Quiz: What's your interior personality? | How About Orange

October 29, 2009

Quiz: What's your interior personality?

Here's a short quiz that will determine for you which colors and qualities you would most like reflected in your home. How does the magical quiz determine this? By asking you which colors and qualities you would most like reflected in your home. Not rocket science, is it. My completely non-surprising result is above.


Christine ~ JAZ Creations said...

I got the exact same results as you!

CitricSugar said...

I took it four times with several different selections and got sun-kissed every single time. And I only picked the orange one the first two times. :-)

Vacuum Queen said...

I am the Raffia color pallette and it is TOTALLY what my house is painted as right now. Only better. Love it.

Andrea said...

I got sun kissed...either we are all just alike or the quiz is flawed.


Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures. It is the second post down.

Corri Taylor said...

i got the same

Grandma G said...

All I'm going to say is that mine was waaaaay off ! :)

Jessica Jones said...

Why, because you got Sun Kissed, too?

beanie g said...

I was the same as yours ... seems kind of weird, but accurate for me.

Grandma G said...

No, I even liked yours better than what it picked for me.

Jennifer @ The Craft House said...

It gave me "Mosaic". I hated the pictured room and only liked a couple of the colors. Oh well. XD

Live a Colorful Life said...

I got sunkissed also. But I have to say that I'm pretty happy with its description and the colors.

Lexi said...

What a fun quiz! It seems like I am a Classical-Tones type of girl!

Melanie's Randomness said...

I got sun-kissed too!! Aww that was fun. Thank you! =)

Lori P said...

okie doke. Hmm... let's see... Yep - sun-kissed. :)

texcilla said...

Funny, mine is exactly the same! That's OK, I love it!

Kate said...

I got pretty. I like sun-kissed way better. Pretty is too pink and soft for me.

Vacuum Queen said...

Umm...what does it say about me that I'm the only one with Raffia? All you sunkissed people are not including me!

kiddlebug said...

I got the same result too. Coincidence?

Catalina said...

same as me! I have already had a "mango wall" :)

Ros said...

It may not be rocket science but it still got me completely wrong. Huh.

Pennyroo said...

I got Mosaic, which seems pretty much right on. And the room that I'm sitting in is the exact same color as the picture. Now if I can finish it as nicely, I'll be in good shape.

carolyn said...

Another sun-kissed here. The description is pretty good, but I'm not that crazy about the yellows. Oh well, it was a fun quiz - thanks for sharing the link.

Unknown said...

I got sun-kissed too! It was no surprise as I love orange and the description is right on.

Kosmika said...

I got the sameresult as you..and i didn't even choose orange as my favourite colour :) amazing...

Jessica Jones said...

Maybe Pratt and Lambert is trying to sell more orange paint. Fine with me. :)

LizO said...

I have the same result as you...which doesn't surprise me a bit.

Have a great weekend!

About Me said...

Loved this quiz, and I love your blog.
My result was "Pretty." The funny thing is that it is EXACTLY how I would want to decorate ... but it is exactly OPPOSITE of what I have b/c of pleasing my husband's taste. Maybe when I am a retired widow, I will live in a quaint cottage and surround myself with these colors. Or ... maybe I should confiscate one room in my house and make it MINE. :-)

rhiajem@hotmail.com said...

fun quiz :)
I got raffia but think I'm more sunkissed! LOL

AMY said...

I, too, had the same result. So I went back to the test and selected everything opposite... and got the same result.

It's not a test so much as a marketing took for certain colors, it would seem.

thefarmersdaughter said...

I'm Raffia and I think it's right on. Very similiar to what I have in my house.

Christy said...

I am Raffia! It's so me! Thanks for this lovely link, Jess!

Adriana said...

I got PRETTY and I love it!
And know that I know how to decorate my home I just need to save enough to buy one! :)
Thanks for the great link!

BeyondStitches said...

I got the same results, Sun-kissed! lol

Anonymous said...

Wow, mine is waaaaaay off. I got 'Pretty'. I really don't like pastel colours and I can assure you I won't be using any of those in my house.

Unknown said...

I'm sunkissed too. The herbal garden is pretty close to the color I have in my kitchen...so pretty accurate, I'd say. I have more subdued colors in my living room right now and I hate it. Should have stuck with my colors. Might use this chart as a guide.

joanne said...

Fun quiz but I too got the same results as you:sun-kissed. Wonder if there are even any other results??

Marianne said...

I am a sun-kissed color palette too ! Thank you for the link !

java diva said...

Jessica, I too got the same result and I am speechless--it's hideous (to me)! LOL Hhhhmmm tempted to take it again.

Anonymous said...

Shades of Pale :)
In particular, one colour of the palette is exactly the one I've painted on my room's wall.
Oh! I'm just another one of those silent visitors!
Kisses from Italy,

Franja said...

I also got sun kissed!!! hahahaha we are all quite the same. But i know just the right furniture that can go with those colors!

Möbel in Hamburg said...

is it really accurate why are we getting same result, got sun kissed also.

Mosaic said...

hmmm same result...