Giveaway: Drygoods Design Online | How About Orange

October 10, 2011

Giveaway: Drygoods Design Online

You may have noticed a recent burst of giveaways around here—the last of the bunch is today's from Drygoods Design. Drygoods offers pretty fabrics for sewing and crafting, custom order and ready-to-buy items including pillows and baby bedding, plus nifty packaging supplies like bags and twine.

Win $75 of goods!
Leave a comment on this post before midnight CT this Friday, 10/14/11, and you'll be eligible for the random drawing. Be sure to leave an email address or other way of notifying you. One winner will be contacted and announced here. You'll receive a code for $75 worth of fabric and goods of your choice (excludes shipping which is free in the U.S.; rates for shipping elsewhere are here).

And through the month of October, get 20% off anything in the store by entering the discount code ORANGE20 at check out.

Update: The giveaway is now closed, and the lucky winner is Rachel, with comment #796. Congrats!


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Sherri said...

Adorable fabrics! Love the patterns.

Anonymous said...

Super cute fabrics!

susanhong82 at aol dot com

w said...

Yes! Rad!!

Jennifer Simmons said...

Totally cute.

marin said...

awesome! love this.

Emily said...

Awesome! emmillee(AT)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...


Aurora said...

the fabrics are so bright and pretty.

aurora6772 at sbcglobal dot net

CountryBelle said...

Those are super cute! Love the colors!

kelly.r said...

Lovely giveaway!


anne said...

oh, man, i love their aesthetic! i'm madebyanne at gmail dot com.

Andrea said...

Thanks for introducing me to a new store. The fabric and packaging look so cheerful and beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.

Lila Lime said...

O wow, I love it a lot!
mail2han at gmail. com

Tina C. said...

So cute! Love!


Anonymous said...

sorot_or_not at yahoo dot com

Jeanne Woodard said...

Ah! I love all the fabrics on their site. I wouldn't know what to buy first!

Hannah Minchow-Proffitt said...

This is awesome!

Kara said...

everything here is definitely swoon-worthy! thanks for such a great giveaway! kara.l.lundquist {at} gmail {dot} com

Aine said...

Love them!

aine.calgaro at gmail dot com

Blythe said...

Wow! I love their selection--I feel like there are plenty of designs that fit my aesthetic.

Katie Jobczynski said...

i am always up for free fabrics!


Steph at said...

Thanks for the chance!

Emily said...

Super cute!! Love those patterns!

puzzle75 at verizon dot net

Jeni Allen said...

What a great shop! I love all the nature prints she has!

Me, Myself, and I said...

Such great merchandise! I haven't ever seen that company!

jennyknits at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

pick me please!!!!

amy elizabeth said...

Turquoise speaks to me! This is a great giveaway! Thanks!


Unknown said...

Love their stuff!

Anonymous said...

So pretty!

amaramorgana {at} gmail {dot} com

Julie @SavvyEats said...

I love Drygoods Design!!

Summer said...

yes, please!

Lindi said...

I love them! flowersatlast at gmail dot com

katk said...

Really pretty!

Robyn said...

Ahhh! Love this store! I could totally use this! :) :) Thanks for the chance to win!

sarah said...

What fun!

Grandma G said...

You must've put those gorgeous blue fabrics up there just for me - thanks! ;) Now pick me so I win them!


Kitty said...

So pretty!!!

Lori said...

Sweet giveaway!

Lynda said...

what a great giveaway - I just put myself on fabric hold after looking at my finances over these next few months, this would be nice to play with. love the raindrops - crossing my fingers and toes - yup, I can still cross them at 66!

Rachael said...

yey! competition!

branflakes_8 at hotmail dot com

StaceyN said...

Wonderful!! <3


Asma’ AB said...

love the vibrant colours!

Anne said...

Fun fabric!

CitricSugar said...



Megan said...

So many great fabrics to choose from!

Jordan Pudlo said...

pick me! pick me!

MAM said...

Looks like fun fabrics that would make me happy!

Rebecca said...

so fun! i would love to win!


Unknown said...

Oooh that sounds awesome! Fingers crossed! :)
-Carrie Rosalind
rosalindrevival (at) hotmail (dot) com

Jessa said...

Awesome stuff! Thanks for the giveaway!

Laura said...

Wow, I loved the whole store... Thanks for the chance!

L Schelvan said...

Nice stuff. Thanks!

Tracie said...

I would love to win this!

Jess said...

All of their stuff is marvelous! Perfect for holiday gift making and packaging!

Ashley @TheCreamToMyCoffee said...

Oooh I hope I win!

The Russ Family said...

Wow, what a great store, $75 would be great!

Mommarock said...

Whoohooo wouldn't that be a dream to win!

Anonymous said...

wow lovely

Amy Wagliardo said...

Checking out the dry goods now...

Kristin said...

Ah, those are so cute! Hoping for a win!

Mreffey said...

there stuff is all great!

Jennifer said...

That fabric is so cute! I don't think I've seen it before. sheets625 at gmail

Kristie said...

Awesome. fantastic products and they are in Seattle too! Thanks. kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Sarah Y said...

Adore the bags!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited that you featured this company--I love it and am definitely going to order fabrics from her!

Cristin said...

oh man how would I ever choose from such a great shop!? Too much fabric goodness :-) Thanks so much!

lesthook said...

Would definately update my stash!

Allison said...

Oooh, nice stuff! Thanks for letting us know about the shop and the giveaway!

Katie M said...

Love the fabrics! I'm in the market for cute prints - I have a baby on the way, due in April! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

Jeanell said...

Lots of fun fabrics! I would love to have any of them.

Panda Parables said...

what a cute lil website!

amanda said...

I just bought some of those fabrics pictured yesterday for my first quilt project! I will squeal if I win this giveaway. : ) A quilter can nev-er have too much fabric. Thanks for the generous store credit and discount code. Definitely taking advantage of that either way. : )


Kathryn said...

Love it all!!!

kathrynlinehan at hotmail dot com

chrissie said...

What a selection. My head hurts just thinking of all the things that I could make with them. x

Cass said...

Oh my, that WOULD be a fun shopping spree!
thebluecastle (at) hotmail (dot) com

vinnie said...

love turquoise, and those patterns are lovely! i'll have a try

vinniespinosa ( at)yahoo ( dot) com

Jennifer said...

That would be an awesome shopping spree!! Thanks for the chance!

Jennifer said...

Woot! Thanks for the opportunity! :O)

whiskerbeans [at] gmail [dot] com

Emily said...

I'm super excited about this giveaway! emily.m.hickman[at]gmail[dot]com

Anonymous said...

Simply lovely! Would love to use them for my new sewing projects!

Andria said...

Love the fabric!

Lia Keller said...

Just visited their site and I can't imagine the decision of which fabrics to get with the winnings!
Akskedaddle at

jackie said...

me me me me me...please and thank you!!!

Em said...

Great fabric! Thanks!

Betsy said...

What a lovely shop!

Melinda said...

cool!! free fabric! the discount is a nice consolation prize. ;-)

Jorjette said...

These fabrics are awesome!

Lil Mama Stuart said...

ooh looks like fun fabrics!

Jorjette said...

Such great fabric! The patterns are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I really LOVE the fabric!
ilke.m at hotmail dot com

Lisa Olson said...

Thanks for the chance to win this fun giveaway!


Anonymous said...

super cute!

niki said...

I recently found their site and am loving all their fabrics!

Amy said...

I love the bags!
arparker at nc dot rr dot com

Susan O'Bryant said...

Love simple shops with great stuff like this one! Thanks for the great giveaway.

susanaudrey33 at gmail dot com

Jorjette Hatfield said...

This fabric is fantastic!

Domenica said...

Che ghiotta occasione! Grazie! Negozio straordinario!

Patti said...

The fabrics are magnificent and the shop is fun! Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway.

Nicole @ Sew Much Sunshine said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win! :)

Sam said...

Love the bags! Perfect for packaging some of my goodies! Come to speak of it - the material is great for making some of my goodies!

Emily said...

Lovely fabrics!

Julie O. said...

These are so cute!

Ashley said...

So fun!

ashb2005 at gmail dot com

Laurel said...

oh my goodness, what i could do with $75!!

Elizabeth said...

Such cute stuff!

kristen said...

ooo fabulous! thanks!

Nicole said...

Um...awesome fabric. How have I never heard if this store before?

Off to investigate further...
Dieselmonkey (at) ymail (dot) com

Scenic Pit Stops said...

Looks like a fun store! Thanks!

Nikki said...

cute stuff! could easily spend $75+ here :)

Teriney said...

Just ordered from there! Delightful!

Justine said...

This is super awesome!
justineith at gmail

two hippos said...

the goodies look great!

Síona said...

Oh my! I would loveee to win! My email is:
siona07(at)gmail(dot)com! S xx

Anonymous said...

Love the fabric, the colors are so happy!

wallerka at yahoo dot com

spotter said...

I live in a pretty fabric wasteland. would love some lovely mail order. Thanks.

tichtach said...

Wow, it's like art! Lovely give away.

Erin said...

How fun!! Yes please!

That blue fabric with the multicoloured raindrops is adorable!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome store, I'm glad to have heard about it.

animalstencils @ gmail . com

BeachGirl said...

The patterns they have are beautiful. I love the colors.
lgilbraith at hotmail dot com.

Molly said...

those packaging goods are so cute!

Anonymous said...


randerson 938 at hotmail dot com

Crystal said...

ahmazing! going to buy some stuff even if i don't win! love these supplies.

sydney85 said...

Those colored bags are gorgeous!

Jacey said...

Even though, I am a big fan, I just found your blog (via my newfound twittering). Yay! So, thanks for sharing this giveaway, and I'll be around these parts more often!

Dave and Lizzie said...

I would love to win! Super cute!

Anonymous said...

Love the Fabrics! StefMont at yahoo dot com

Aubrey said...

fun fun shop!

Leah Claire said...

Everything's so drool-worthy! Thanks for the giveaway. leahclaireh(at)gmail(dot)com

Alicia C {sassyberry at juno dot com} said...

What a sweet giveaway, and thanks for pointing out so many fun Etsy shops and blogs all over the place!!!

Emma said...

How fun!
emmalou45 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Pick me!
dwcasmith at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! I'd love to win!

Shannon said...

awesome! There are some really lovely fabrics just in the header. Great giveaway.

gifton said...

Yay! I love giveaways! Don't use win but I love it anyway!

Sarah said...

always like finding new sources of fabric

Doris said...

Cute fabrics.

donna said...

Really pretty things! Fingers crossed.

Erzebat said...

cute cute cute fabrics. I see keyfobs and matching coin purses!
(mauh) Liz

Anonymous said...

Oh, what beautiful stuff! Count me in!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Cathy said...

Cute fabrics!

Nikki said...

Love all their stuff. So cute.

Julie said...


Anastasia said...

Oh so Lovely!! I just wasted a ton of time window-shopping.

Brielle Dunham said...

Eeeekkkkk!!!!! What a fabulous giveaway! :)

My E-mail:
My Twitter:!/Brielle_RaNae

Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway! :)

Liz / Ampersandebeth said...


ampersandebeth [at] gmail [dot] com

Rebecca S. said...

I'm just learning to sew, this would be great to win!

rebeccasweeton (at) gmail (dot) com

leigh said...

great stuff!

leighlou5 at gmail dot com

Amy said...

love the bright colors! amy @

sb said...

Wow, what a great selection - I'd love to win!

Libby said...

I always love to add new craft supplies to the pile (even if the husband thinks I'm a hoarder!).


Rachel said...

What pretty patterns!

Anastasia said...

sorry: forgot to add stasigh at gmail. com

Tamera said...

I have a weakness for fabric! I'm in.

Mary Elliott said...

YES PLEASE! Love all your giveaway drawings you do!

sami cappa said...

Love the patterns!!
zombienoises [at] gmail [dot] com

Lili said...

Wow, amazing! Super cute! (aureliewelcomme (at) hotmail (d0t) com)

Unknown said...


Christine said...

Thanks for the giveaway, love the fabric choices!

kjansma said...

Ooh, a new shop to add to my favorites! I'm a sucker for free shipping, too, because sometimes I only need a few things and shipping costs often make it not worthwhile.

auntie said...

yay! giveaways are awesome :)

Katie said...

Wow, wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Cool! Thanks!

laura kate said...

oooh, pretty pretty pretty!

pak said...

Nice fabrics!

NoraMSH said...


Bonnie Van Voorst said...

OOh ooh ooh, love this!

Jenn K. said...

What a great prize!

sookhyun said...

i'd love to win some of these funky and unique fabrics!

Katharine said...

Great shop! Thanks for letting us know about it!

Kate said...

Oooh, yes please!

Lianne said...

Love the giveaway!!

lizziebees at hotmail dot com

Abby said...

What a great giveaway (and thank you for the coupon code)! The fabrics are amazing.

Louby Lou said...

Amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!

Resha said...

Beautiful fabrics! Thanks for the chance to win!

jenny said...

I'd love to be able to use this voucher.. wanted to get back into writing and mailing letters. :)

Kimmy said...

I just love all of the fabrics!

Unknown said...

wonderful shop. Thank you for telling me about it!

Jennifer said...

yay for free! or even the discount is great!

Randi said...

chrishel00 at gmail dot com

Ann Disaster said...

This would be a fun one to win!

jenna.marcum at

rachel said...

such pretty fabrics!

bonnie said...

pretty packaging makes a gift so much better :)

Sanjyot Wagle said...

I'm very excited to make a headboard out of these fabrics...vibrant textiles stretched like canvas on top of my bed...pure pleasure :)

Sanjyot Wagle

SerenityH said...

Very beautiful fabrics.

pupton said...

Wow! Love the fabrics! I can totally see a series of quilts out of these! Sign me up!
pupton58 at gmail dot com

Emily said...

How exciting!

melissamo1 said...

Wow!!! I could go crazy with all that!!! How fun!!! said...


amyelizabeth said...

Amazing array of fabrics! Here's hoping! :)

Amy said...

Very cute fabrics and notions!

kate said...

New fabric would be just what I needed to kick off a bit of craftiness!!!

Amy said...

this would be terribly handy for upcoming wedding plans!

Elise said...

Oh, gorgious... they're very welcome over here!
e.k.harkema (at) gmail (dot) com

Clamworks said...

love the fabrics...i love making unique bedding for my pets, they would be perfect!

Alex said...

Nice fabrics!

cheekyweebrat @ gmail dot com

spikedpunch14 said...

awesome fabrics!

Sarah said...

oh man...i could go nuts in their fabric department! :D

Catie said...

Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Anonymous said...

lovely material!

Margeaux said...

Those goodie bags are so cute! Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

Margeaux Fincher

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