A gallery of stationery | How About Orange

March 01, 2011

A gallery of stationery

The folks behind Lovely Package have launched a spin-off called Lovely Stationery, a blog curating the best in business card, letterhead, and envelope design. Many projects feature delicious die cutting, embossing, foil stamping, and all sorts of expensive finishing no one can afford. Head over there and dream a little.


Claire said...

Thanks so much! I have a writing blog and I linked to this site! My readers will be ecstatic! Thanks again!

Inkprint Letterpress said...

Yay for beautiful graphic design! Always love to see what people who can afford the expensive stuff are coming up with :-)

Becky said...


maria said...

Thank you for sharing! I found this as well:http://www.letterheadlove.com/

Christy クリスティ said...

Exciting! heading there now.:)

Bek said...

Dream indeed... lovely.

Nicole said...

I love it! Dreaming of the day I can afford all those pretty details.

Anonymous said...

Ovaltine, thanks so much for sharing the link to Letterhead Love. I've been quietly compiling beautiful letterhead there for almost a year now! It's nice to get a mention!

Rachel Wiles said...

Ovaltine, thanks so much for sharing the link to Letterhead Love. I've been quietly compiling beautiful letterhead there for almost a year now! It's nice to get a mention!

Jessica Jones said...

Yes, good work, Rachel! I included your site here.