color..... ;)


Anonymous said...

Very nice! I might have to ask my own mom to make me one. I mean, I could start sewing it on my own using her sewing machine... but she would just take over anyway and do a neater job. :D

Anna said...

it's totally awesome. and perfect in your fabrics. the orange goodies inside are the icing on the cake. :)

Michele said...

It's perfect! You must be a good kid!

Anonymous said...

very pretty! you have a very good mother :)

Blythe said...

Your mum is SO talented. It's ridiculous. Talent and good taste run in your family. :)

Chris said...

LOVE THIS! Both the bag and the fabric! Another bag that's great to sew and would look sweet in your fabrics is the Mail Sack by Pink Chalk Studios. You know, in case your mum needs another project...

Poppyprint said...

oooooo the iPad fits in there? Score! I bought the pattern last time you showed it, but knowing it fits an iPad is extra incentive to get busy. Thanks!

Simply Jessabells said...

Looks great!

allesistgut said...

Wow, very practical and it looks great! :D

Nina said...

I'd already seen this over on Grandma G's blog. It looks even better in your pictures! I will be letting my mum know that yours has now made you TWO...

Rachel said...

That is very cute and looks quite practical :)

Rachel said...

I've been looking for the perfect bag for my wallet and iPad. Thanks for sharing

★Wan Jing said...


Donna said...

Love this bag! The orange zippers make it even better. Do you mind sharing where you found that awesome orange pocket calendar? I can't give up my old school paper planners/calendars either. :)

Grandma G said...

Thank you, everyone! Yes, Michele... Jess IS a good kid... best daughter I ever had!

Thanks for the suggestion, Chris. That bag is very much like the one I made for Jess's Etsy shop way back when, only ours had a shorter handle. :)

Nina... just because she put a pencil in the pocket, it looks better?! ;) Okay, so she has a nicer camera. And I don't think you're offering your mum enough. ;)

Grandma G said...

Donna, since Jess is unavailable today (and told me I had to hold down the fort), I think I can answer your question. I believe I was with her when she bought it a year ago, and I 'think' it was at a Barnes and Noble. She may have to correct me on that, but I'm sure it was some kind of bookstore.

LeeAnn said...

As always, it looks wonderful1

Rachel said...

Good grief your mom is awesome! I want one! It is gorgeous.

K-Sue said...

I liked this pattern when you showed it before. I am going to have to make one - irresistable...

Anonymous said...

Awww, Jessica, you are an orange inspiration to me! I have 2 questions for you. Are you originally from the UK? ("mum") and have you ever found an orange tape dispenser? You'd think if Swingline can produce an orange stapler, that Scotch, etc could produce an orange tape dispenser!!

LimeRiot said...

I missed the original Hipster post so I'm very glad to have seen this one. That bag is the perfect size and style and I have a great fabric that I've been saving for something special. Now I just need to practice sewing zippers :).

patricia zapata said...

Perfect! I love across the shoulder bags. Color me orange with jealousy! ;)

Nathalie said...

I love it too!!! I would have never thought to put orange zippers with this fabric!!! Totally rocks!!! I need one!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this pattern, I bought it from Erin the last time you posted it. I ran out and got some amazing Japanese fabric. (jan 7th post) This is the perfect bag. Just bought some more fabric to make another one. Erin's pattern is so well done. Just happened to get an iPad this weekend to go in it;)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I LOVE this bag. Gonna have to take the leap and buy the pattern I think. Your mom is awesome!

Jessica Jones said...

Donna, the planner is this one, the Exaplan with a Soya cover in orange. I got it on clearance at Barnes and Noble in January last year; my mom was right.

The cover is really a folder that the paper planner fits into. And it seems like a standard size, so I'm going to refill it by taking the cover off one of those cheap planners from Office Max or Walgreens--you know, the ugly kind with kittens or roses or inspirational sayings on the front.

Jessica Jones said...

Linda, I'm from Minnesota, not the UK. I started calling my mom "Mumsy" as sort of a funny, affectionate name, and then it got shortened to Mum, and now everyone thinks we're British. :)

As for orange tape dispensers, sometimes you see vintage ones on Etsy, like this.

Or this one is very cool but very expensive.

These people really need to make an orange one.

Anonymous said...

Love it!

able mabel said...

Your Mum is quite the talanted lady! You are one lucky daughter!

Lisa E said...

This is not fair! Now you have two beautiful hipster bags. I guess I'll have to make one for myself.

ANGELA. said...

I would love love to have that bag (any of your fabrics would be so fantastic). Any chance I can buy one from your mum? :)

mo said...

Sold! I saw the red one and love it and now this one... love it. Gotta go buy the pattern.
Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Out of the topic, sorry.
Did you try to make a lampshade out of your fabric?

Carolyn said...

Just found your blog about the two zip hipsters. I have made so many that my friends are requesting them. Love a great pattern that goes together easily.

Jessica Jones said...

Anonymous, I haven't myself, but other people have. An example.

{northern cottage} said... you think you mum might adopt me too? I want a hipster bag!!! xo just found you & am loving exploring your site.


Unknown said...

I have to try this. Your mums pattern review has given me a little confidence boost too! I am a beginner, so I was a little intimidated by the idea at first... Thanks for sharing!

Carolyn said...

Just finished my 12th hipster. I love this pattern and it is so easy, even the zippers. If you ever had a doubt about sewing zippers this will cure it.