Paper heart garland | How About Orange

January 28, 2010

Paper heart garland

A simple DIY Valentine's Day paper project: hearts on a string.

Cut colored paper into 3/4" strips. Fold them in half, or if you want some hearts that are twice as big, splice two strips of paper together at the bottom of each heart with double stick tape. Curl the loose ends around a chopstick or pen.

String the heart garland together from the bottom up. I used Sulky clear thread, available at fabric stores. It's curly and hard to see so you have to fight with it a bit, but it turns out nearly invisible. Push your threaded needle up through the bottom fold of each heart, then use double stick tape to sandwich the thread between the two halves of the curled tops.


Anonymous said...

Cute and simple!

Cori said...

What a cute and simple project. I'd love to see it done using old book pages! This has me all excited for v-day :)

solstice letters said...

So sweet and simple. I'd find a reason to leave them up long past Valentine's day.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to do this project with my 7-year old tonight! Thank you!

Emma Angel said...

this is lovely and simple, i too would have to keep it up after valentines. thank you xx

Lynn said...

Love it! I sure appreciate your sharing all these neato projects with us. :)

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

so cute and so simple! Love it!!!

April said...

Cute! I totally want to do this if I ahve some extra time!

Anonymous said...

such a wonderfully simple little thing! thank you so much for sharing, i do adore your blog.

Twiddle Thumbs said...

Totally doing this!
It works that the kids and I are all home sick today.
BTW, we promoted your site for the Bloggies last week. :)
Thanks for all you do here. SO fun!

Anonymous said...

I love this! I made one for my house in 20 minutes, but with a twist: instead of hanging them vertically I sewed them horizontally together. I had to pass through the curls of the heart near the top, but the end result looks really cute. The hearts are right up next to each other on the string. Thanks for a great idea! New reader to your blog...loving every day so far!

Unknown said...

Oh this is SO cute! You get hearts without having to cut out hearts! Loving the idea.

Would you mind if I show off this item in an upcoming Valentine's post at my blog? I will of course credit you with the idea and link back to your post!

Let me know if this is not ok please.

And be sure to check out the post at and while you are there, feel free to grab an "I've been featured at" button.

Thanks for the fabulous ideas!

Pri Rodrigues said...

maybe I'll use this in a friend's wedding! simple and romantic!
i Love It!

Wendy said...

Love this!
Thanks -

s a n s k u :) said...

love it. hope it's ok i advertised your blog & this project in my blog today.

Unknown said...

so cute

check this easy heart wreath out, too:

kika said...

Love this great idea, will definitely be making this with my boys! And would love to post about it on my blog crediting you of course. Will that be ok?

Jessica Jones said...

Of course. Have fun!

Andrea said...

Blessings, andrea

ILikePaperCutting said...

I LOVE simple and easy idea.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. I have some magazines in the recycling bin that will work great for this!!
Thank you for sharing! xo

Tomjay said...

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katie said...

thank you. i needed this.

diane said...


i love hearts. i love spirals. i love garlands.

adding this to my valentine's day super-cute-stuff-to-make list.


TicketyBoo Jewellery said...

love reading your blog and i have passed on a award to you, to collect it please visit my blog

Unknown said...

I am going to hang these, in the window! Kx

EmbeeArqam said...

Lovely! They're like ginormous Quilled hearts! Smart idea! <3

Christy said...

sweet and simple! love it!

Unknown said...

So easy and nice!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this,I am going to make some of these for my house now!

Selena said...

This is so cute. I love the rolled paper idea. I also love your blog, good job.

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

Very cute - we've got to try it!

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

I love this! Thanks:-)

Kosmika said...

This is too cute!!! and so easy... :D

elena said...

They remind me of your bog header, too...try it with leaves?

Amber said...

This is awesome and simple! I think even I can do it. I put a link on my blog for all to see!

UPS Accessories said...

Really this is lovely and simple thanks for sharing with us

maria said...

Wow it's very beautiful ideas!!! Many ciao from Italy!!!

Carole said...

sweet! what a great valentine's day project for school!

Unknown said...

OH my goodness!! Those are simply precious!! Happy Valentines day!! =)

La Papelería said...

Very nice !

Anonymous said...

We (my 7 year old and I) made a few of these today - so cute and easy! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful.. thanks for sharing such a fantastic idea

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm not alone in saying how adorable this is! Yet another great idea :)
I think I need to expand my Valentine's celebrating to decorating!

ILikePaperCutting said...

Happy Valentine's day,.

kristin said...

this sure brightened my day...thanks!

Lexxi-Lane said...

thanks for another funky tutorial!!!

Shela said...

oh lovely, lovely, lovely!!! my brother's getting married and we DIYed a lot to save cost and because it's a LOT of FUN! Your site has given me abundance of ideas for the wedding.

Oooh, i can just imagine the hanging garlands around the house...

lia said...

These are so pretty! A friend of mine recently showed me the art of quilling, which it looks like this is in the family of. So much you can do with it for every occasion! Her project is here but I'm going to show her this one too so we can make these too!

Unknown said...

I really loved this idea and made minis to sent snail mail to my far away friends.

Once I got started making the hearts they took on a life of their own.
Here's what I'm doing taking this post as inspiration...

Lise said...

These are beautiful! I love their simplicity. I'm going to show them to the kids I teach; I know they'd love to make some. Thank you!

dymphna said...

these are soooooo cute! I will have to try making these for the group home I work at.


Julie Gallagher said...

LOVELY! Had to blog about it! Thanks so much for a great blog!

Anonymous said...

as others have said, so simple and so very sweet! thanks a lot for this!

blessing the boats said...

These are very cute. I made a string of the paper ornaments from a few weeks back as well, and now I am perplexed about how to affix them to the wall/ceiling. I love garlands, but tape looks a bit sloppy for something I would keep up beyond the holidays. Anybody have suggestions?

P.S. Love the blog!

tiny twist creative said...

These are so adorable, I can't wait to try making these with my little three year old. I totally think we can conquer this together!

shery said...

good idea

Anonymous said...

Love this!! Blogged about it here


Sadie from said...

These are so cool ~ We will have fun making these!

Little Lovables said...

love this, thanks so much for posting!!

Tif said...

My daughter and I made a bunch last night. So fun! Thanks for the tutorial!

Prairie Girl Studio said...

what a simply lovely idea ... i was taken on first glance, thanks to deidra at jumping tandem!
lovely to find you jess ...
thank you ... and much sweetness to you,
prairiegirl xo

Maz said...

Just wanted to add a tip. Make a few extra hearts and hang them on the edge of the glass for your valentines dinner. Makes a nice decoration, and if you are having a dinnerparty you can write the guests names on the hearts as well. Love the blog!

Unknown said...

I love this heart garland! I'm going to try it at the assisted living residence where I work. I think the residents will love making it! Thank you!

Emily Jeffords said...

This is so sweet and simple! We're having a V-Day party and I'm going to make a couple of these to hang around the house (would be so cute over the drink table...)
Thanks for the idea! I'll be sure to credit you!

Dawn Mikulich said...

Love this! Brings back memories of grade school when I think we did something similar to this. Thanks for sharing.

sara@augustfields said...

this is such a cute craft! we did this and i posted a pic on my blog and linked back to you :)

thanks for the great idea!

zinzin said...

CUte! I love :)

apryl said...

LOVE. these are awesome:)

Unknown said...

I have a tattoo of this same design. It's actually an African symbol that means "remember the past." :)

car insurance said...

This is extremely cute..I love this shade of pink. :P

bad breath said...

GORGEOUS. And the fact that it can be easily done makes it more enticing.

C. Holesterol said...

oh lovely!!! A friend of mine recently showed me the art of quelling, which it looks like this is in the family of. So much you can do with it for every occasion!

Knit Purl Gurl said...

How easy is this project?! So adorable! I think my 5 yo DD will love making these with me! Thanks! :)

Amanda said...

This is simply adorable, I love it!

Stockpiling Mom said...

Super cute! Love it!

Amy said...

I just made these...thanks for sharing! I linked back to your blog, which is Fabulous, by the way! ~Amy~

Anonymous said...

CANT WAIT TO MAKE THESE! I think I am going to make giant ones! great idea, thanks for sharing <3

Anonymous said...

Wow! These are going to make a gloomy day fun. Thanks for all of your inspiration.
Jenny Anderson

halesbales said...

I did this last night with the music from "My Funny Valentine" printed on red, pink, and cream paper stock. It looks very cool! Now I'm thinking what I could do with a card...

Katherine said...

These are so sweet and fab! I made them last night, but sideways (instead of vertical), which worked well, too. After work I'm going to whip up a garland of the fabric book hearts garland to go with it.

Also, as a How About Orange newbie, I should say: this blog is great! Love the photography and the ideas. You've been bookmarked for sure. :) Thanks for the inspiration!

Jessica Jones said...

Aw, thanks, Katherine!

Teeth said...

This i will try, amazing and cute.

Anonymous said...

Et ben moi je dit bravo!!!!
C'est trop beau,je sais pas qui c'est qui l'a fait mais waouuuu !!!C'est magnifique,je recommnde a tous de faire ce bricolage c'est trop mimi , encore merci de me l'avoir fait connaitre <3<3<3<3<3

Nick said...

Круууто!!! ))

The Photographer said...

Love these adorable little hearts!! Just posted about them on Craft Gossip!!

Chelsea said...

Love these! Mine didn't turn out quite as cute as yours, but we are enjoying them nonetheless! Linked to your post here:

Jessica Jones said...

Yours are cute! Nice work.

Brittany said...

Thanks for the great idea! I love the way this looks and the fact that it would look cute even if it were made by children!! Love it so much I'm featuring it on my blog this week: Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

so cool

Unknown said...

Love these...shared here

Darman said...


David Sommer said...

This is so simple! thx!