Fabric spotted in the wild
There's no way for me to know which companies use the fabric I've designed. Since I don't get every catalog or browse every website in the known universe, I'm dependent on kind souls like yourselves who report sightings. Here are a couple of recent ones that thrilled me to pieces. Pieces, I tell you. I'm still picking them up.At Land of Nod: a limited edition child's Nod Chair.
At Nordstrom: a Reese Li Baby diaper bag, laminated to make the fabric weatherproof and wipeable.
thought you might find this link funny...http://www.whataburger.com/whataburger_serves/
don't know if you have a 'whataburger' in your area
Wow! Land of Nod & Nordstrom. Big time! Congratulations! :)
Very cute! I have to say, I just found your blog last week and have really enjoyed looking through your past entries. You have a lot of good ideas on here.
Cute stuff! Although, I kinda think the chair is a better deal than the bag...I could make the bag (or something similar!). Congrats :)
Wow, These are great! Congrats on your success!
Mum's thrilled to pieces, too... very proud!
That's awesome. Nordstrom is big time for sure. :)
You have arrived lady!!! Congratulations!
Woohoo - congrats! It must be a bit surreal to see your work in such a setting...and I'm sure there's more to come!
It's gotta be at least a little fun playing "Spot My Fabric", isn't it?
If I see any, I'll let you know!
Awesome, congrats!
wow Jess, that huge! Ur famous now and I'm thrilled for U !!!
Finally a great modern print for a kid's chair! I'm so glad that they used your fabric! I need to get this for Chloe's room. Congrats! xo
Gorgeous, all of it!! Congrats!
WOW! I'm a long-time lurker (that sounds vaguely creepy) who rarely comments, but I couldn't let this one by.
Yay for you! Nordstrom is definitely big-time business!
Woo Hoo for Yooooo! What a treat and congratulations! How fun.
That must be so exciting for you!!! Awesome. :)
Wow - how exciting... congrats!!
Nordstroms!! Very cool. And that's one hip looking baby bag too.
Woah, that must be thrilling! Congratulations. :)
I have always thought that Land of Nod has the coolest catalog--great products, interesting names for their items. Congrats for being in there. And Nordstrom. What more can be said? You are amazing!
Congratulations! That is so exciting.
This is awesome...I love the diaper bag - it would bag a great day to day tote as a substitute teacher. And the colors really pop.
This made me grin. I can't even imagine the smile you have! Congrats!
those couches look fantastic! How exciting to see your fabric being used
That's a lot more exciting than...well, most results from being creative than I can think of.
This is big!
i hop they pay you when they use your design
That is so cool! One day I want to be like you :)
- Abby
wow that is awesome!! I actually just got a few yards of your fabric in the mail today from fabric.com. I know I know, I'm not quite as exciting as NORDSTROM, but I thought it was a funny coincidence :)
Very cute! I saw your ribbon in the pet store the other day used for some bells to hang by the door so the dog can signal to go out. I should have taken a picture! They were very cute! (and that's all because of your ribbon!)
thats really cool. that's got to be a lot of fun to see your stuff out there. very validating and rewarding.
love your colors -so fresh and fun!
CONGRATULATIONS! How fantastic. The diaper bag is especially nice. Well done!
um, WOW!
Love it! Your pattern designs are so refreshing.
I work in product development and KNOW what a HUGE deal this is.
Congrats! How fin it is to see your fabrics at both Land of Nod and Nordies.
Congratulations! You must be so excited!
congratulations! i love those items.
by the way, i just discovered your site (by someone mentioning it in an etsy forum) and you've got so much good information on here! i love your blog. and you inspired me to spruce up my own blog!
love the childs' chairs. beautiful!
I often read your blog and very much enjoy it. This is my first time commenting b/c I feel compelled to congratulate you. How wonderful that your creation is being transformed in so many beautiful ways.
Wow. A huge congratulations to you!!
SO. EXCITING! i love all your designs and am thrilled for you to be finding them in such lovely places on such lovely products! keep up the good work :) congratulations!
Congrats!!! You worth it!
Thanks for celebrating with me, everybody!
And anonymous, no Whataburger here, which I see is a great tragedy!
wow, total and pure awesomeness CONGRATS
I was so excited to see your fabric on those kids chairs! I have been crushing on that fabric for a while but could not decide how to use it. So I bought my daughter one of those chairs for x-mas. You have amazing designs and ideas, and I love your grandmother's storage buckets :o) Congratulations on your success!
ooo! it's like a fabric legacy!
It is always such a fun suprise to see your items for sale!
WOW!! I bought my son one of those Nod chairs last year for Christmas. Now I wish I would have waited to buy the one with your fabric. Nicely done!
that's awesome! AWESOME I TELL YOU!
Oh wow! Congratulations! That has to be quite a rush seeing your fabric on/making such cute things! Love, love, love Land of Nod. I would work for their corporate office if I could.
Congratulations. That is so fabulous. I love those chairs. It must be amazing to see what wonderful things are created using your fabric.
I'm confused.
At Reese Li'Lexington in the description of the diaper bag made with Jessica's fabric it states: "...with a matte laminated surface on our printed pattern."
Are they implying that those fabrics are their designs? Maybe I am misunderstanding. If someone can clarify for me, that's great.
That's so cool Jess! Congrats!
LOL check inhabitliving.com i was just about to buy a wall panel in this fabric!!!!!
your work is amazing! it is rather ironic whenever i see a design online that i fall in love with it always comes back to you!
you are my design goddess!
Ha, I was just wondering if you knew about the Land of Nod one, after finally going through my junk mail and finding an e-mail from them with those chairs plastered all over it. Congratulations - your fabric is taking over the world.
Char, Reese Li Baby is probably saying "our" to mean fabric they purchased. Now they own the stuff, so it's "theirs." Braemore, the fabric manufacturer who licensed my design, is selling it wholesale to other retailers like Reese Li and Land of Nod. This is good.
Olive and Bean (hi!): Inhabit Living, however, did not license this design from me, and seem to be printing and selling their own version now. We've spoken about this, and they state that they did not copy the design, and that it independently was developed several months after mine was on the market. Apparently great minds think alike. Very, very, very alike.
Holy cow! Congrats! Nordstrom is my favorite store evah. ;)
Congrats on the "big time" successes!
I may have already sent this, or someone else may have already told you, but just in case you haven't seen it:
oh! and this and I'm sure there are several more, as your fabrics are featured as a highlight to the site. :
Oh! And a baby carrier here with your blue leaves! http://catbirdbaby.com/shop/item_91/LIMITED-EDITION-Leaf.htm
Land of Nod AND Nordstroms -- wow!
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