Giveaway: JetPens gift certificates | How About Orange

December 09, 2009

Giveaway: JetPens gift certificates

I received a little package from the other day. Stationery, pens, and paper goodies fill me with irrational amounts of glee! So do miniature envelopes made from the insides of security envelopes. Yup, look what I did. JetPens has a mini envelope template (this) with which you can trace various sizes of envelopes, then cut, fold, and glue. I tried out their Japanese glue pen (this) to secure them, and it worked like a charm. The blue glue dries clear and bonds strongly. A tip: shake it before using.

Want to get some stocking stuffers or a treat for yourself? JetPens is giving away two $25 gift certificates to How About Orange readers. I know, it's holiday giveaway season over here, right? Just leave a comment on this post by Friday (12/11/09) midnight CST. Two random winners will be drawn, announced in this post, and emailed a gift certificate.

Update: Giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to the winning commenters #425— Malori, and #897—Toiling Ant. Enjoy!


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Emily Claire said...

Japanese glue pens are three of my favorite things combined! Thanks, Jess!

Moore4jess said...

I must say that the Japanese glue pen is absolutely genius! Must have! And I think it's great that they have a way to recycle there own envelopes! I hope I win. I could have some serious fun!

Jessica said...

Alrighty, I am dying to win this one!!!!

Nicole said...

Those envelopes are ADORABLE! I can think of a thousand things I covet from there!

zachsmama said...

Gotta love giveaways! Thanks, I love those cute little envelopes

Allison said...

Never heard of these. Wow. justallison02 at

Raspberry said...

I'd love to win - what a fun giveaway!

emily said...

i seriously have a huge office supply addiction...just sayin.

britney lynn said...

i <3 this stuff!!

Dama K said...

Hello! im a new reader but enjoy your blog a lot =)

cool pens! =D

Unknown said...

Ohh I'd love these. Thanks for sharing!

katarzyna said...

I will be spending my birthday money on Christmas presents for myself on this site! : )

spiffykerms said...

I ALWAYS go into the stationary aisle whenever I walk into a store that sells it. Oooo, I hope I'm one of the lucky winnerrrs! :)

(spiffykerms AT

SarahinSalem said...

I want some!

Megan said...

perfect stocking stuffers! (which i need!) i am also loving those envelopes!


t a n y a said...

ooh, count me in - thanks!

kjansma said...

Why is everything better when it is smaller?! I just love their site.

ginger sundae said...

really great products!

ginger sundae said...

great products!

Unknown said...

love, love these!
how fun!

Walter Silva said...

Love it!

Diana said...

Ohh awesome! I love!

Amber said...

I can't believe there is a giveaway of a product that I actually use! My faves are the uni-ball signo. I love that fine tip!

Kate said...

Yay pens and stationary. Hope I get picked.

Kaitlin Erin said...

mini envelopes! oooo!

Joanna said...

I love love love those little envelopes - what a neat idea! That orange pen is lovely too.

Glad to have found someone who loves the color orange as much as I do!

Mara Gaulzetti said...

Oooh! JetPens makes a glue pen?! I am in a state of jealousy. Seriously jealous, green with it in fact.

Jen Han said...

That glue pen is fabulous! I love the little envelopes, too! Hope you're having a great holiday season!

brandy l. said...

How cool!

Sarah said...

Fun giveaway!

cait! said...

Those envelopes are bomb! Now I'm going to have to make a template and try it... or if I had a gift certificate, I could buy one!

Kelly C said...

Oh so super cute! Makes me want to handmake all my holiday envelopes!

Anonymous said...

How lovely!

Kari said...

Those envelopes are amazing! That glue pen looks awesome! Thanks for being so generous!

Kari :-)

Anonymous said...

I am loving the envelopes! And I am completely obsessed with writing implements, so this giveaway rules.

auschick said...

How pretty!

sneffik said...

Holy moly that is sweet!

chrissy said...

i love those little envelopes but haven't found many ways to use them. maybe i need to be more creative!

Anna said...

Cool! Thanks for the giveaway!

Sarah said...

Great giveaway! I could definitely do some damage with that gift certificate. :)

Dorry said...

What a fun pen!

kym said...

A great way to recycle your envelopes into mini cute envelopes. Would love to have a set.

Natalie said...

That is the coolest website ever! I have never heard of them but now I want everything!

Laura D-H said...

I want all of it, even if I don't win.

Tegan | Celebrate Twelve13 said...

242 comments already?! Wow! Why don't these people comment regularly? :P

heartmom said...

I would love a JetPens gift cert. I am so excited.

Unknown said...

Those paper packages are so pretty. I would love those pens.

Unknown said...

pretty please!

Monica said...

Oh Boy, love these.. and I went to the site and their notebooks are driving me nuts, I want one of each!

Sending good vibes this way to get pick.

BTW, Love your blog!

e. said...

Those envelopes are darling! Pick me, please!

chelsea lee said...

oh joy! nothing like a giveaway and some glue to get me hot under the collar. I'm loving all the possibilities that are coming up in the mind already! yay!

Alie said...

This is adorable! Yes, please!

Rhina said...

I would love to have these! I love Jet pens!

Jen said...


Mari Uria said...

Great stuff. I hope I get picked!!!

J. Christina Huh said...

I love JetPens! They have all the super fine tipped Japanese pens I love. And that glue pen is ingenious!

Amber said...

Ohhhh! I love these pens!

Christine ~ JAZ Creations said...

I Love those pens! Haven't tried them yet but after reading this I need them!!

naginata said...

Oh I am so in love with office supplies! I want that glue pen! :)

Vera said...

Awesome!! I would like to get my hands on their products!

jane said...

leaving a comment! just love these cards...

Alexa said...

I made scads of envelopes from magazine pages and old blueprints eons ago. A template for tiny envelopes? Just the thing to round out the collection.

stylo said...

wow, what an awesome website.

That glue pen looks so fun.

Antoinette said...

Love JetPens! Envelope templates are a great idea.

Marcie said...

sounds like fun! I love when you do giveaways!

Tam said...

I love, love, love office supplies as stocking stuffers. Pick me!!!!!

Ashley said...


Anonymous said...

I have made similar envelopes out of tyvek fabric to store my debit and credit cards in my wallet (which is just a simple pouch). A template would make this task a cinch. The glue pen is intriguing.

hshell at yahoo dot com

WonderKitty said...

Wow, that is really cool. I have never seen them before. I love your little envelopes.

Unknown said...

Those mini envelopes are so cute, and I love the glue pen! Would love to win so I can get the envelope template. =)

Brit said...

Those little envelopes are so cute... these would be perfect for an advent calendar I want to make! said...

how cool!

Donna said...

More wonderful paper-craft stuff!! Yippee! <3

Gricel said...

neat! I'd like to enter

emperatrixx at gmail dot com

Carol Anne said...

I would love to try one of those pens!


Kim said...

Oh! How cool is that!!


Oh, man! These are perfect!
Count me in, for sure!

Unknown said...

so cute! I need to get this template!

Diana said...

What a cool pen! And I love the envelopes!

Naptime Kitty said...

I've been looking for a tiny envelope template! Thanks for the link! Also- the tiny glue pen is brilliant!

Pamela said...

Great site and great giveaway!! Count me in!!
Thank you!


Unknown said...

Oh, wow. The jetpens site is amazing...I have a serious pen and pencil fetish. I'll have to be careful not to go overboard, but I am definitely going to get myself a special something from there.

edina said...

Love the idea of recycling envelopes into more envelopes!

bibliogrrl said...

Oohh! More envelopes to make! That means I can continue slacking on my knitting - hooray!

RecoveryBabe said...

Ooooo what cute little baby envelopes, for darling little baby love letters... O_o

Cool giveaway! Happy Holidays!
♥ Peace

Kim from Holland said...

How lame am I....only commenting when I can win something....sorry....but it looks like a really handy gluepen. And I would like to have those templates, just to have them, no special prject in mind...shame on me....

meghly said...

What an awesome idea! Love these!

SparklePaw said...

Love these - very crafty!

mara said...

How perfect!

Betsy said...

<3 this giveaway!

Zoë said...

so cute, and I would definitely find things to buy :)

strandedhero @

mara said...

How perfect!

stephanie said...

i LOVE japanese stuff :)

Kari said...

Pick me! i love paper!

jkhenson said...

I loved the photo-and your site! Thanks for the opportunity! Hope I win a pen! :))

Anonymous said...

I love those envelopes! Thanks for the giveaway!

Karen said...

Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

these are awesome goodies! I'd love to make some!!

orange sugar said...

Yay, free pens!

barrentree said...

Oh my gosh-what an awesome giveaway!

Christie said...

I could have used that glue pen yesterday! I had a snafu and nothing to fix it with. :(

sarah said...

yes please!

Kate said...

Ahhh, I love everything. :)

kateshmate [at] gmail [dot] com

radhi said...

all these security envelope ideas are killing me lately! and i would LOVE to own that glue pen! thanks so much!

heather said...

oohh! how fun! love your site!

Kris said...

what great goods they have.

Will & Greta said...

What fabulous pens!! And those envelopes are too darn cute. Once again, great post on your site! Thanks!!

Nela said...

Please, me:)

greetingarts said...

Oooh, lucky girl! I'd love to sit and play with some templates and scrapbooking paper...

rohanknitter said...

Neat!!! I too am a sucker for pens and such....

Kristina Medhus said...

I heart office supplies!

(to avoid spam, i can be contacted through my website's contact form at ) thank you!!

Valerie ( said...

Those envelopes are so cute! And what a great idea to use the security paper! I've been making gift tags out of old security envelopes, using my gift tag punch.

Funky Finds said...

Happy Holidays!!! Jessica D.

dsb said...

Wow! Browsing through I was surprised by how many things I NEED. I mean, want. :)

Hannah Murray said...

Pick me!

Kirsten said...

Oh, heavens to Betsy, that would be such a useful tool. Fingers crossed!

courtney k said...

1. i love paper
2. i love to make anything out of paper...

i would love love love the templates!

Courtney.kieras (at) gmail (dot) com

Charlene said...

Cute! Love it!! Would love to win a gift certificate!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so count me in! Happy Holidays.

loves2experiment said...

Awesome envie templates! I will be making some for myself soon :D

Dee said...

I'm in! pick me...

Deanna said...

That is so cool! I'd love those!

deanna said...

Their stuff is wonderful! How fun.

Wendy McConnell said...

so cool! i love the envelope template AND the glue pen!

Mahima said...

i would love this awesome prize!

Ann K. said...

Very, very cool template. I'd love to win that gift certificate so that I can buy all my favorite Uniball Signo gel pens AND the envelope template!

Unknown said...

I have become hooked on your website.. thank you so much for all the tutorials!

Mon said...

i want to win! these are awesome!
weiwabo (at) gmail (dot) com

Laurendy said...

those are darling!!

PaisleyAnna said...

Checking out the site right now! I love this stuff! Great post! Thanks!

JB said...

My boyfriend just said yesterday day, "I think you have enough pens and pencils." How is that possible? Thanks for the chance to win more (and for everything you do).

tammie said...

oh. my. gosh. i love it all. my favorite thing to do growing up was spend hours (literally) at the stationery store near us. i can still hear the jingle from their ads in my head.. i'd love to win! i love your blog because one of my daughter's favorite color is orange, so we are always on the lookout for orangey goodness.

Unknown said...

I love jetpens! Actually I am really a mechanical pencil junkie; thank goodness jetpens has a ton of them!

Angela said...

Oh my, another site to spend time and money at! Thanks!

Emily said...

I would LOVE something from this store! Great giveaway!

Danica said...

whoo hoo!

KelseyRar said...

That envelope stencil is great!

Jessica said...

Love it! Anything made with a security envelope is a hit with me. Thanks!

Tina Mayo said...

ooooo ooooh yummy goodies!!

Rebecca said...

The envelopes are super cute! I can see them on a little package. They'd also be great for thank you notes.

Unknown said...

Yes please!

Rachael said...

Oh boy! I would love to win. I love pens.

MaryGold said...

Yes, well all love to win stuff, haha


Love the site!

Jenny Brown said...

Those envelopes are so cute! I hope I win!

Annie said...

I so very much love those envelopes! I may have to get those templates :)

jody said...

Those are great and I would totally use those all the time!

knappjody at yahoo dot com

Wehaf said...

They have a lot of fountain pen options!
urchiken at gmail dot com

melissa said...

how cute is that envelope??! Those pens looks magical!

Sarah said...

Office Supplies are my FAVORITE!

Whitney @ Whisker Graphics said...

Oooohhhh, I likey! Great give-away! Thanks!

Yvonne said...

that glue pen looks incredible!

Amy Harle said...

So so so much fun!!!

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

What is it about mini envelopes that excites me? They're just so darn cute, I guess!

l.y. said...

I have an irrational love of stationery! This is awesome :)

Madhypnotist said...

my cat has batted all my pens under my desk. I need new ones.

anotheryarn said...

Ah stationary, I used to ask for "office supplies" when I was a kid - loved having a little stock of post-its, pens, and such. And japanese pens and pencils are so tempting - I didn't think I liked ballpoint pens until I tried a japanese version. $25 would be downright luxurious.

Lori said...

I have a serious pen weakness - this is great!

dolqueil (at) yahoo (dot) com

danielle said...

Jet Pens is the best!

annie (the annilygreen one) said...

so cool. count me in!

Sonya said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! And JetPens has the most awesome stuff...a pen addicts paradise!

loft2dwell said...

Yes, I do want to get some stocking stuffers...for myself. :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!!

savingmom3 at gmail dot com

hana.k said...

ooh, I definitely want to win! can never have enough pens.. :D

Darci said...

Oh, oh...Please and thank you.

Silje M. said...

I feel lucky :)

C-Joy said...

Fabulous site!!

Jeannine | The Small and Chic Home said...

Very cool! That glue pen is a fantastic, little tool.

Kathryn Church said...

Oh what fun! Always up for a giveaway!

Rachel said...

I love pens and such. The envelope template looks like a lot of fun

C said...

Wow, it is not even funny how cool these are! I've been using 'glue tape' for my enveloppes, but it's finnicky and unreliable. These glue pens sound like a dream (and I like their versatility)!

ct751592 (at) dal (dot) ca

Clare said...

Too, too cute!

emily said...

oh my gosh i love pens. I LOVE PENS. and stationary.

sharerie said...

that's great! love the glue pen :)

Bek said...

wow, those look really neat! A good way to keep my two year old out of the glue... Hmmm.

Thanks for introducing me to a fun new site to eat away at, I mean, enrich my time.

Unknown said...

These are so cute!!

Collette said...

I just discovered jetpens and what a great site! And it's my birthday today so that would be a lucky, lovely present!

Siew said...

I have an almost irrational love for pens, especially Japanese pens. Sigh.

Unknown said...

Love those envelopes! I often make jewelry for gifts. These would be perfect for packaging them.

Anonymous said...

I would love to get some pins for my son's artist-girlfriend. Perfect for filling up the the roll I just made her to store them in.

Tawnya said...

Awesome! I love give-aways around the holidays :)

Liz B. said...

Very clever little envelopes!! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

Amanda @ said...

great find! mandykittie at yahoo . com

My Dressy Ways said...

I would love to get a GC!

kathy said...

Aww, I love those little envelopes! One of my favorite things about college was the existence of a legitimate stationery store with open stock pencils and pens and awesome!

Ellyn said...

oooh nice! I'm a fan of pens & paper as well!

Unknown said...

love templates...anything that helps me create at home!

ashley d! said...

how wonderful!! i would love these! ashleyarsenicATgmailDOTcom

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

oh man. this is dangerous! there are so many awesome things! bibliosaurus @

Erica said...

I love Jet Pens!

Marissa said...

That envelope template is so cool! I hope I win. :)

Rebecca said...

Yeah JetPens! rdebenport (at) gmail (dot) com

PumpkinFreckles said...

great give-away. thanks.

knit_chick said...

I was just thinking about making little baby envelopes to use on Christmas this morning!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! Very cool!

Anonymous said...

i have wanted to buy something from jetpens for awhile but decided that buying christmas presents for other people should take priority. it would be amazing to win this!

Kate said...

I love the mini envelope template! Too adorable.

kimberly said...

Those envelopes are adorable! Love the paper.

kimberweeme at gmail dot com

Denise C. said...

Very cool pen and such cutie envelopes!!! Love it!

Debra Lois said...

Very cool stuff!

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