Make a gift bow from a magazine page | How About Orange

October 02, 2009

Make a gift bow from a magazine page

In gift wrap emergencies when you've got the present but need some wrapping, here's an idea for turning a magazine page into a bow. There may be better ways to stick this thing together, but I used what I had on hand: staples and adhesive glue dots. Double stick tape or brads should work, too.

Cut a magazine page lengthwise into 9 strips, 3/4" wide. Leave 3 of the strips full length. Cut one inch off 3 of the strips. Cut two inches off 2 of the strips. Cut the last strip down to 3 1/2" long.

If you're using a magazine that's 10 1/2" tall, you'll end up with:
3 strips, 10 1/2" x 3/4"
3 strips, 9 1/2" x 3/4"
2 strips, 8 1/2" x 3/4"
1 strip, 3 1/2" x 3/4"

Twist each strip to form a loop at both ends and staple it in the center. Shape the last, short strip into a circle and secure it with a glue dot.

Layer the three longest pieces on top of each other, spacing them evenly and securing each with a glue dot. Add the next two groups of pieces, doing the same. And finally, stick the loop into the center.

Use other papers, like a map of your city. Here's Chicagoland. Anybody see your street?


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Young Wifey said...

I've tried several "how to" directions for these bows. Your directions were by far the best. I link your post to my blog.

bibliogrrl said...

I'm making drawstring gift bags, and some of mine will get these made out of felt with pinbacks. Like this:

Thanks for this!

Sharon said...

I found you via Crafting a Green World. This bow is fantastic! I linked to this tutorial from my "Conscious Crafting" blog--and copied the picture over to entice people to click. :) Hope you don't mind!

RecoveryBabe said...

Wow, how did I miss this?? I just made 2 bows out of my 2009 work calendar... and used the paper cutter to cut strips for 10 more bows. I have so many gorgeous calendars that I just hate to get rid of. I will never buy another bow again! Thanks!

Unknown said...


Thanks for this great idea. I love this bow. Specially since you can make it from recycle paper. Happy holidays.

Anonymous said...

Mine aren't coming out as pretty as yours did, but will keep trying. Practice makes perfect!

JM said...

You can buy the bow maker you were talking about at the Container Store and maybe Hobby Lobby. I think you could use the bow maker and the magazine pages together instead of tape or staples. I am going to give it a try.

Chrissi said...

I love these! I also once used the bow-maker at a former job for a chocolatier and I was missing it! I love making all kinds of bows and this one is just so much fun to make with my little guy and to show how something can be reused.

I made blue bows, used comics to wrap his Solstice gifts, and put everything in a pretty, polka-dot, reuseable, shopping bag. It was a big hit! (Didn't hurt that my little chef got the cookbook he wanted for a Solstic gift. ;))

I posted pictures of my attempt on my blog and linked back:

~ Chrissi, Cyber School Mom

Unknown said...

i instantly made one once i saw the tutorial.. so easy!

Kirsten said...

PERFECT! I have been wondering what to do to set my gifts apart this know, besides their general awesomeness! Thank you so much for the brilliance!

DJTNT said...

Just wrapped some Christmas presents with this tip that I bookmarked a few weeks ago, just to add something something extra and it worked great! I highly recommend using the glossy paper (front/back) of old magazines. Shiny ;D

Jill said...

These are so great - perfect for my last-minute gift wrapping! I had to post about these on my blog and I added a link to you. Thanks so much for your creative idea!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Fabulous, girlfriend! So quick and beautiful!!! Love it...Love it....Love it!!! Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Made some and they all loved them; it's like giving two gifts. Brilliant project.

Little Monarch said...

arghhhhhhhhh simply AMAZING and so simple!

Little Monarch said...

arghhhhhhhhh simply AMAZING and so simple!

Nikita Hengbok said...

Awesome! Thanks very much for the tutorial. I've always been wanting to do such ribbons! :D

LavenderField said...

This is just WONDERFUL! I'm gonna go make plenty to have always handy!

RedThreadDIY said...

Thanks to your amazing tutorial, I was able to make a ton of bows for Christmas presents. I took lots of photos and posted them to my flickr account. Here is the set:

Thank you!!!

Jessica Jones said...

Holy moly. Those look AWESOME!!!!

RobbieLee at Chickiedee said...

This is too cool! I love using magazine pages for other things, but I've never tried this! I love it so much, I'm going to give you some Blog Love in my "Humpday Tutorial" on Wednesday! Thanks!

everyday inspirations said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea! All my scraps will have new life and a home on top of the gifts I give. How fun and the possibilities this has!!!

Thank you Jess - you rock!

Anonymous said...

I love this...what a cool idea. I'm fond of practical ideas with a neat twist. Thank you!

Fati said...

Thanks so much Jessica ...and here the result direct from Paris, France !!

Scrapmoment Hellen said...

Wow! Thank you so so much! Been wanting to know how to make these for ages! And I just stumbled in to your blog and here they are! And it's so easy! Just did my first and now I'll do one and then more more more...

Thanks for sharing!!!

melissa said...

Well - I'm a bit late, but I just found this tutorial and LOVE the bows. What a clever piece of diy.

I linked to it on my blog

I love your blog. :)

xx Melissa

Beautifully Recreated said...

I know I am only one of the multitudes who have commented about this idea, but I think it is fabulous!!! All of my artworks are created incorporating recycled materials and this is a fabulous idea. I will be including a link to your blog in my latest post-

Lol Deville said...

Hi, double-sided tape nawt so hawt for this. I tried it as an experiment (too impatient to wait for glue to dry) and after a few days it all exploded open again. It looked like an octopus doing semaphore=)

ritu said...

Thankyou so much for this tutorial. Will make a great project to tackle with my daughter on a rainy day. I never even thought of making these bows myself - what a great way to re-use stuff!

Ashleigh said...

New reader here and I'm sad that I didn't find you sooner. But I love these bows!!!! I made some of my own this afternnon and linked to you on my blog <3

Alyssa said...

i just did a tutorial on these on my youtube channel, and i linked your blog. AMAZING job :)

Anonymous said...

love it thanks, it's very easy, quickly, and save money too!!

thanks ..

Kirsten said...

I love this! I linked to your tutorial from my gift-ideas blog: Thanks for the great idea!

Term paper said...

I work in the land of magazines - so i know i have another thing to do with the pages - thanks for sharing!

Magazine Subscriptions said...

I also sometimes use used magazines especially the glossy ones to wrap give away items whenever we have a family occasions. Aside from costing us nothing its a great way to recycle those old but still useful magazines.

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You've got lots of good ideas and you perform them well into lovely products. Thank you for sharing. :)

Simply Sara said...

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing these!
I am so addicted to making them now!

med nål och tråd said...

wow, they're absolutely amazing!

NerdMom said...

These are so cute!!! Would it be ok with you if I use this in our MOPS newsletter? Of course with due credit and website reference (it is in print and not online). Please let me know!

Kate said...

I love making things from old magazines, maps, etc... I will be making some of these! Thanks!

Edinburgh said...

All are imagine. i like that

Kayla said...

I know, I'm a little later than.......well, everyone, but I wanted to let you know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea!!! It's SO eco-friendly and your tutorial was SO easy to figure out!! I'm a new follower but already I love your stuff!!

Monique Kleinhans said...

LOVE IT! Thanks so much for sharing will be really fun to do with my Godchild and my Nieces!

wedding bubbles said...

I really like it. very nice

Kayla said...

I just wanted to let you know that I posted a link to your blog and this page on my blog. I made one myself but I want anyone who wants to see the tutorial to visit your blog. Hope you don't mind! Love your blog!


Kayla said...

Forgot the link to my

Lisa said...

Holy crap. You are a genius. I am in love. I always want to go eco repurposed with my wrapping and have mourned styly bows as a casualty of my idealism. No longer!!!

Chiara Handmade said...

linked in my blog:
And posted a photo of mine!
Beautiful idea, beautiful tutorial!

melissa said...

what a really fun idea I can't wait to try it

Niki said...

This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

Monkey Mind Design said...

Great photos... didn't realize it's that simple... bows have always been a mystery to me!! Thanks for the great tutorial.

Anonymous said...

SUPER FUN - I've paired it with a magazine envelope idea I found, and featured both together in today's roundup for Mother's Day DIY gift ideas, found here:

Mother Lode

rose mohd said...

selama nie memang dok cuba buat tp tak berjaya tapi sekarang dah dapat cara yang betul...terima kasih daun keladi.

Sudha said...

wow amazing

Unknown said...

i freaking LOVE this!

Anonymous said...

this was so easy. i used extra wrapping paper and it looks great.

pet dog collars said...

I learned that from my grandma years ago, it is amazing how with a simple magazine we can make wraps. Love your site.

A Little Bit of Everything! said...

Thanks for the tutorial. My first post on my blog showed my attempt at the bow. You can check it out here.

Kris said...

The bow you have made is great! I haven't put bows on package in years because when we buy the bags full they always get crushed before we get home. I gave up! Now I will make my own! Not to mention they will match my packages!!! Love it!!

Kris said...

The bow you have made is great! I haven't put bows on package in years because when we buy the bags full they always get crushed before we get home. I gave up! Now I will make my own! Not to mention they will match my packages!!! Love it!!

Home-Mom said...

oh wow thanks i love this! got tons of magazines I was needing to throw out but this will do ;)

The NEW Mommiez Blend said...

My daughter and I just a few of these bows. Awesomeness! Our first one was clearly a test run lol. Definitely doing this again. :) Thanks for getting our creative juices a flowin.


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Patricia Catsburg said...

I love this tuturial I had a gift for my niece wrapped it in but something was missing so I made this bow and it gave that last special touche. I posted the picture on my blog with you're link too

I've you want to see it

have a nice weekend


Taylor-Ann said...

So creative. I featured this bow on my blog today. Hop on over.

Anonymous said...

I love this project idea! It's super fun but took me awhile to make. Also, I just wanted to let you know that I shared a link to your blog post on my Facebook fan page which is linked to my craft blog! You can find me on Facebook at Creative Crafts for Creative Kids and on Wordpress at Happy crafting!

One Second Needle said...

These gifts bows made from magazines are great! Thanks for the information.

Anonymous said...

So totally clever and cool. I recycle my magazines but this is super cool! Thx, you have a gift.

Stacy's Saving said...

This is fantastic. As a mother of 4, I'm always looking for ways to save, and I was needing bows. Now I don't have to do without. Thank you!!

Brenda Kruse, AD-RITR said...

I'm very anti-crafty for anything non-digital but felt compelled to attempt this & was thrilled to see the results! Feeling very proud of myself & will make these for decor & gift topping...thanks so much!

Amanda McMillen said...

I Love this! I have found other patterns for this type of bow, but I like yours the best! I found your blog while surfing the web, and I am subscribing today!!!

Jessica Jones said...

Great! Welcome, Amanda. And everyone. :)

Robj98168 said...

I made some of these out of Last year's calendars! They are amazing! Thanks for posting this

katie said...

this is great! I featured this tutorial on my blog here:

xo, Katie

Jim~ collage photo frame said...

That's a brilliant idea, great work. It shows that you don't have to spend much money to have beautiful project like this one, all you nee is labor of love :) and thanks to you for sharing you creative work.

Laura said...

I just wanted to let you know that you're on the map!

Cindy@ silk bouquets said...

Lovely idea, inexpensive but looks great. This I can make for the coming holidays. Thanks for the tutorial.:)

Ciara said...

I been wanting to make these since last christmas and I finally did it today! I posted it about it on blog because I loved them soo much. Thanks a bunch! I am telling everyone about it!

Lil Mama Stuart said...

im from skokie!! ;)

liss said...

This is so rad! I've been experimenting with magazine wrapping for quite some time now and am so happy to see another creative magazine recycler!

Jessica Jones said...

Lil Mama--awesome. We're neighbors!

Anonymous said...

What are these inches in centimeters? I've no idea what 3/4 means.

AttemptingAloha said...


I used your tutorial but shortened the lengths and used hot glue and ribbon to make some awesome bows for headbands and hair clips! My girls are loving them!! I linked back to this post and gave credit. ;)

Thanks for the inspiration!!!!

Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka,

Charlotte Cantillon (Crowley) said...

these are amazing!!
I don't get home until the 23rd so wrapping is going to be a quick affair- i'm definitely doing this!!


WillowRaven said...

This is awesome - thank you for sharing this!

Mrs. Q. said...

I found these after I tackled several of Kristen's felt bows and WOW-- beautiful! Now I'm going to search out some old newspapers-- I'm going to make a bunch for the staff gifts at my husband's newspaper company. Has anyone tried these with regular fabric (i.e. quilt patterns, vintage prints), or would they be too floppy?

Beadcomber said...

Love this idea!! thank you..just in time for christmas

krystal kelley said...

I am a blog-posting virgin...but I felt compelled to post that this might be the coolest thing I've learned online this YEAR!

Shannon said...

Love these! I wipped them up out of wrapping paper and popped them on my Xmas gifts to the little ones!!

Anonymous said...

wow very cool

Emma Northcott said...

Thank you for sharing with us your step by step guide. I have added a link from blog to your page. I hope you dont mind. Here is the link to my blog page.

Lydia from Lididesign said...

Wow! You are a genius! Brilliant!
I'm so happy to find your blog!Love your blog!

Evony said...

Looking at it can be very simple but in reality it is quite hard.

Anonymous said...

I've just tried making one and it's easy and beautiful. I have a monstrous pile of magazines I don't read anymore --tonight I'm making tons of these bows. I'll keep them in a bag with my other gift-giving supplies so I'll always have one on hand. Thank you for this idea, and for this clear tutorial. Have a nice day!

Bee said...

Love it, will definately be making some of these, and teaching my school kids aswell!!!
Bee x

Nicolette Dirks said...

Absolutely brilliant! Our family has recycled our bows for years and many of them are quite shabby! This would be a fun way to make some new ones!

De Estraperlo said...

I love the idea!Thank you!
I've shared this on my facebook:

Merry said...

Fantastic tutorial...thanks so much for sharing. Off to look at the rest of your blog.

Nila said...

Thanks for the tutorial.Made a bow using a cookie box liner, which are silver colored. they look very nice and festive too.
now i dont buy bows anymore.

Pomegranate said...

Thanks for the great advice. The tutorial was very easy to follow. Thanks for the info.

Roxie said...

What a stellar project! You have found a way to cheaply and easily recycle something that everyone is trying to get rid of into something everyone needs. Rarely do I find a crafting project that achieves this. Most craft projects create something that I really don't use. I am in awe of your magnificence.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. It would be great if you got the kids to decorate some paper and then cut it up and make into the bows.

Melanie said...

Oh wow, I just came across this and I'm so glad I did! Will be making some of those! Thanks for the tutorial! :D

Superheroes said...

Thanks for the information. I keep in mind.

*~kAy~* said...

Thank you so much for your tutorial! :3
I tried it out and here is a few of how mine turned out :P

Deb L said...

Yay! Deb from Australia here. Just used your awesome tutorial to add a bow to my father-in-law's gift. I printed an A4 sheet of paper with "Happy Fathers Day!" in two contrasting colours (one per side) that matched the wrapping paper I used. Cut. Loop. Staple. Stick. Bow. Now I don't need a gift card. :) Thank you, thank you!

brooke said...

I know this is an old project, but it's so great. I posted your project as a link in my blog at

It's posted in the Craft tab. Thanks!!!

Jessica said...

These are so AMAZING! I actually came over from Frugal Girls, and I'm so glad I did!

Lili and Garnet said...


Unknown said...

Very useful little things :] I love them!

Laura @ Twenty5seven said...

Hiya Jessica,

I used your tutorial to make a giftbow out of felt and have linked back to your tutorial on my blog post

Laura xx

MuzMuz Creations said...

This is such a clever tip.. cheers

MattB said...

OMG! This is a very amazing idea. I wonder how far I can go in terms with the size of the bows. I have always wondered how they made those too!
I am currently working from home selling import export goods online, makeup, clothes, shoes, purses, digital devices, sporting goods, stuff like that. My profits are looking really great because we are near the Christmas season. I want to put this in my website (linking you) so my customers would know how to make these bows. Kudos !:)

wefindourselveshilarious said...

This project is perfect! You are an upcycling genius. I hope you don't mind that I linked to it on facebook.

Thanks so much!

Amanda said...

I have been looking for a tutorial on these type of gift bows ALL OVER! I plan to make these with real ribbon and use them again and again!

Margo said...

Thank you for posting this. I have made some and they are awesome.

Jackie Bergo e Raquel Bergo said...

Obrigada por compartilhar,adorei vou usar as listas de telefone antigas para fazer. Depois eu mostro. Jackie Bergo

missy said...

love this idea! i've been making these since your originally posted this two years ago. i just posted a link on eme HANDMADE's FB page to share the green gift-giving love ...

Ateliê Bela Arte said...


Anonymous said...

Great Idea! I was just wondering what I could do with my old magazines :D

Jill said...

what a fabulous tutorial! i've been making some jumbo ones + mini ones too:

thanks for sharing!

The Honeymoon Life said...

Loved this so much I just re-posted on my blog The Real Housewife of Zurich!

K Bright said...

Perfect! Just the thing I needed at 4:14AM! Saved the day with this cool trick. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

love it i made ine with plane orange paper im from essex.

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Using this from now on:D

Anonymous said...

planning to share this with our school's green club. What a great activity for them to do near the holidays. May even be a good fundraiser. The possibilities are endless!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this! perfect way to recycle and save some money!:)...thanks for sharing!

Solar Panels Bristol said...

I am definitely going to be using this ALOT!!

Anonymous said...


Kate said...

cute AND green! :) recycled gift wrap is the best kind!

Megan said...

Seriously easy! Now I don't have to leave the house to get a bow for my hubby's anniversary gift. Thansk!

My_creativity_and_i said...

Thanks a lot for sharing it! it's a great and handy idea for presents!
i won't buy any more bows for present wrappings!

Elena Toledo said...

Awesome tutorial for a bow, great for gift wraps...I have a tutorial blog please join ans see what I have...

Elena T.

Elena Toledo said...

I love your site, Cool project for making bows..I have my own tutorials for other accessories please Join my site..Thank you very much for sharing with us..

Elena T.

Emily said...

I love this craft! I will never buy another bow and I have shared this link with several people. Thank you so much!
After a bit of experimenting with glue dots, staples, doublesided tape, I found something that worked the best for me. After making the loops, I punch a hole in the center of each and push a brad through, then tape circle to brad. Holds really tight and makes my bows more secure and neater.

Jessica Jones said...


Mike said...

This is awesome thank you. I was going to buy a bow for a gift for one of my friends. Now I can save money and make one that is way more beautiful and creative.

Rachel said...

Love this! I'll be linking back to you this month because I'm doing a bunch of holiday gift wrap posts.

Isabella (Crafter) said...

so, smart! I linked to you in my blog, hope thats ok.

love, Isabella

Cat said...

Sorry to be such a dolt, but can you give measurements in inches for each strip? I love these bows and found them via Pinterest, through another thread made from felt. Such a beautiful PRESENTation!

Jessica Jones said...

No problem, Cat. I've added the measurements to the post.

Anonymous said...

Chip bags, candy bags and candy wrappers work well, too!

Author: Carissa Burk said...

Your bow looks great. We'll be linking to you as part of a post on how to wrap gifts with children tomorrow on

Anonymous said...


Jess said...

Thanks so much! What a great idea. Just made my first one for Christmas.

Ruby Sunshine said...

I just wanted you too know I am one more of many that love this easy to use post from you! Thanks for the cool idea I have posted on my blog ones I made and linked your blog for them to get the info! Thanks!

Jessica Jones said...


WRUS said...

This is really beautiful, love it! Thank you

Anonymous said...

When I originally commented I clicked the "Notify me when new comments are added" checkbox and now each time a comment is
added I get four e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove me
from that service? Cheers!

Jessica Jones said...

I'm not sure where I can unsubscribe you myself, but is there anything at the bottom of the emails you're getting that state how to unsubscribe?

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