Online SLR camera simulator | How About Orange

May 18, 2011

Online SLR camera simulator

On the subject of photography, did you know there's a website where you can practice using an SLR camera? Adjust lighting, ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and distance settings to see what happens to your photos. Try out


Nicole said...

That is fantastic! Thanks for sharing :)

Lisa Grass Schultz said...

Thank you so much for sharing this!!!

Three Birds Jewelry said...

nice! i am actually going to a workshop tonigh about my DSLR- wanna learn more about setting white balance etc. this will be nice to share with others!

Unknown said...

SO cool! I'm definitely going to have to check it out! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Another great site to bookmark. Thanks!

margaux said...

this is awesome! thanks for always posting amazing links!

Mandi said...

This is great! I just got my first DSLR camera a couple of weeks ago. This may be quite helpful, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Perfect timing. Thanks!

Geevz said...

AWESOME! I just got my first SLR and this seems much better than trial and error

Swell Papel said...

Thank you for sharing this! It's great!

Maloree said...

this is AMAZING! may i post this link on my blog

Jessica Jones said...

Of course! Go for it.

Tsuki aka LittleGrayFox said...

how fun! thanks for the link! I'm off to play :)

Anonymous said...

Love this! I found it on pintrest and played with it all night! :))

Rose Clearfield said...

Ohhh, love it! Way too much fun. :)

Unknown said...

This is really smart! Thank you for sharing this :)

Grandma G said...

If I start playing with this, will I want a new camera?


Anonymous said...

Oh nice! Thanks!!

Grandma G said...

Then I'd better not, 'cause right now I'm quite happy with my own. :)

Kylie said...

Thanks so much for sharing this and everything else that you do...
I'm totally addicted to blogs and your's is one of the ones i check everyday at work.
So basically just a huge thank you :)

Unknown said...

This sounds absolutely awesome! Going to go check it out now.

3creativechics said...

I love this. I am sharing this one.

hello. said...

thank you so much! i'm ready to upgrade to a dslr, but i've been a bit intimidated. this will be good practice.

mamasue123 said...

How cool, we just ordered a DSLR camera, so I better get practicing!

sherri lynn said...

Thanks for sharing this! I'm about to buy an SLR camera so this is great :)

Mae said...

Thanks! I'll visit the site now :D

Margaret said...

This is AWESOME! Thanks so much for sharing! Indeed...perfect timing!

Niki said...

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

mysterymoor said...

Amazing stuff. I linked to it here:

Lisa said...

That's great! I'll definitely bec checking that out, thanks!