July 20, 2009

Fabric on Demand

Has anyone tried out Fabric on Demand yet? I'm curious. It's a digital textile printing company catering to "do-it-yourselfers." Upload your design and choose from 8 different fabrics to print on. They'll email you a proof, and once you approve it, you'll get your order in a week. I was pretty underwhelmed when I tested Spoonflower a year ago, but maybe I'll give this one a try someday.


  1. I was wondering about this site, too. The wider variety of fabrics is a plus. I would love to learn what disappointed you about Spoonflower. I have been meaning to try them out, but have been concerned the colors wouldn't be saturated enough.

  2. Yup, that's what disappointed me about Spoonflower. The colors were very gray and desaturated. I used the exact same orange in a couple different designs, and on one it printed neon-yellowy, and on another, it was murky rust, so there was also no color consistency. But who knows; maybe they've improved their quality by now.

  3. Thanks for bringing that site to my attention! I just ordered the free swatch package after giving them some demographic information and signing up for their listserv. I'll be interested to see what the printed fabrics look like!

  4. Neat! I'd love to hear what people think. They seem quicker and cheaper than Spoonflower, too.

  5. ohhh very cool! haven't had a chance to try out spoonflower yet, always thought it was a bit too expensive...

  6. Very cool! I have a little photo comparison of a Spoonflower swatch on my blog (http://vacuumqueen.blogspot.com/2009/03/spoonflower-fabric-comparison.html) if anyone wants to look at it. I had the same issues as you with color, although I think they sell a swatch of all their colors and I should've ordered it ahead of time. Spoonflower did write back quickly to me and offered to help me fix a mistake that I made and to reprint it for free. So, that's a plus for them. I still didn't actually care for the fabric quality itself. So I'd like to try FOD next time.

  7. I hope someone who tried Fabric on Demand leaves some feedback here - I would love to hear about it. Spoonflower worked okay for me, but I ordered it on upholstery weight and it was still less amazing than I had hoped. I am happy that something like it exists because hopefully these sites will only get better with time.

  8. My big question is copyrights. I've heard conflicting comments about whether or not Spoonflower can you use your designs to sell on their website and I'm wondering if there is the same ambigious legal policies on Fabric by Design...

  9. Interesting concept. Let us know if you try it out and like this one better. Hmm...
    Car Seat Blanket

  10. i too had the same issues with spoonflower. i had a swatch made up about a year ago and wasn't happy.

    thanks for telling us about this company, it might be worthwhile having a look.

  11. I found Fabric on Demand about a month ago on , and absolutely LOVE what they are doing.
    They have more fabrics than those listed on their website, and when I asked to have a bright pink pattern printed, I immediately got a phone call from Kristy. They offered me a different fabric that would match my color better than the 100% cotton I bought. Customer service was amazing, and my fabric arrived in less than a week. Their whole team ROCKS!

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  13. Wow, thanks for bringing up this site. What a great way to customize a home.

  14. I have only seen the Fabric on Demand fabric - so I can't compare the two - but what I have from them impressed me.

  15. I can't compare the fabric, but I must say that Spoonflower is much easier to play around with and test than Fabric On Demand. Spoonflower feels more like a site for the beginner.

  16. Thanks for this update and all the comments. I was disappointed with the colors at Spoonflower; tried the swatches, which are only available on the quilting weight fabric, so it's hard to tell how they would be on something heavier. will look into this one!

  17. Thanks for the info. I would love to try them out. I am just getting into designing fabric. Can someone tell me what is the best computer program for designing fabric? Thanks!

  18. Ooh! Ooh!

    *raises hand*

    I've ordered from them before! And, I have to say, I'm very impressed.

    I ordered just a fat quarter of cotton for some tiny doll outfits I've been making (you can see it here - http://taeliac.deviantart.com/art/Bao-Yukata-Spring-Dreams-128017857 - if you're interested)

    Now, to my own stupidity, I made the colors on the original design rather light, not super saturated, but I'm very impressed with the color saturation, it's very similar to what I designed digitally (again, the lightness was my stupidity ;P)

    I'm working on a few more designs that are a bit more bold, but it seems like they're really very accurate.

    And, the people there are very nice! I had so many random questions before even ordering, and they were very prompt and nice. Overall, I can definitely recommend at least trying it for a fat-quarter yourself if you're not sure on it!

  19. I ordered a swatch from both Spoonflower and Fabric on Demand and was underwhelmed all around. I planned to write a post about it and might still, but I'm not eager to share negative experience.

    Basically, Fabric on Demand did a somewhat better job with the finished product, but Spoonflower is a much better online experience. It's kind of a toss-up for me.

  20. I just got a sample from Fabric on Demand, and the quilting type fabric is sooooo stiff! Nothing like what you buy in a store. I'm so bummed because I had so many plans...haha

  21. can't wait to try this out. i also just registered to get their samples. thanks for sharing all the info!

  22. See this site for a review of fabric on demand.


  23. I found Fabric on Demand in doing a google search. After looking at and liking what I saw about their process, I proceeded to setup and order from them. I got the proof and asked to resize the design, which they did great at helping me. I received samples from them in the mail and after looking them over found out that the fabric I ordered was not a white color but off white/ cream color. I emailed and explained that I didnt want off color but bright white, them came back and said that my order had already been printed and it could not be changed! They would not work to make the problem be corrected and said I was stuck with it and nothing they could do to help me! Their customer service sucks! Guess I will get my fabric done somewhere else where I am treated better. $30.00 down the drain!!

  24. Awful customer service. After two weeks of not receiving a design proof, (and no answers to my emails) I called and found out they sent the proof to the wrong email, and the proof was of a completely different print i had never seen before in my life. I am still wrestling them, trying to convince then this is not my design, and to change it. We'll see what I end up with down the road, but I already know i won't be buying from here again.

  25. I just ordered from FOD, and I was a little unsure as to what exactly I wanted, so I emailed and asked. Rysa emailed me that same day, and we had about 12-15 emails back and forth confirming my design. She was professional, knowledgeable, and most importantly, she wanted to get it right.

    After we hashed out exactly what I wanted, she offered to invoice me, so that I wouldn't have to go through re-designing the swatch on the website. Outstanding customer service, I'll be going back there again.

  26. i have been doing business with fabric on demand for several years now and can tell you that there have been some downs as far as color, but they have always been professional and helpful. I recently tried one of the "new" fabrics and just love it! the poly-poplin is a nice weight and the color saturation is striking. they are also trying harder to get the fabric to me faster, especially during these last weeks during the holiday rush! keep it up f.o.d. very pleased:)

  27. I ordered a print from Fabric on Demand, and the print was delayed due to a production mishap. I explained to the team that the print was for my fiancee for her birthday, and they offered to not only to get the order done that day, but to overnight the package so that it would be on time. They also offered to refund me my purchase price in full. Mistakes happen, but it's the way that they're handled that makes all the difference. Fabric on Demand has got a customer for life in me. Truly remarkable customer service.

  28. My experence with Fabric on Demand is less then acceptable. I ordered the the Fabric a month ago and I still don't have it. If you need it in less then a month shop elsewhere. Sue

  29. I met a woman the other day who used them to print tea towels with her designs.
    I was quite impressed with their work and the colors were amazing. I hope to use this company in the future to print some of my own art. It was good to read all the positive and negative comments. So now I have an idea what I might expect, but I will still give the a try.
