A rather fetching dry erase board | How About Orange

June 07, 2010

A rather fetching dry erase board

I like simple, brilliant ideas. Check out Brittni's pretty dry erase board solution: fabric framed under glass. Let's all kick ourselves now for not thinking of this sooner. Read more about it here.


Grandma G said...

Well, yeah... why didn't you think of that???

Cool idea!


Carrie said...

aow!! kicking myself - that is SO obviously wonderful and simple!!!

Kathryn said...

kicking myself. but also thankful that there are people out there to think of these brilliant ideas for us ;D

cute idea, thanks for sharing.

brittni: papernstitch said...

Thanks so much Jessica for sharing my tutorial with your readers.

taranicole <"3 )~ said...

I did this using a VERY large poster frame that was being stored in our garage a few years back, then mounted it in my office. SO much cheaper than the real thing and cleans better too!!!

Susan said...

Wonderful. I'm pretty sure I have some empty frames somewhere. Now to find some great fabric!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

oh yeah, totally simple and totally good. Now I'm pissed that I got rid of all my glass photo portraits. dumb.

Tanya said...


High On Craft said...

Consider me kicked.

Christy クリスティ said...

stunningly clever!

Venus de Hilo said...

Ow! Ow! Ow!
So obvious, now that I see it!
I have a pile of old poster frames that I almost tossed. I'm gonna go try a marker on one, and rummage in the fabric stash.

Wendy the Retard said...

There's no power!!

Deven said...

Oh, Wow! It's prefect!

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

So pretty and different!

Rebecca said...


Lindsay said...

This is fantastic! I know what I am doing this weekend! :-)

Marisa said...

Kicking myself. Right now. And planting the palm of my hand into my forehead.

Maxabella said...

My girls will love this (might go with perspex rather than glass for the kiddlywinks). Awesome idea, thanks for sharing.

GRANSTAV said...

What a brilliant idea! :)/s

Nicole Coffin. said...

I just wanted to tell you that I loved reading your blog today. I got so many great ideas just off of this main page! Thank you. :)

Kosmika said...

Yes: I'm kicking myself for not thinking of this sooner, really! :)
It's brilliant!

iheartsunnydays said...

Oh so brilliant!!

Green Girl said...

my gosh! what a brilliant idea!!!

Bego said...

So clever and so simple! I'm already kicking myself :)
thanks for sharing

Kerry Brown said...

I like your radio

Bird said...

Yep..sometimes the greatest ideas are the simplest! :)

hi-d said...

So cool!

kim said...

Oh my gosh - that is too cute.
And yeah.... wow. How did I never think of that one before?

Thank you for sharing!

Stephanie said...

great idea! I wonder if plexi would work? glass is an issue with my 3 yr old

Bek said...

not only is that a cool idea, but I love that paint she linked to - I've never seen anything like that (well, besides chalkboard paint). But I'd never use it for fear the kids, until older, would think any wall was fair game...

So, yeah, add me to the list of "palm to forehead" readers

Danielle said...

I'm taking this fab idea to work with me at the demtia ward I work in...will be great for notices!!



A Few of My Favorite Things said...

Such a terrific idea! Must try this.

Rae said...

"lets's all kick ourselves now for not thinking of this sooner"...that was my thought exactly!

K-Sue said...

duh - it is a brilliant little idea!

Becky said...

My hiney hurts! Doh!

Unknown said...

Awesome!! <3 this idea!

~melly said...

when i was in college, our bathroom mirrors became instant dry erase boards, perfect for passive-aggressive messages to messy suite-mates.

now, it's an instant "make sure girlfriend doesn't forget to take her contact case with her when she leaves" note.

:) way cuter than post-its, and less waste.

Anonymous said...

I'm very like this forum, but I newbie here, I hope to find friends here

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm new. Awesome forum. Just found it on AOL. Thank u for the Awesome community we have here :)

Dana said...

Just made one this weekend! I used patterned scrapbook paper instead of fabric and I absolutely love it! Thanks so much for the idea!

Anonymous said...

I loved this idea and made them for all my friends and family for christmas. They all loved them! I used scrapbook paper instead of fabric and it was rediculously easy! There are so many fun designs to choose from and its super cheap!