Friday fun: Social media status generator | How About Orange

May 14, 2010

Friday fun: Social media status generator

The advent of social media has created a new source of stress in our lives: the pressure to think up the perfect status update. to the rescue. "How many hours have you wasted trying to think of something suitably witty, funny and original for your status on Facebook or Twitter? Let's face it, a status like 'Dave is mowing the lawn' or 'Kate is asleep' is not going to impress that huge entourage of friends you've amassed." Right on. Get help now.


Grandma G said...

"Grandma G 's grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the **** she is."

Jessica Jones said...

Jessica is the National Spellling Bee Runer-Up

lesthook said...

Leta is going around the house and renaming things so they all start with an "i" before Apple does it... such as her iToaster, her iToilet, and her iKids...


Alisa said...

I love this one. Absolutely love it.

Kelly said...

Awesome! Thanks for sharing this!

Denise said...

Denise is retired... she was tired yesterday and she's tired again today.

Possibly the greatest website EVER!

Thank you for sharing. My FB posts just got 100x stranger.

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic! Here's mine...
Amy doesn't sweat the petty things and doesn't pet the sweaty things.

Delia said...

I just linked to your starched fabric wall decal link. Very cool idea! Thank you.

Rebecca said...

Becky distrusts camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a drink.

This is great! Thanks!

Ruthie said...

Ruth wonders if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.

This is so fab - and yes, I have just posted this onto my facebook page!


Mermaid said...

"Maja is Americas next Top Model"

Yeah, thanx for that!

Ana @ Don't Fear the Ripper said...

I have a few friends I could suggest this website to. They update their status every minute of the day trying to record every move ( going home, is going to the gym, is tired). Can't stand it!!

Camby said...

Camby is a feminist. Isn't that cute!

Editor said...

Very funnny. This is my status ritght now:
"Caroline thought that she was indecisive but now she's not so sure."

Stacy said...

I just spent a decent amount of time on this site. i should have been working... but this was more fun!

Marisa said...

"Marisa is an onychotillomaniac."

And [gasp!] it's true! How did it know...?

Amy said...

Amy is the literary equivalent to a Big Mac and fries.

Jessica Jones said...

Congratulations. I love Big Macs. But that probably means you only use one syllable words or something.

Anonymous said...

Erin isn't worried what people think. They don't do it very often.

I can't believe that website exists. HA HA.

Grace | Fashion Plants said...

Jess -

I think I love you!

Ha ha ha; thanks for the emotional lift after a day of yelling at the kids for yelling at each other.


Bek said...

Bek is reading other statuses but your status is important to her. Please stay online and your status will be read in priority sequence. Approximate wait time 17 min.

hehehehe. This is very fun. I also liked the one that told me I didn't believe in reincarnation in my last life either. :)

oh, ps - My husband writes code for high-end laser printers, so I asked him if he could in fact set it to stun. :D

Jessica Jones said...

Thanks, I'll be his first customer.

J said...

Jay is planning on living forever. So far, so good.

I LOVE this ; )

Carla Confetti said...

my first one was the best:

Claudia is wondering if Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding

Thanks for sharing!

Kim said...

ha! I love all those! And that website is amazing!!!

Kim usually wakes up grumpy, but sometimes I just let him sleep.

So fun!!! :) Thanks for finding this time waster!!

Letterpress said...

I went through a bunch until I found the one I liked--so helpful. Like Ana, I hate those lame status updates. I don't care if you just changed your baby's diaper. I don't care if you want a nap. I don't care if the grocery store didn't have your favorite ice cream. Enough already! I should sent them all over here, but then my secret would be gone.


Lesteraffe said...

New follower of your blog. Love your stuff. But just FYI...the status generator generated what seemed to be a very partisan slam against the President.

Twiddle Thumbs said...

Cami is a feminist. Isn't that cute?

Jessica Jones said...

Lesteraffe, thank you. I shall add this disclaimer:

The views and opinions expressed at are those of the site's creators and/or the various sources from which their content is drawn and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of How About Orange.

Unknown said...

"Chelsea must first find... a shrubbery!"

Hahaha, love it!

Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life said...

ahah this is hysterical. "Erin is her own worst enemy"

lisab said...

Lisa is wondering: Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

Anonymous said...

This is hysterical... I really appreciate you sharing this

I'm bookmarking it for future use.

Krysta said...

so much better than doing actual work at work today...thanks for sharing

Gina said...

this is hysterical! i just found your blog and i <3 it