Make your own plaid background patterns | How About Orange

May 20, 2010

Make your own plaid background patterns

You never know when you might need some digital tartan. Customize your own weave and colors right here, then download a square to tile seamlessly. Make your Twitter page Scottish or take your website on a picnic. This is the traditional Jones clan tartan, above.


Jessica Jones said...

P.S. Of course I'm lying.

sideoats + scribbles said...

It's the Spangler tartan! (er, yeah!)

Jessica Jones said...

Uh huh! Sure.

Susan said...

OMG -- I could play with this for hours!

craftydill said...

thanks for the info... it's sooo much fun!!

Anonymous said...

sweet! I think I might just have to change my blog header! :)

Grandma G said...

I was going to ask if Alex knew that, but I guess I don't have to, since you added your P.S. :)


GirlWithCurls said...

If you could print your "Jones clan Tartan" onto fabric, and then send it to me, that'd be great. :-) Ha!

Very cool gadget, thanks for sharing!

Melissa said...

Nothing says lovin' like a good tartan.

Christy クリスティ said...

tartan is so good in orange!

Kat G said...

Why did I not have this months ago when I was building a book cover with a tartan I had to recreate? I ended up using the letter i to create the effect I needed. It worked, but it also nearly killed me.

kim said...

what does "making your own tartan on the internet" come under on the time management system? ;)

(thanks for the link - off to make some myself!)

Jessica Jones said...

It fits into the 5-minute break. Definitely not the 25 minutes of actual work!

♥ maaria said...

What a perfect little thing to start a rainy day!

Editor said...

Great link, thank you.
Have a nice weekend!

Bek said...

ohhhh I like it.

Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life said...

oooh, i want how about orange to go plaid for a day!

[eeny] said...

Thanks so much for sharing.
I was looking for a plaid in some specific colors a while ago and couldn't find any... so this is just perfect.

h said...

I attend a [USA] university whose mascot is the 'tartan' and also has a bagpipe major...nice. lol.

Unknown said...

I'm laughing because I just made the ugliest tartan pattern in the world!

picciolo said...

I love this, I've been having fun making really bright ones!
: )

needle-crafts said...

soo nice, thank you

Jennie Bee said...

good find thanks. I found a great pattern/color swatch site:
check it out, its helpful as a graphic artist.

Khris said...

I just had to tell you that until about a year ago my most disliked colour was orange...but now I LOVE orange...I am always looking for orange....I am 43 years old and I cannot believe how one's tastes can change so dramatically....I love visiting your "orange" blog..hugs Khris

Jessica Jones said...

Wow, that's interesting. I'm glad you finally saw the light. Heh heh.

Sean said...

There is also a site at

Jessica Jones said...

Cool, thanks for the tip!