A vintage ephemera mother lode | How About Orange

July 05, 2010

A vintage ephemera mother lode

Browsing through the blog Agence Eureka is a fascinating way to kill an hour. It's a collection of scanned vintage labels, alphabets, coloring books, posters, matchbooks, and more. Head over there and click on any image to view larger.


Dear Evie said...

What a lovely inspiration resource! Thanks for sharing.

Christy クリスティ said...

imagine the possibilities. :) thanks for the link!

Grandma G said...

Wow! That's a lot of 'old stuff'! :)

Stephanie Fizer said...

Wow, what a fantastic resource of lovelies! Thanks so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

oh my, here goes my morning...

waywardmedic said...

I've actually downloaded some of their posters, printed and framed them on my wall. Looks Awesome!

starry said...

That is awesome. thanks for the link.

kim said...

An hour? I wish that was all the time i had killed browsing Agence Eureka! ;) Fantastic!

Bela said...

I find them a bit creepy. Maybe it's because I'm French. LOL!

Jenn Erickson said...

I am so excited (and a little scared). I killed several hours last week (when I should have been doing other things) downloading vintage clipart from another site. So much inspiration! I thank you ~ my laundry pile does not ;)

mari said...

It's this kind of find that makes the web worth visiting! Thanks for the link, I think I'll be adding it to my blog link list on Friday!

Lynn said...

Oh wow...I love them! Thanks so much. Lynn

dawn said...

an hour! I've been sifting through it for much more than that, it's fantastic. I quit bookmarking pages after about 10. So much fun to look at, thanks so much for sharing!