July 21, 2009

Decent-looking free fonts

For free fonts that don't make you cringe, check out Font Squirrel. Their goal is to be the best resource for high-quality, commercial-use, free fonts. I'm imagining some guy over there sitting in front of his computer sifting through submissions to find the ones that make the cut. "Barf." "Eeew." "Nasty." "Respectable!" "Barf." If you've seen something lovely somewhere, submit it for the good of humanity.


  1. You now what, I LOVE YOU. I wish my english was much better so I can tell you how much I enjoy your blog, but right now Im pretty sure that I misspelled a word or two.

  2. No worries, the idea got through loud and clear. Thanks so much! :)

  3. Try http://www.dafont.com/?
    Btw: I enjoy your blog also very much and my english probably sucks... but I speak fluently Flemish ;-). I'm from Belgium. So thank you for sharing your work and thoughts!

  4. thanks for sharing! there are some cute fonts over there :)

  5. Oooh, some of these fonts make my toes curl - thanks for posting the link.

  6. awesome!!! thanks so much for sharing! what a great resource.

  7. Thank you for this. English is my first language, but my English still ain't that good.

  8. Thanks for the font link! I get excited EVERY time a see a new post from you in my Google Reader! Thanks again.

  9. pattylg67@gmail.comJuly 21, 2009 at 5:19 PM

    My sister just mentioned a new font on her blog, Chappysmom.com, yesterday. It was created by a Toyota - take a look


  10. Oh Thank you! Your blog is so wonderful and feeds me regularly:)
    Peace and Hugs!

  11. These look great. Thanks for the head up.

    stories of LIFE:

  12. Always enjoy a great font! TFS this source that I didn't know!

  13. Those look like fonts even I could go for. ;-)


  14. Excellent! Thanks for the new resource. :)

  15. I'm always looking for new fonts for the graphics I design for the website, and this looks like a great resource. I have been using abstractfonts.com which has a huge selection of pretty funky fonts. Thanks for the tip!

    -Leah, ugallery.com

  16. Neat! The Aierbazzi font is amazing, I'm so in love :)

  17. Ooh...marketing script. Me likey.

  18. Thanks for this font link. I downloaded the first one you had listed only to realize that it is an Open Type font :(
    Do you know of any converter out there to change Open Type fonts to True Type fonts?

    I'm a true font nerd, so I should know if there is a downloadable utility to accomplish this, but sadly, I don't.

  19. Hmm, why would you want to do that?

  20. I like the Marketing Script too. Where I live, a similar script was used in the logo of a brand of refrigerators. Now the brand is gone but the logo remained in the collective memory, it's funny how that happens.

    Thank you for the fonts, Jess!
    I keep coming back to your blog for all these goodies :)

  21. Thank you so much for sharing your font finds! I do graphic design as a hobby and am always looking for new fonts.

  22. ooooh la la... new fonts!! already found some goodies... sweet link, thanks.

  23. Watching how they made the Toyota font was pretty creative and fun.

  24. They DID post Scriptina, so I'm slightly skeptical... however, I'm loving the above!

  25. My favorite is 1001fonts.com great site for free fonts:)
    Its funny I got to a point where I was downloading so many I started to recognize them on the street and telling my friends what they were called... They called me a nerd but then I realized that there was actually an Iphone ap for that --apparently I'm not the only one who points out fonts.

  26. I always appreciate your posts on dinky apps (I'm thinking of the photo oldifier) and cool fonts. Truly, your effort is not in vain.

  27. Hey thanks for the link and the idea! I'm off to download some new fonts now. Very pretty stuff.

  28. It's like you were sent from heaven to relieve my free font frustrations.

    Thank. You. Jessica.

  29. My favorite place for free fonts is kevinandamanda.com. Super, super cute
