How to make wall art from wood scraps | How About Orange

September 14, 2011

How to make wall art from wood scraps

Janine at Salvage Love has posted a tutorial for the DIY wall art she made for her living room. She snatched up a pile of leftover wood scraps from her dad and transformed them into this! Learn how right here. You don't have to paint yours orange, but I highly recommend it.

(Photos by Claire Ferrante)


Grandma G said...

Wow! I love that!

But I love YOU more!

Jessica Jones said...

Wow. You're in a mooshy mood today. :) Love you too, Mum.

Grandma G said...

That's 'cuz I got an email late last night saying somebody was bringing good food for the weekend. I plan to have a great time!

Moosh, moosh,

Kit Lang said...

What a great idea. :)

Lil Mama Stuart said...

Saw something similar at the Renegade Craft Fair this weekend. It was one of those "such a simple idea, I can do that!" kind of finds

Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse said...

Wow! Sometimes I feel pretty good about the DIY projects I blog about (today - a DIY chalkboard knife block) and then I see something like this. That is an amazing idea and it looks so beautiful and mod. Definitely going to check out the how-to.

Kristen @ Popcorn on the Stove said...

I love this! The texture and 3D effect of it makes it so much more interesting.

mlb said...

That looks amazing, and I've been looking for something like that for my living room -- but the links seem not to work.

Janine Rose said...

Thank you all for the fantastic comments :)

I am having some server issues this morning, working on it and the site should be functional ASAP. Thank you for checking it out!

Poppyprint said...

You know, the posts you do are interesting and all, but I keep coming back for the conversations you and your mum have in the comments. You two are adorable!!!

Grandma G said...

Heehee... Jess, did you hear that? I'm adorable!! I bet I haven't been called that since I was two! ;)

Well, YOU are adorable, too, of course.


Jessica Jones said...

Ha. Maybe I should make another blog that's just a live chat between my mom and me. It would go like this:
Mum: Oh Jess, I love you tons and I'm so proud.
Jess: Mom, stop it. You're embarrassing.
Mum: I don't care. I love to embarrass you in front of tons of people.

Seriously, I worry people are going to throw up some day. I think it's possible she just enjoys making me squirm.

Grandma G said...

Okay. I'll stop.

'Most' people are prob'ly sick of me, anyway.

Jessica Jones said...

Nope. Everybody wishes they had a mom that loves them so much. You don't have to stop. I think it's your job to write mooshy comments. You can't help it; you're a mom.

Grandma G said...


Sorry if I embarrass you, though. ;)

(Don't tell her, folks, but I lied. I wasn't really gonna stop! Hahahaha!)

Sarah Rooftops said...

Ha ha - I've never given my mum my blog address but I'm reconsidering now...!

My INTENDED comment, though, was just along the lines of how cool this is - thanks for sharing!

Minttu said...

Greetings from Finland! First time here and looking good! I really like that wood-thing... how simple and still beautiful.

Live a Colorful Life said...

First of all, this wood wall art ROCKS! And of course it would require orange. I'm going to try this one. Mark has bunches of scraps from work. Yay!

Oh, and the reason I now am friends with you mother and have met her in person was solely and strictly because of your comment conversations.

Carry on...

MyPeaceOfFood said...

Dude! I have so many of these lying around from my husband's unfinished-going-on-four-years bar in our basement. (No, I'm not kidding.) Putting this on my to-do list. Some day!

kansasgirl1 said...

Wow! so cool!

able mabel said...

Definitely a fan. I also love the pillow!

Anonymous said...

Love the colors - I thought it was a quilt at first :)

asuhara sue said...

loveeeeeeeeeeeeee it so much!

Anne Magee said...

Love it! What an amazing project!

Caroline said...

Oh! Great idea! Thanks for your inspiration!

Josje. said...

looks so nice, but I don't have space on my walls haha (:

Unknown said...

Beautiful - love the colors a lot :)

Sara {House Bella} said...

I did one of these a few months ago!

Reeve said...

Love the colors. They instantly brightens the room. I was looking for something for my apartment. Great idea!

Michelle said...

The link no longer works. �� could someone who still have this DIY please share it. This looks like such a fun project and it looks awesome! Janine you're so crafty!