Bag, apron and tape tutorials | How About Orange

October 22, 2010

Bag, apron and tape tutorials

What are you doing this weekend? Cleaning your bathroom? You'd better cancel those plans and try one of these tutorials for making something pretty with fabric.

Apron tutorial by the ladies of Ink & Spindle, featured on The Crafts Dept.
Blossom bag pattern from Amy Butler's Style Stitches book, provided by Sew Mama Sew
Fabric tape tutorial by Simply Modern Mom
Diaper bag instructions at Warehouse Fabrics


Unknown said...

I also posted some apron tutorials yesterday :-)))

Nicole Underwood Gonzalez said...

oh the apron! love it!

Erin said...

Ohhhh yeah! Bathroom shmathroom - I need to get on that Amy Butler bag!

Grandma G said...

GREAT! I needed an excuse to not clean the bathroom!

Hey, I'm already making a diaper bag! :)


hi-d said...

I love how aprons seem to be all the rage nowadays. My Mom uses one all the time.

I'm going fabric shopping tonight to get some yardage for crib bedding and curtains. Can't wait!!!

ViiriƤinen said...

The bag is wonderful! I'll go see if I have any extra pattern fabrics...

Little Laura said...

Ever since my grandma found out that I was pregnant, she calls at least twice a week asking me what I want in the nursery. She's DYING to help me make all the bedding for the baby...It's way too soon to tell if we're having a boy or a girl, but this diaper bag should help tide her over until December when we can find out. Thank you!

amy said...

Ooh thank you. I've been looking for a great apron tutorial to use to make aprons for all the girls in my family for Christmas. This is perfect!

momto2wasd said...

I've got two bags on my list of things to do this weekend! Those are cute, although I'm not making any of those. But thanks for giving me permission to take "clean bathroom" off the list!!

Zom G. said...

That bag has gorgeous lines.
Which begs a question:
Why is it so hard to find a moderately priced, kindly sewn, ruby red canvas bag with gorgeous lines?


Excellent find!

Luisa said...

All I want to say thanks a lot for trying to tempt with these delightful projects. I really need to clean a closet and a basement but the apron is cute and I checked out the tape and it is awesome!

Jessica Jones said...

Basement, shmasement.

Beth said...

oh, I love that apron!!

able mabel said...

I love the fabric tape idea! Thanks for sharing!

Punctuation Mark said...

i love these free tutorials!!! thanks for sharing!!!

rebekah said...

i'm so in love with you for posting this! i'm going to make so much tape! i'm going to need to make a bag to keep it all in!! thanks a ton!

Unknown said...

What blog so intereting!!
I like so much. Very creative.
Kisses from Spain.

Unknown said...

What blog so intereting!!
I like so much. Very creative.
Kisses from Spain.

lucky girl m. said...

Love that Amy Butler bag -- thanks for sharing!!

ralph and martha said...

thanks for posting that bag pattern link! I made my blossom bag the other day and I love it! You are very awesome to share - thanks.

Jessica Jones said...

Ooo, I took a peek at your bag: fabulous!

Laura said...

Excellent! I love the fabric tape tutorial. Can't wait to try it!