July 17, 2009

Quiz: What's your interior style?

The International School of Color and Design offers this quiz to help you find your interior decorating style. Good luck... mine was way off, but hey, it was fun.


  1. Nostalgic Nest - mine was pretty spot on. That was a nice break during work. ;)

  2. Mine was really accurate, as well: Modular Living.
    Thanks for the link. :)

  3. Mine said I don't 'have' any style!

    Okay, just kidding... I ended up with "Sophisticated Retro". Yeah, right. I think 'no style' is more accurate. ;-)

    I'd like to see what a "Nostalgic Nest" looks like, though.


  4. How fun. sophisticated retro. I like it. My magazine cover even had a beautiful orange KitchenAid mixer on the counter.

  5. Grandma G: Hey, we are the same "style." We keep finding more things in common...

  6. Hey, I took the quiz again and changed a couple things to my second choices. I 'did' end up with Nostalgic Nest! Now that's more like it!

    I feel better now. ;-)

  7. Eastern Boho...I get the boho, but not sure about the eastern.

  8. Eastern boho? Abstract, true to my own style, authentic. I guess that's true. Why not western boho? :D

  9. You KNOW that mixer was for Mark, Cindy! ;-)

  10. Modular Living was totally off for me.

  11. nostalgic nest- that's me. They were right.

  12. Never mind. I googled it.

    "Boho is short for bohemian. Boho are similar to hippie looks: long flowing or tiered skirts, ethnic touches like tunics or wood jewelry, embellishment with beading or spangles, fringed handbags, jewelled or embellished flat sandals. The look is often layered and colorful."

  13. I think they need to refine the quiz. My results were way off.

  14. Sleek New Earth -- right on. Second time was Eastern Boho. Also pretty right on. Might be the Aquarian in me ;o) Thanks, Jessica.

  15. ha, got me totally wrong! Minimalist? More like maximalist!

  16. Mine was something with modern living. Which I could never ever live with. Weird thing, I took the test a second time but it would only get to some mexican theme thing. I think this thing is just guessing, anything else doesn't explain these choices!

  17. This is a misleading quiz. I took it the first time visually - and my result was waaaay off. The second time, I was paid more attention to the "mouse-over" descriptions - which, I do not think match the visual representations - and the result was "spot-on.

  18. WOWWWWEEEE New York Loft – perfect! Just me! What a fun quiz.;)

  19. "high street classic" - thats me :)

  20. Modular Living is what i got. It's true but not what my house looks like now :/

  21. oh how cool... ill likely be sharing the quiz on my blog! nostalgic nest-i think that's close! thanks for this!

  22. What fun! Thanks Jessica ;-) Agh my friend is doing a correspondence course from this school – International School of Color & Design. iscd.edu.au She just loves learning about color. I got Sophiscated retro… that's me love it!

  23. Mine was right on the button: Nostalgic Nest.

  24. Who knew? I'm Eastern Boho. Sure gives me a lot to shoot for. Thanks for the link.

  25. I’m Eastern Boho too! What a cool school and and it has a great blog too. Must be a fab place to learn!

  26. Hamptons White Wash

    That pegged me to the T. Fun Fun

    ☼Hope you're having a sunshine ☼ filled Sunday!☼

  27. Apparently I've got that 'New York Loft' style. Strangely enough, I HAVE been touring lofts recently. Maybe this is the excuse I need to make the move...

  28. Modular Living. Seemed to work for me. At least it said what I think would like :)

  29. I got Eastern Boho, as well! It's actually pretty accurate.

  30. That is a very inventive quiz. I usually have my clients look through magazines and pick items that appeal to them to figure out their style. But, that quiz would be much easier. Thanks for the resource.

  31. Mine was exactly right - sophisticated retro. And (like some else mentioned) the magazine cover has the orange KitchenAid mixer on the cover and I actually own that mixer in real life. :) Fun quiz!

  32. I wish this still worked - any ideas?
