Quiz: Name the movie | How About Orange

May 25, 2011

Quiz: Name the movie

If you like a challenge, try one of the Clockbuster movie quizzes from Veer, the stock photo company. Guess each movie title based on three visual clues. Don't try to form words from the pictures like I did—tie + man + plane = Tiemanplane? How is that a movie!? (It's not.) These aren't rebuses; just try to guess the story told by the photos. Good luck.


T.D. said...

I got 20/50 -- but most of the films I got right, I hadn't even seen.... I just guessed what they were because they looked like certain DVD covers, heh heh..... thanks for the challenge! :D

The Needle Shop said...

35/50 Hard! I want my website to look like that.

Anonymous said...

how do you get the answers you don't know?

The Mad Giggler said...

I got 48/50...how do you get the answers to the ones you do not know? Great photographs. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Holy cow! What an awesome game.
I only got 28/50....

CB said...

38/50. If you let the clock run down on one you don't know, it gives you the answer.

CB said...

Also, my favorite has to be Highlander--a sword, a headless body, and lightning. PERFECT clues.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing! I really had fun trying to figure that out!

Elisa @ What the Vita said...

Really want to find out how to find the answers! If you let the clock run out, it just gives you a movie quote and goes to the next one... arghhh. Loved this game, thanks for sharing!

Lil Mama Stuart said...

21/50. ok so I had to google a few that were on the tip of my tongue and I could remember the actor/scene but not the title lol

Lien said...

Fun game! But not knowing all the answers is killing me!

Anonymous said...

That's tough! It lets you keep trying the ones you missed/skipped, though, so I eventually got them all. Through judicious use of Google and a forum where folks were trying to figure out the same game!

Anonymous said...

I think "the sequel" version is easier than "the original".

Charlene said...

37/50 on my first try...

not knowing the other 13 is driving me crazy!

Kat said...

31/50 what a fun game! I really want to know what the other ones were though. 2 of them I have on the tip of my tongue but can't figure them out.

Connie said...

how do you get the answers you don't know?

Lauren said...

i got 25/50

val said...

41 out of 50 but I am determined to get the last 9!

Norma said...

We wasted lots of time last night playing this...while we waited for the Idol winner to be announced.

j. wilson said...

completely addicting. 44/50. hadn't seen most of them either but darn i wish i could have gotten them all! :)

Kristen @ Popcorn on the Stove said...

I got 38/50. A lot of fun but some of them were tough!

Sandi D said...

fun, fun! 31/50 thanks for sharing this!

Κατερίνα said...

Please, let me know how you get the answers! I got 21/50...

val said...


seems like you can get alot of answers in the comments section here.

KB said...

So much for my afternoon nap! Thanks for sharing.

Sara @ House Bella said...

Hilarious! 30/50.

Niki said...

i had NO idea how to enter the question... I know and I SUCK st spelling!! Poor me!!

Emmy said...

That was fun!

38/50 orignal
36/50 the sequel

I cheated on a few that I new the actor but not the movie name. :)

Anonymous said...

Those are hard! 35 on the original 24 on the sequel without cheating...now I have to peek at the answers its making me crazy!

evey said...

your blog turns me onto the coolest stuff.

Anonymous said...

39 out of 50.

Anonymous said...

I love the font you used for the heading of this post! Could you tell me the name of it?

Jessica Jones said...

I don't know what it is—I just took a screenshot from the Veer website and recolored it. I'm sure if you contacted them and asked about the font on the Clockbusters page, they'd be delighted to tell you.

Lulu the Baker said...

Agghh! So fun! Just like everyone else has said, the ones I couldn't get are killing me!!! I got 47/50 on the original and 42/50 on the sequel!

Carissa said...

just played for a bit and had so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I played with my husband, but I only really needed him to help me remember the movie title from a string of clues beyond the pictures, we got 49 and I googled 1 because we had NO idea about. Of course, the one that was killing me (I was sure I knew it) turns out I was spelling it wrong.

On to the sequel.

Oh, and I had to open it in Safari, because I couldn't play in Firefox.

A Little Sweet said...

Love this! My husband and I keep going back to it - we are determined to get all of the answers.

PS LOVE this Blog!

marikit said...

so cool!