What's your IKEA name? | How About Orange

February 05, 2010

What's your IKEA name?

Oh, excuse me, I mean what name would you have if you were a product made by a famous Swedish furniture company whose corporate colors are yellow and blue? Find out here, if you'd like five seconds of Friday silliness.


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Oh dear. Mine is not pretty.

Rebekah said...

First try and my Ikea name was.... drum role please.... Rebekah..
Bummer. oh well I kept clicking enter and it started adding Js and extra Ks etc. which was much more fun. Thanks for posting I needed some silliness this friday.

Jessica Jones said...

Ha! Rebekah, you're so Swedish already, clearly.

Natalie, did it look like a swear word? Mine looked like something a snake would say.

Millie said...

Mine is Mylli! Quite cool! Maybe I'll get one...

Unknown said...

Mine was quite different; SVENRA although, it made me think of Swedish parents who wanted a boy... and got a girl.

And I seem to be a chair.

Brooke said...

BJROÅKKEN ....kinda looks like someone stuttered on broken

Amber said...


MacKenzie said...

Haha that is great!

-MacKenzie [or should I say MAKKENNZY the drawered end table]


Amy H. said...

HAHA! Thanks for sharing...

Emma @ emmanemhandmade said...

Mine didn't change either! Oh well.

Grandma G said...


flora said...

Too funny! Thanks for sharing this!

Bek said...

haha, another Rebekah here. Not sure I'd say it was Swedish, but... whatever, haha.

Live a Colorful Life said...

I typed in Cynthia and I got Kinnti. I kinda like it!

palmy said...


Cyan said...

LOL, I am Kianvik, and I am a bed.... very ugly name...

LKP said...

ha ha ha!
mine's "KEELLII"...hilarious cause it's not all that off from what my REAL name is: Keely.
not embarrassing, i'll take it! =)

Hannah said...

I did it for all my kids names. Hilarious!

Teresa A said...

Boring...same as my real name!!!

Lily Magnolia said...

Great post!!

rett og vrang said...


I'm from Norway, and this was???

Hugs, Synnøve

nope said...

how funny. mine is krysta. as a teenager i spelled my name with a y. that takes me back. :)

yardage girl said...

Very funny - love from Snykall (Nicole)

Lauren The Artist said...

Excellent. Mine is Rena.

Unknown said...

Mine is SKRISVTA, which is funny since I already have a Scandinavian name....

There is actually a table at Ikea with my last name, which always makes me laugh!


objects of whimsy said...

This was a lot of fun Ive forwarded it to my ikea obsessed friends and what was my ikea name?......hellenby a very sophisticated 2 drawer hall table. I like it very much! Poor Rebekah I could almost hear the wind leaving your sails!

Yasmine said...


Michael said...

Mine is Slainan. My husband's is Bill. His real name is Bill. : )

Katherine said...

This is fun!....my name looks spanish. Thanks for sharing!

Little Lovables said...


cute :)

Melibu said...

ah ah that's funny !

Unknown said...

Fun! Mine was quite boring though...SÄRÅH. But it does look pretty!

Crafter-holic said...

Ooo I like mine...'FJERNDÖRD'

hi-d said...

so funny...mine is "HEYDDI"

LiPeony said...

lolol yikes mine is SFRISJTINN ... whoaaaaa...

Becky said...


Looks like a platform bed frame.

Excessive use of k's and i's maybe?

Karyna @ PaperSquid said...

Haha, mine would be "SKÄRINNA".

EmbeeArqam said...

MARIÄMKE from Maryam and Embe from Embee. lol. I like the first. But that means its a toss between a chest of drawers or a chair. XD

Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Mine is Älyki, funny!

Bethany said...

Haha! This is great:)

Brooke said...

Thanks for sharing! This was so much fun!

Victoria | Hibiscus Bloem said...

I am Svyktorived !! I'm a set of draws.

Anonymous said...

mine is REETA :D i think those names are more like finnish!

Christy クリスティ said...

SFRYSVTII! hehehe...

Anonymous said...

How funny ! Mine is EVEEE and I'm a bedside table :)

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

Did the vikings ever invade Germany? My dog's name is Blitzkrieg. It came back as BLYTZKRÄIG.

We never call him Blitzy. It would go against the song that inspired his name Blitzkrieg Bop.

I tried again with his breed Pekingese it came out PEKINNGESJ.

Julie T. said...

Thanks for sharing. So funny! My husband's name is practically unreadable: Eestjtmmanvik (Eastman). At least mine was close. Juliet turned into Julait (with the double dots over the "a").

tamdoll said...

This is pretty funny - entering Tamdoll got me:

Makes it sound exotic.

PhotoPuddle said...

This is brilliant. I did PhotoPuddle and it came out as FOTÖPYDDDDL - I would buy that item!

Saraé said...

Haha my name is Saraé and they said my swedish name is SÄRÄé

Jessica Jones said...

When in doubt, add punctuation, I guess!

Anonymous said...

My name is Safa and I guess that is also a Swedish name because my ikea name is also Sáfa

Jessica Jones said...
