How to make paper lantern ornaments | How About Orange

December 21, 2009

How to make paper lantern ornaments

Well, kids, I had tons of ideas for other ornaments and decorations and lovely new things I wanted to make before Christmas. But my ambition did not quite correspond to the amount of free time I have. Too many graphic design projects to finish before we head out of town this week. But during my internet travels I did come across these nifty paper ball decorations, complete with instructions. Nice work, anonymous blogger at The Creative Place.

This just in: A shortcut to making these. Thanks, Whitney!

(Image from The Creative Place)


Grandma G said...

Soooo pretty!

But I think you should scratch those design projects and head this way before the storm gets here. It ain't soundin' good. As if it weren't WHITE enough already. :(

Ellen said...

Simple and lovely. I saw something similar just today on Photojojo, using photographs! Would be a wonderful use for those landscape/garden shots that don't quite look like you expected. :-) Happy trails to you as you set off on holiday; merry merry!

Anonymous said...

Those are adorable! I can't wait to make my own!

Whitney @ Whisker Graphics said...

LOVE these! If anyone is interested I created some pdfs a while back with the strips all measured out so they can be printed on the back of 12"x12", 8"x8", or 8.5"x11" sheets. Saves some time measure each time!

Jessica Jones said...

Fab. I edited the post.

Rose said...

hehe... i have a whole page of bookmarked links of goodies i'd love to make before christmas! but these might just make it to the top :) thanks for the link

Sophie.J said...

This is so cute.
Thanks for sharing..

testing 1 said...

I've made these several times, and heart them very much! I've made pumpkins from orange paper with green pipe cleaners, apples with red paper and brown pipe cleaners, large ornaments with tassels hanging from the bottom...well, you get my point.

Mrs G said...

I used these, strung in random groupings on fishing line as a decoration for a wedding shower and they were a huge hit over the food table. I used one of those books of scrapbooking paper which meant everything was nicely color-coordinated already for me.

L'Astuce à l'Oreille said...

love them !

Bek said...

neat! I bet my daughter would LOVE to have these hanging in her room above her crib. Gotta try 'em out ... after the holidays though.

Simply Jessabells said...

You really come up with the best ideas! Thanks so much. I am going to see if my kids want to make these with me on Thursday.

Keva said...

I've been eyeing that project. You might like this one with toilet paper roll, too:

Becky said...

Fun! And the short cut is awesome too!

Safe journey to your Mom's!

Ashley @ The Creative Place said...

Hi! :) Thanks so much for the shout out about the tutorial! Aren't they so much fun to make? :) Love, love, LOVE your blog - So many fabulous ideas :) Thanks for all the great inspiration!

Packaging USA said...

I make mine out of last year’s Christmas cards! They are thick, but I don’t think that I use as many strips….

Itinerant Studio/Look Photography said...

I made these with photos of our daughter and added them to all the aunts/uncles/grandparents' gifts. They were a huge hit. I just made them a bit bigger (5x7) and used a thin matte photographic paper. (though we still had to use the drill to get a hole thru it all!)