Fabric sighting in One Yard Wonders
A couple folks tipped me off that one of the projects in Storey Publishing's new book One-Yard Wonders
uses my fabric. So I had to investigate.
There it is, in this casserole caddy project. And I assure you this yard of fabric is very pleased to be photographed next to that Orla Kiely (love her!) pear canister. Kind of like when you get to have your photo taken with the president or someone. Not that I would personally know. George Bush Sr. and Secret Service did walk down the hall past me once at a conference I designed graphics for, though. It was my only brush with serious fame. But I digress wildly.
People, I love this entire book. 101 adorable sewing projects that all use only one yard of fabric. That's my style, all right; you won't catch me sewing anything bigger than that. The photos are beautiful, and it comes with patterns for any projects that require them. I recommend it highly.
Ohhh, this book may have to go on my Christmas list! All I have time for is one yard projects these days...
My closest brush with fame? Having a Q&A time with Dennis Hastard, former Speaker of the House, while in high school for our US History class. He even signed some of our yearbooks. I mean, he was third in line for the presidency. That's a big deal, right?
Dennis Hastard? Wow, I bet you high schoolers were jumping up and down.
I love making casserole carriers, I can't believe they stole my idea (ok, not exactly an original idea of mine) and made it out of your fab fabric! They look even better in that choice than in mine. Congrats, Jess!
i ordered this book yesterday - i haven't looked inside it yet, so i was taking a chance. i'm happy you showed us some of the projects and your awesome fabric! looks like i will like the book!
i answered the phone when john grisham called my house when i was in high school looking for my mom. he wanted her to illustrate a book he was thinking of doing, but nothing came of it.
Gosh, your fabrics are just popping up everywhere! Fun!
I saw Bobby Goldsboro in person MANY years ago... and I even have a photo I took of him. But all you youngsters wouldn't know about him. ;)
I just picked up this book from the library yesterday, it is fantastic!
Mom, who the heck is Bobby Goldsboro?
oohhhh i'm adding it to my amazon wish list right now! :)
ooh, I have those pear cannisters for doggy treats. They're so cute T__T
Google him, Jess!
How awesome it must be to see your fabric in books!
My friend has this book! Bought it when she started to use her brand new sewing machine that hadn't been touched in 2 years!
Congrats! I'm going to have to check that book out.
I'm adding this to my christmas list@
Bobby Goldsboro's official website is here: http://www.bobbygoldsboro.com/
We're carrying this one at the shop!
This looks like a super lovely book! And congrats on your fabric making it in.
This looks like a super lovely book! And congrats on your fabric making it in.
I have lead a very boring life. My brushes with fame have all been on a rather low level. BUT this book with your fabric in it looks like something that is going to get added to my wish list!
Yea for NE Mpls!! One of the authors of this cool book is the owner of Crafty Planet. They have a big display of the book and some completed projects in their store window. Jess-I just sent a copy to Elizabeth Stevens (remember her from the U?) in Austria!
Wow, I'd love to try these pens!
The pie caddy looks great in your fabric! And I've heard great things about this book so onto the wishlist it goes!
I just bought the book. I read a great review on lots of quick projects for young beginners, but I think it's great fun for anyone, and I'm far from young/beginner. Congrats on the fabric pic. My most exciting brush w/fame was seeing the Bryan Brothers (world no. 1 men's tennis doubles team) in an exhibition last week. In a small venue, it was a blast for me.
I don't know the Bryan brothers! Clearly I need to brush up on my famous people. I checked out Bobby Goldsboro's site and got a huge kick out of it. He does everything. Except play tennis, maybe.
And Kari, I thought of you when I saw who wrote the book. I remember Elizabeth! And I think I met the Crafty Planet owners at Quilt Market. Fun.
Cool, I can see how that would be a big thrill to find that photo!
Nice fabric!
Wow! My congrats for being in the book ;)
I'd love to put my hands on it... obviously I can't find an Italian version of the book... but I'll get it from amazon!
Ooh, I think I'll buy one for myself this Christmas (and one for my sister). I really need to quit spending, this is why I shouldn't start shopping early - because then I keep buying. So many cool things out there! I should give it to her with a yard of YOUR fabric -that'd be cool!
My closest brush with fame? My sister has played with the Beach Boys (which is just plain weird), Jessica Andrews, and someone else -I live vicariously thru her at times. And my dad does directly work for one of Obama's Cabinet Members - Hmm. I guess I really haven't had any brushes with fame! Will keep trying.
I have those pear canisters, for no other reason than they look pretty. They just sit there empty on my kitchen counter. Is that bad?
Congratulations on the feature!
I just got that book-and I concur with your assesment :).
need it, want it, need it!
you're a big deal.
my closest brush with fame was walking in the background of a vh1 countdown in central park.
at least i think it was me.
My best friend and I spent the night with Barack Obama at the Benson Hotel during Portland Quilt Market last year. Okay, WE were there for quilt market. He was there for the Oregon primary. Oh, and we never actually saw him, just scads of cute, but very serious-looking secret service.
Congrats on being in that great-looking book. I'm adding it to my Christmas list!
I like how this post has turned into people's stories of near, almost, sorta brushes with famous people. Hilarious.
Happy to be one of the tipper offers! It's a great book too and it was a surprise to see you in there.
I've had a few brushes of fame but one one of my weirdest was to meet Chris Walken in the dead heat of a NYC summer and he was wearing an all black suit and not a bit of sweat on him.
This book looks cool! I just reserved it from the library.
Oh I just added this book to my wish list this weekend. So glad to hear its a good one.
This book has been on my list since I found out about it. It's so much cooler now finding out that your fab fabric is in it!
Grandma G - tsk! Tsk! What sort of Mother doesn't educate her daughter on sappy 70's pop stars! ;) heehee
My brushes with fame have been many. Partly because my daddy has always been (hyper) active in North Carolina politics. Met a few governors, etc. And partly because we have lived in chapel Hill, NC for almost 20 years - sang in church beside famed UNC coach Dean Smith and his wife, have known American Idol star, Anoop Desai since he was a freshman in High School.
But ya know, they are all just people. I try not to put them on pedestals. All except for when I met EllynAnne Geisel at a book signing. I nearly peed my pants!
The Barnes and Noble version of this book has a few bonus patterns at the end. One of them (the crinkly cat bag) uses Green Sprig! Pretty cool! Congratulations!
so I decided to take matters into my own hands, because Santa can sometimes be a bit unreliable. Used a 30% coupon at Borders and good thing I didn't wait until tomorrow, because I snagged the last one on the shelves. Ho Ho Ho.
The casserole caddy is awesome, i do love your fabric and i'm glad that it is fetured is so many cool projects :) i've just one yard of red/pink beads waiting for the right one.. :)
I'm intrigued... What a fun book! And congrats again on your success! That must be so fun for your fabrics to sneak up on you like that!
That's my grocery tote in the last pic :)
Ha! Small world! Love the tote.
You can be sure we were just glad to get out of class. So I guess that made us jump up and down. haha
Funny - I just bought that book last week! (and I have that canister + it's medium and large counterparts) I got a belated birthday giftcard for Barnes & Noble and bought that book because I thought I could get some nice, quick Christmas presents out of it (which I did - thanks Auntie M).
I met Charleton Heston at a political dinner when I was 12. His hand was cold and clammy and he scared the crap out of me. Maybe he was a V! (haha) And let's just say that dinner isn't one I'd be caught at as a free-thinking adult.
Sounds like CH was nervous to talk to a 12-yr-old. Maybe he wasn't good with kids. :)
i totally just bought htis for myself... Love it! I made the scrappy turtle, but i used scraps I had instead fo buying all new fabric. I'll be posting pic soon.
It's Dennis Hastert, not Hastard.
I met George W. Bush and shook his hand and spoke with him briefly before he was elected the first time. He was very nice.
What a terrific looking book that is totally my speed!
Congrats & thanks! This looks like a great little find. I love that organizer!
hanks for the post, I needed to know this!
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