Make an origami cat bookmark | How About Orange

January 11, 2012

Make an origami cat bookmark

On You Tube I found video instructions for making a cat bookmark designed by Jo Nakashima. So I tried it out. A couple of the steps were tricky, but I managed to prevail! I think this kitty is funny. He looks like he tried to cross the road at the wrong moment.


Nic said...

I have some bookmarks like this little guy, except they have tiny magnets on them to help them stay put. Pretty ingenious.

Grandma G said...

Aw, poor smashed kitty!


Jessica Jones said...

I made one of this designer's 3D kittens, too, which does not look like roadkill. It's pretty cute. But it's a little mooshed, so I'll make a couple better ones before I show you.

Grandma G said...

Alex got at that one, huh? ;)

I have a kitty I'm ready to moosh, too, if she won't leave my hibiscus alone!


Juliette Nelson said...

LOL JJ and Mum, y'all are so funny!

Jessica Jones said...

NOOOOO, Mum! Don't moosh Josie!

Grandma G said...

Would you like to have a little talk with her? My yelling doesn't seem to deter her for long anymore. :(


Nicki Rocky said...

As I am currently typing this with a kitty who insists on sitting across my arm while I type I know where Grandma G is coming from! Great bookmark though, looking forward to trying it!

Grandma G said...

Ah, yes, Nicki... the ol' "if-I-lay-across-your-arm-you-have-to-pay-more-attention-to-me" trick! And who are we to toss the beloved things to the floor?! ;)

Anonymous said...

Only a soul-less biotch would find humor in a crushed kitten road kill, but then we are a society post Supreme Court ruling that crush videos are free speech. You suck because you are stupid..

Jessica Jones said...

Well, I have to admit I don't get too worked up about crumpled paper.

Katie said...

Ok, that's too cute, I'm going to have to make a couple!

Anonymous said...

Wicked cute. This would be a great little project for my girls and their friends. I see these decorated with glitter in my future!

Unknown said...

awesome! I'm going to make one right now!!

Jessica said...

O my goodness!Im so happy to have come across this!My son loves anything origami, so Im sure he would love to try this!

LimeRiot said...

Squeee!! How adorable. I miss bookmarks now that I have a kindle.

from diary to story said...

Woow cute kitty, I'll try it, seriously.. ^_^ thanks for sharing... i love your blog... very inspiring... two thumbs up!!!

Anonymous said...

If you don't understand the objection, you truly haven't grasped the concept that "craft evokes images" as representational art. It disturbs me that you find references to road kill as humor, or using your craft to evoke the image of a dead animal. If I am not mistaken, didn't you profess Christ as your savior once?

Tharvey said...

I don't think Christ would ever approve of leaving nasty Anonymous posts on someone's blog. "I found it a little insensitive" would have been enough.

Fly Anyways.x said...

Uber cute!!! Also appreciate the joke, it does look like a comedy squished cat.


Anonymous said...

What a cute project for the kids! Thanks for sharing :)

I also think it's completely cowardly to leave anonymous mean posts! If you are that outraged by the blog post, simply close the little tab at the top of your browser.

Nicole Underwood Gonzalez said...

so cute!! I have to show my kid this!

mikky said...

To cute! Will have to try making these. I might kill the origami zen look by adding some googley eyes.


Cecilie said...

Sooo cute - have to make these. Thanks for sharing!

I don't get anonymous posts. If you have something to say come right out and say it. Don't hide behind anonymity.
Some people simply has nothing better to do.

Roger said...

Did someone really get upset about a reference to roadkill? That's hilarious. Took me an hour to make one of these kitties that didn't look like it had been run over. Lovely little design, thanks.

blytheponytailparades said...

Oh this is just too sweet! I need to try making these :) Thanks for sharing and I LOVE your blog!

Unknown said...

I just had to pin that! So stinking cute. I'd better go make myself ten or so!

robyn @

quadri said...

Now I know how I'm gonna spend the weekend...

Caromite said...

Thank you for sharing - I´ve tried it, too. My version isn´t as good as yours, but I like my cat bookmark really much.

I´ve blogged about it:

mitali said...

just saw this post tagged on the mutts page. I have 15 kitties at home that need regular mooshing as they are in, on, and under everything!

Quadri design said...

Really enjoyable! I've to try it with my little Mark that loves all kind of game.

Dipinti said...

This kitty is lovely - but not so easy to do. I tried it with my Kids - it took a loooong time..

quadri moderni said...

Very good!

adesivi murali said...

Oooook, definitely you made my day! I'll propose it on my blog. Thank you from I&D design ;)