Vancouver Olympics mascots | How About Orange

February 22, 2010

Vancouver Olympics mascots

My name is Jessica and I'm an Olympics addict. I have zero interest in sports outside of two weeks every two years. Then if I could have my way, I'd never leave my house at night so I could stay permanently glued to my TV set. I love watching people who work really, really hard experience the sheer joy of victory. I also like watching people fall down and get back up again. Human beings are amazing and bewildering creatures.

Wow, I'm chatty this morning. What I set out to mention was Vancouver's completely adorable Olympics mascots, created by the design studio Meomi. The Olympics have had mascots since 1968, and these characters must be among the cutest. According to the Vancouver Olympic committee, Miga is a snowboarding Orca whale-turned-bear, Quatchi is a shy and gentle sasquatch, and Sumi is an animal spirit who wears an orca whale hat, has the wings of a thunderbird, and the legs of a black bear. So round up the kiddies and send them to the official mascot site, where they can watch videos, play games, download desktop wallpaper, print coloring pages, and make paper models of these guys. Awww.


Sandy said...

I heart Miga, but we can't forget about the cute sidekick MukMuk haha! I'm LOVINGG all figure skating activities.. I can't wait for the women's!!

Sarah said...

Mukmuk is the best. If you haven't already, you should follow Fake Mukmuk on twitter (@JustAMarmot). have you seen the plush toys where they're all wearing mittens? All that cuteness is killing me!

Amber said...

I went to the Olympics last weekend and brought those adorable mascots home with me to match paper set my kids made for our opening ceremony party. So cute!!!

Little Red Hen said...

I love the olympics events as well and I think that the mascots are cute. But being a Canadian/BC resident I have to say I was surprised by them - they don't represent Canada very well. JMO

Melanie's Randomness said...

I love the Olympics too! I don't watch sports except for the winter & spring olympics!! Cute mascots!

Christine said...

I am obsessed with the olympics. I'm gonna be honest, I avoid all communication with the outside world from 7-11 pm each night.

Mandy said...

I'm a huge fan of the Olympics - and I love the mascot page. You can even take a personality quiz to see which mascot you are...super cute and fun.

Holly said...

I live in Vancouver and have been enjoying the Olympic fever! I thought of you when passing by a group of fans from the Netherlands who were decked out head to toe in orange!

CitricSugar said...

Thank you for explaining Sumi. I have been wondering for weeks why a fox has wings.... Drove me crazy.

I'm with you on the O's. Big fan. Love the winter ones a little better - maybe because I'm Canadian and I understand the sports better...

Kosmika said...

So cute! :)
This time I'm not glued to the TV set, like you, because here all the main events are late in the evening or at night... :(

Kate said...

My name is Kate, and I'm an Olympics Addict. I'm so glad there's more out there!

PhotoPuddle said...

Such cute mascots!! The winter olympics are great!

pendant lighting said...

They are just so cute. I just love the olypics.

zelzee said...

These mascots are just too darn cute!
I'm not usually a winter Olympics fan, but for some reason this year has me hooked.

LuLu said...

These are SO cute! I love Miga.


Regina Mako said...

I am absolutely in the same boat, I never ever watch sports, but the Olympics are amazing and exciting and I just want to watch them all day. Check out this V day fan art I made of Quatchi and Miga, they're sooo cute.

Andrea said...

Blessings, andrea

iamrobyn said...

Such a great post! I've been going to an event every day since the Olympics started here in Vancouver, so I'm totally in the spirit too. My whole family is obsessed with the Olympics... AND the mascots! Two years ago we named our new puppy Miga. :)

Megumi said...

I agree with you.
These are the cutest ever!!!
I'm wondering having those
with me... So adorable.

AND I'm very excited,
even nervous about our hope, Mao!!!

The Merribells said...

I'm with you on the olympics thing. I am embarrassed by the level of my devotion to short track.

The Merribells said...

I'm with you on the olympics thing. I am embarrassed by the level of my devotion to short track.

Letterpress said...

I hear you! I am losing sleep in a bid way, as I watch the broadcasts every night, and then catch them on the web in the morning. I just posted about the ice dancers medal ceremony:

What a touching event to see the gold medalists, and the entire hall (it seemed) sing along to the national anthem.

Barefoot Books Liz said...

I have to admit that I haven't paid much attention to the Olympics this time.

Jane said...

I love love Mukmuk the marmot, so flippin' cute! And Quatchie, because he's also a hockey player! I have little stuffed keychains of both these guys on my purse right now!

Christy クリスティ said...

i adore meomi! everything is so cute!!

evision said...