Vintage-style wallpapers at Fossil | How About Orange

February 08, 2011

Vintage-style wallpapers at Fossil

Fossil's website is currently a wonderland of goodies, including desktop, iPad, and iPhone wallpapers made by their design team. How come everything Fossil creates is cool? What's in the water over there? If they sold bottles of it, I'd buy some.


Grabbing My Happy said...

Bottles of cool? I'm so there.

Unknown said...

I love it! I downloaded the pretty flowers in umbrellas- helps with the winter blues. :-)

Grandma G said...

Interesting how you need Flash to view it, but iPad doesn't have Flash, so how do you get the wallpapers for iPad?


Beth Ann said...

Thanks! I also downloaded the flowers in the umbrellas.

Whimsy said...

I'm going to download the birds - love the simplicity!

Emily said...

Thanks! I downloaded the Garden party one. It looks perfect for Spring.

Christy クリスティ said...

So pretty! I love the garden and bunting wallpaper.

Thanks for the link. :)

Heather Watson said...

Grandma G~ I thought that was comical as well. They didn't see that one coming? I went on my macbook and saved it to the desktop and emailed it to myself. Then opened the email on my ipad. Good Luck.

Jessica Jones said...

Yeah, they didn't think that through so well! Maybe I don't want to drink any of Fossil's water after all. They can keep it. :)

Rachel said...

Super cute designs!

Grandma G said...

For some reason, I get the same error message on my PC! I even went and downloaded the latest version of Flash onto my PC, and it still won't work for me. Anybody else having that problem?

Anonymous said...

I also got the Flash error message, even after re-downloading the latest version of Flash player multiple times. Not sure what the deal is :(

Emily said...

Check out these valentines day stickers- just for you!

Beth @ The Goad Abode said...

ahhh, love fossil! thanks for sharing this link :) and here's to hoping I can get it to work with my droid!

Jessica Jones said...

Emily, I know—aren't those awesome?

Tara Celeste said...

thanks for the tip!

Casey said...

Fossil always has such cool stuff and these are no exception! Unfortunately I'm one of the one's who can't get the page to load. Maybe I can get them on my mac at home... Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

seriously! thanks for sharing

Sara&Eva said...

I'm loving the first one!

Abbi said...

Hi! I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve nominated your blog for the Stylish Blog Award!

ann thomas :: said...

No idea, but completely agree with you. Perhaps their creative department is on some secret potion. ;)