Quiz: What's your color personality? | How About Orange

October 05, 2010

Quiz: What's your color personality?

Better Homes and Gardens offers this quiz to help you decide what color to paint your walls based on your answers to eight questions. Apparently my color personality is green. Green? Though the description wasn't far off, this is still very disappointing. I bet it's because I chose to read memoirs of famous figures instead of romance novels about passionate encounters.


Catherine said...

I got green too...which is interesting considering I never decorate with green. I expected blue. :)

Dusty said...

I got green too, but I would actually decorate in red and hot pink.

DianeY said...

I got green, too! Do you think they are pushing green?

Natalie said...

I got green too but that's not what I was expecting. I wonder if the quiz is broken and everyone gets green...

Mal said...

my description was great - but it Said Yellow as my personality color. extremely disappointing as it is my LEAST favorite color.

Unknown said...

I got yellow, which isn't surprising considering I painted my living room and foyer yellow the day we got the keys to our first house. It has since been blue and now gray (now what does THAT mean?). Anywhooo... maybe it's time for me to paint my laundry closet.

Justine said...

I got green too. I've never gravitated towards that color maybe because I haven't seen it done in an interesting enough way. Way to kill some time!

Jessica Jones said...

Hey, that's what I'm here for. What's up with all the green?

Unknown said...

Hm, I got red. The personality description sounded accurate, but red's not a color I would put on my walls.

Jenn said...

I got yellow which I find interesting. Blue is my favorite color, but maybe that has nothing to do with it. Interesting quiz anyway...

Leanne said...

Yep! I'm green too. Maybe they have stock in green paint.

Sara said...

I got Blue! The description was right on for me.

Drew Hatton said...

I'm a Yellow. Boo.

LKP said...

i got green as well, but i do love to have that color around me. a lot if you ask my hubby. and i love blues. what's weird is in college when i took personality color tests before, i always checked out as a yellow. which was cool. but i think since i've mellowed thru growing up that green is the only natural and logical shade for me to become. ;) great fun. i'm grateful for the 5 minute deliverance from the laundry oppression i'm under today! thanks.

Bonnie Van Voorst said...

I got green as well. UGH. I don't really like green much at all!

Tiff said...

I got green too! I wanted red. I love red. I just got brave enough to paint my powder room red, and I'm thrilled with it. Maybe someday I'll be that brave with a bigger room. Right now, it's just red accents everywhere.

Roberta said...

What? Jess you didn't get Orange?
Do over ;) I loved this...I got yellow and the description was spot on for me! I blogged about this fun quiz and added your blog link to thank you for your post today. Have a great week, fondly, Roberta

Ruthie said...

YELLOW¬!!!! YAY! The description was spot on, my bedroom is yellow (my child's nursery was yellow, til he grew out of it - it was so bright we kept thinking someone had left the light on in there!). LOVE YELLOW!

Amanda at 32˙North said...

Sheesh! I also got green! Wasn't sure what to expect, but its suggestion of painting my tiny studio hunter green is one I'll have to pass on. After all, it's already super light green!

Sarah said...

I got yellow, which is funny because I just bought a house with yellow walls and had them all painted differently. But I guess I do like yellow in general...

Erin said...

I got green also, but I'm pretty happy about that! Sorry to all the green haters who got stuck with it haha.

Thanks for sharing!

waywardmedic said...

I got yellow. I normally like the colour but its getting to be low on my list. I moved into a new apt recently where there is this god-awful yellow on the walls....it doesn't have any natural light too.

Personality wise I would agree with the colour though :-)

Brooke said...

I got yellow and the personality description fit me pretty well! I've been planning on painting my kitchen a soft yellow color.

Kris @ everywhereorange.com said...

I am a yellow, the description is accurate and it is my second favorite to orange, so i guess it fits :)

Julia said...

I got green too, sounds like there is something wacky going on with the quiz algorithm.

Brighton Breezy Sarah said...

Grrr - I got yellow too!

I have synaesthesia (which means that I have strong sound associations with colour)

for me: Yellow is the sound of high-pitched dentist drills, over-tinkly Chopin or Liszt and the sound of a chair scraping across a floor.


I like lemons but I dislike yellow.

I'm with you Mal and Drew!

Mascottblog said...

I got green too ... Is it because of the car I chose ????????????????

Brooke said...

I was yellow and oddly enough my kitchen and laundry room are yellow, but red is my favorite color. I would say the description was pretty accurate tho.

Summer said...

I got yellow, and I hate yellow. In fact, just a few hours ago I was thinking to myself how horribly ugly the yellow brick inside the subway station was, hah!

Lauren said...

I got yellow and it fits me!

Rachel (Trailblazing My Life) said...

Yellow for me. It said yellow was a good choice for kitchens -mine is already yellow :)

Frau S said...

Mine is yellow. I hate yellow.

Anonymous said...

I got green as well. I am not surprised though...it is my go to color.

Roselee said...

I was green, too. Funny b/c I have 2 yellow rooms, and have been thinking of yellow for 2 more! I guess I should embrace green!

Laura said...

I'm yellow ... no big suprise. It's been my favorite color since I was a child. Love to decorate with it!

ASHLEE said...

I got green. Probably a good thing since my living room/dining room IS painted green. (check out my living room: http://craftsparklepop.blogspot.com/2010/08/great-blog-home-tour-living-room.html) and it describes my personality pretty well. Fun little quiz!

Nicole said...

I got green. Was kind of hoping for blue.

Grandma G said...

Yellow.... my least favorite color. The description didn't fit me much, either.

Pooey on that quiz. ;)


Anonymous said...

Pooey quiz. None of the books fit me -- give me sci-fi or murder mysteries!

Most other quizzes say "brown" for me, which is much more accurate, I believe.

Unknown said...

green green green as well. interesting.

Mystick Star said...

Blue! And the description fits :D

mia said...

Green here too~maybe they meant aqua~with fuschia!

Julie said...

Guess what...I'm green too! And I didn't chose to read memoirs of famous figures!

Anonymous said...

I got green, but I am currently in love with gray and blue hues.

Live a Colorful Life said...

Green, which I'm okay with, but it's probably because of the hair color question. I wanted to say red, which is what my hair actually is, although they made it sound fiery and bold (which I'm really not), so I went "natural, with subtle highlights" because I'm already red so it wouldn't be a big change for me.Yep, I think that answer threw off the whole quiz.

3Ms +1N said...

I was yellow, which is the last color I would choose to paint any room in my home.. hmm.. I feel I should have gotten blue, green or orange as they are colors I have and will paint my home :)

Lana said...

I got yellow! I love yellow ☺

TJ said...

You should make a poll to see how many got green... and count me in on for green too. Description was relatively accurate. I agree with Diane; seems they might've pushed for green, or just made green a catch-all. Thanks for sharing. :)

RevAnne said...

Maybe it's opposite day. I got yellow, when it's not a color I generally prefer.

dess said...

Not relevant to your post, but I'm sending you a link of a certain Anthony Burrill creation, 1) because I love his work, 2) because it's orange! and 3) because I think you're going to like it.


queen bee tracy said...

This was pretty fun and maybe a little right. I got yellow, which I would have pshawed six months ago as I've never been a yellow kind of girl. Except for the fact that a couple weeks ago I got a wild hair and had my hubs paint our kitchen...YELLOW! I've always been a pink and white girl so this was a big step out of the box for me. Maybe I'm just finally catching up to my personality. But you? Green? I thought you bled orange. "How About Green" definitely does NOT have the same cachet. Have a fabulous day whatever color you are!

Unknown said...

I love pink but the quiz result is blue...the explanations was quite close to my personality but frankly, I've never use blue in any room of my house...I'm more into natural colors for the interior.

Jessica Jones said...

Dess: I LOVE it. Ha! So funny. And orange.

Bela said...

I got yellow - one of my least favourite colours. LOL!

Mindy mab6306@yahoo.com said...

Something must be wrong with this quiz! It suggested green for me also, and it is definitely not a color I consider for my walls.

Elsa said...

this quiz is totally flawed ... while I like the color green, it's NOT the color I would choose to paint any wall. I go for the warmer colors, like mustard, orange ... colors like that! silly quiz ... someone must be trying to sell green as the new color!

Katie said...

i was yellow! i love yellow.

Patty said...

Green, too. Must be the new "it" color.

Dree said...

I got green too. It is pretty much dead on.

BuyWoWHordeWarlock said...

i got yellow...
our walls have the color of beige.
i think it is close enough. hehehe

Kimberly said...

HA! I got yellow...and the description was totally interesting. Fun quiz!

Christy クリスティ said...

Got green as well! I love sunny yellow though. :)

KB said...

Wow...green here too. I do use green, but hot pinks, reds, oranges, are more my style. I thought the quiz choices were too limited - for example in books - no option for modern lit, historical fiction, poetry, mysteries, etc.. And trips...what about sailing, skiing, camping, etc..? I think Jessica needs to design a color personality quiz!

Wendys Hat said...

Hmmm. Interesting! Mine was yellow and the description of me being warm and loving sun was correct but I don't do yellow! Funny!

Anonymous said...

I got green too, but it is one of my least favourite colours.
Jacqueline (in UK in case you wonder about the spelling!)