Things to do with kids | How About Orange

June 14, 2011

Things to do with kids

Hilke Sievers writes a (trilingual!) blog called El hada de papel, a log of crafts and activities for children. If I had any kids, I'd plan to trounce them in a round of clothespin catapulting, then craft some quirky toilet paper critters. If you and the youngsters are bored, take a look around the site.


Denise Laborde said...

Thank you for this link! My kids are off from school every Wednesday and I'm always looking for things to do :)

beautiful square feet said...

Thanks for sharing this - loads of good ideas there! Will try some out this summer!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. It is a challenge to keep them busy on the off days, or when it's just too darn hot for the little ones to do outside. These are great ideas.

Grandma G said...

What a load of easy ideas!

dawn said...

usually I refuse to even read any craft post that involves toilet paper tubes... but in this case I will happily make an exception!

Given our "summer" so far, and I use the term loosely, I will need plenty of cool/rainy day crafts to keep the children occupied. Thanks!!!

Meg said...

I get the best ideas for my preschoolers art projects! Thanks!

Sharon said...

Yay for crafts to do with kids! I love simple crafts like this to do with my daughter.

Kristin said...

Even for my kids who are young and don't have much of an attention span I can see some fantastic Ideas. Summer might turn out to be less tedious than I thought.

Jessica said...

What cute and easy owls! Aherm, do you reckon it's sad to make them if you don't have any kids....?

Anonymous said...

love it! thanks for the share!

Jessica Jones said...

Jessica, I believe that would be perfectly acceptable. They are art objects. Not kids' crafts. :) said...

Thank you sooooo much! I really appreciate so many nice words!

That really feels good!

Jessica Jones said...

Thank YOU for posting such fun ideas, Hilke!

able mabel said...

Whoa! Love the toilet paper characters!!

Henni said...

How cute little owls!

coca dear said...

What a fun site!! I found a ton of things I can't wait to try with my girls!!

petra said...

i loooovvveeeee these owls!

Anonymous said...

Too bad this seems to be a ripoff (and there are many) of - back from '09. These were featured on some big blogs back in late 2009. Even worse that it is referred as an original work. said...

you never made animals with toilet paper when you went to school?--- I did ...we just made cats. In 1988 (more or less)
I love the link you put in here and I already were in contact with this people.... they have greate ideas. Thank you

Pure said...

LOVE IT ! Great Idea!!!