May 11, 2010

DIY ruffled t-shirt tutorials (and other ruffly things)

Ruffles are everywhere. They're taking over the world like a growing fungus, feeding on every shirt and pillow and bag in their path. JCrew and Anthropologie have completely succumbed. Good thing ruffles are so darned pretty. If you'd like to invite some into your existing wardrobe, check out the following tutorials. Most projects are made from refashioned t-shirts or jersey easily found at fabric stores.

Layered ruffle shirt from Tea Rose Home (shown top left)
Vertical ruffle shirt from Tea Rose Home (shown bottom right)
Ruffled t-shirt refashion at Brassy Apple
Asymmetrical ruffle neck tee by Adventures in Dressmaking
Center ruffled shirt at Ruffles And Stuff
Rose-adorned t-shirt by Appliqué Your Way
Corsage t-shirt by Enchantresses 3
Girl's shirt with pleated neckline at Make It and Love It (shown bottom left)
Toddler ruffled shirt at Living With Punks
Toddler dress made from a t-shirt by Happy Together
Gathered jersey scarf (shown top right) at MaryJanes and Galoshes, made with this tutorial at Make It and Love It
Ruffled pillow made from a t-shirt at Floral Showers

(Images from Tea Rose Home, Make It and Love It, and MaryJanes and Galoshes)


  1. I've definitely noticed all the ruffly things lately! Some of the handmade ones I've seen are really awesome!


  2. Ooooh I do love a ruffle here and there. Love that first picture of the layered top with flower.

  3. love all the ruffles! did some ruffles with zippers on a top recently and also refashioned a tee into a ruffley top! too much fun!

  4. Couldn't agree more and thank you for collecting all of the tutorials that I need to fulfill my obsessive desire to turn every ugly tee shirt into a thing of beauty. :)

  5. Great round-up of tutorials!! I just got a sewing machine yesterday and I am hoping to find an easy first project!

  6. I just bought some 1/2 off t-shirts at Hobby Lobby yesterday with the intention of making myself and my girls something fun and ruffly. I was searching for tutorials and ideas this morning, and how lucky for me that you did all my work for me. :)

  7. So cool! I'm going to transform some of my shirts at home this weekend!

  8. Thank you for the tutorials. I had purchased some plain t-shirts recently with this intent - but wasn't sure "how" - I can't wait to get started!

  9. Thank you for posting! I love the texture given by ruffles.

  10. " a growing fungus" - you are awesome. :) Thanks for this great list! I was just wishing last night that I knew how to do ruffles - and soon, that fungus will be unleashed to feed in our house as well...

  11. Great ruffle projects - I really love the layered ruffles!

  12. Great round up. I love all of these!

  13. i know! everything is being ruffled lately. here are some of mine. a retro ruffle dress from a pillowcase & ballet ruffle skirt.

  14. Ruffles are so popular right now, thank you for including me, I'm a long time fan of your blog!

  15. Oh my goodness; that pillowcase dress is adorable! Bookmarked!

  16. Yeah, I'm really going to need to learn how to sew now.

  17. Thanks for the Feature. I have been a follower of your blog for some time now and it's fun to be linked back :)

  18. Thanks very much for the great tutorial list - much appreciated.

  19. As usual, spot on eye. Great projects. Thanks for the inspiration.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Oh you are a gem. Thanks for posting all of these wonderful links. I've been wanting to do a "ruffly" something or other and voilà yo have provided the resources.
    I do love me some ruffles. They are so pretty and feminine and well, as you said very in at the moment. Cheers!

  22. Wunderful Links. thanks for collecting.
    Some old shirt in my closet will alive again with some ruffles!

  23. Ha! I'm so showing this post to my husband! He teases me anytime I wear something with a ruffle, and asks me if I'm sure they're actually in style. Also, more incentive to add more of them to my wardrobe!

  24. I love the layered ruffle shirt! If I had a cute body I would so wear it! *sigh*

  25. Okay, so I'm going to be totally tacky and make a shameless plug for my own blog, but at least it's on topic.

    Here's another idea for a DIY ruffle shirt:

  26. I've recently been really into ruffles! Thanks for posting this! The blog rufflesandstuff has lots of great stuff on it!

    You can apply ruffles to all kinds of other things too - like bags:

  27. Wow ... I LOVE THIS POST!! thank you so much. I can't wait to make some of these. It's awesome having all the great ideas in one easy to find place!

  28. thanks i can't wait to make me some ruffles!

  29. Jess, I love these tutorial collections so much. You just seem to be on the same wavelength as me when it comes to design. I get so excited when I see a post form you in my RSS feeds. Thanks so much.

  30. I love ruffles and this post! :)

  31. Nice collection! I looooove to do ruffle tee makeovers. Here's one of my faves:

  32. That's such a great list! Exactly what I needed too, since I was planning a few sewing projects involving ruffles, this is going to save me precious time trying to figure out the techniques:))

  33. i love the ruffle thingy. DIY! nice one
